Last night the Alumni Association Board met. I had 45 minutes on the agenda to review the work of the Futures Committee and to get Alumni Feedback on the strategic planning questions. About 22 board members participated in the exercise.
- When you think of what makes you most exciting about volunteering as an alum, what are those core values?
- To give back to the college/staying connected
- Sense of community of alumni
- Loyalty, Pride
- Bring people together to support the college
- Appreciation for the education received/respect for the college
- Concern about the future of FSC
- Self-improvement, life long learning
- Commitment to public higher education
- What points would you like to see included in the new mission that would capture what our college is all about?
- Career opportunities/meaningful work in chosen field of endeavor
- Produce and sustain active alumni
- Affordable education-career focused
- Preparing learners to be economically self-sufficient and committed to civic responsibility
- Use training school to improve education techniques
- Safe environment/open environment with genuine dialogue and relationships throughout the college
- Provide outstanding cultural opportunities
- FSC more engaged and an integral part of the Fitchburg community
- As the college goes….so goes the city
- What do you think the college should aspire to become over the next several years that will invigorate, inspire and challenge students, faculty, staff and alumni.
- A center of excellence
- Commuters more connected with a the college
- All students have a sense of ownership in the college now and in the future
- A center for progressive learning
- Increase quality of leadership education
- Self determined graduates
- Importance of giving back to society
- Create relationships with local high schools/serve as bridge from high school to college
- More dual enrollment programs in high schools to introduce students to college
- All students feel connected and want to give back to FSC
- Offer more web based opportunities
- What would you like to see included in the new strategic plan about the development and direction of the college?
- Take out the remaining blight around the campus
- Focus on graduate education during times of economic downturn to support college finances
- Reach out to alumni to give back of their time as volunteers, treasure, and advocacy.
- Alumni are welcomed and encouraged to be an active part of college life
- Alumni are utilized as assets in the area of career services and mentoring
- Support alumni efforts to increase alumni giving and participation
- Masters program for nurses expanded and enhanced
- Maintain FSC image as a “happening place.”
- FSC is the best State College in terms of percentage of entering freshman who graduate
- Day care for children of students and faculty