Alton Project Development Group


Thursday 28th September, 6.00pm – 7.30pm

Alton Sports Centre, Alton

1. Present

Chairman – Claire Hughes EHDC, Cllr Julie Butler EHDC, Leah Coney Alton Town Council, Ray Daniel Hampshire Parent Carer Network, David Love Everyone Active, Nikki Radcliffe Alton Cardiac Rehab Centre, Kirsty Cope EHDC, Sean Herdman-Grant EHDC, Simon Jones, Hants Cricket, Becci May Alton District Residents Association.


Chris Peach – England Squash, Debbie Spinlow Netball England, Sacha Nicholas Hants FA, Tim Houghton Community First, Penny Woods Energise Me, Alex Roe Badminton England, Kieran Spencer Hants Rugby, Cllr Guy Shepherd EHDC, Neil Moulster British Gymnastics, Alan Green & Richard Lamburn, Swim England.

2. Purpose of Meeting

Claire Hughes outlined the purpose of the meeting which was;

  • Sharing information
  • Finding ways to develop programmes and schemes
  • During the construction phase of the new development any problems that arise can be brought to this group.

3. Proposed Terms of Reference

The group discussed the Terms of Reference for the Project Development Board which had been circulated previous to the meeting.


  • KC to list Alton Cardiac Rehab on membership list
  • KC to invite a representative from Fourmarks and Medstead Parish Council’sto future meetings.
  • KC to invite a representative from the schools cluster in Alton to future meetings.
  • KC to update the Terms of Reference will all other amendments and send out with the minutes.

CH outlined the proposal to the board that Tim Houghton, Chief Executive of Community First has been approached to be the future Chair of this group. Cllr Julie Butler informed the group that East Hampshire District Council wanted an independent Chairmanship.

There were no objections to Tim Houghton being appointed future Chair of the Alton Project development Board.

CH asked if everyone was happy to accept the Terms of Reference for the Project Development Board and there were no objections.

4. Project Update

Sean Herdman-Grant updated the group on progress so far and confirmed that revised planning will be submitted on Friday 29th September 2017. All plans will be available through the East Hampshire Planning Portal online.

Archaeological works will start on the end of October 2017 and the 3G pitches will be decommissioned by Oct 2017. All users have been given alternative access to other SLM pitches and sites.

The current Alton Sports Centre will remain open until the new centre has opened and then the old building will be demolished.

Stephen Wiltshire will be the case officer.

A question was raised about whether there would be a poolside spa/sauna/steam room. David Love confirmed there would not due to all the spa facilities being located in one area. There will be a separate entrance to the Spa and an entrance through the main building.

A question was asked about the climbing provision within the new centre. David Love confirmed that an area in the new centre has been set aside for climbing but it will not be the same size and is likely to be Clip and Climb although nothing has been confirmed yet.

5. Sport Development Update

David Love confirmed that Marie Baxter has been employed by Everyone Active as the new Sports Development and Physical Activity Manager and will work between the Hart and East Hampshire contracts.

Marie has only been in post three weeks but is setting up meetings with all of the existing clubs and users to support the clubs with any issues and concerns and to look at funding for initiatives to run in the centre.

Action: Marie to document all meetings with clubs and record any issues/concerns/actions to be brought to future meetings to be discussed. Kirsty confirmed that part of the Sports Development role is to support clubs also and will be working with Marie to support her work.

Kirsty briefly outlined the Sports Development role and explained how her work links in with the National Governing Bodies of Sport and ‘Energise Me’ the County Sports Partnership. Kirsty is also able to support existing clubs as well as look at funding to run new initiatives into the centres. Kirsty can also help grow and develop existing clubs with coach education, training needs and attracting new members.

Kirsty also outlined that EHDC Planning Policy Team alongside Sports Development have commissioned a consultant ‘Continuum’ to update the districts Leisure Built Facility, Open Space and Playing Pitch Strategy.

This piece of work is currently being undertaken and clubs, Parish/Town Councils and other leisure organisations have been consulted as part of this process.

The strategies should be complete by the end of this year.

A question was asked about how we link in with the CCG’s (Clinical Commissioning Groups) as they have access to lots of funding. Claire Hughes explained that we cross over two CCG’s, South East Hampshire and North Hampshire.

Janie Millerchip the Senior Health & Wellbeing Officer links into the Community Engagement boards and ensures that links between the district council and community are in place.

6. SLM Sporting Legacy Day

David Love confirmed that Everyone Active will have a ‘Sports Legacy Day’ on 30th November 2017 which will be an open day for young people and schools to come into the centre an have a go at various activities. There will be a high profile Sporting Celebrity (tbc) attending.

7. AOB

Ray Daniel – When the centre is operational communication on the Everyone Active website is clear, concise and easy to understand.

The whole group unanimously agreed that communication is key throughout the build process before, during and after. An example of good practise is the new build Fleming Park Leisure Centre in Eastleigh as they issue a monthly newsletter.

Sean Herdman-Grant confirmed there is a Communication Plan that runs alongside the new centre. David Love confirmed there will be a live feed online as the build happens.

Joe Walters raised concerns about clubs being able to still operate with the new facility mix in the new Sports Centre. Claire Hughes confirmed that Marie Baxter and Kirsty Cope will as part of their roles work with the clubs to ensure they are supported throughout the new build process.

8. Date and location of next meeting – Thurs 7thDec, 6pm Alton Sports Centre.