P.O. Box 2218
Rowville 3178
03 9752 9202
1300 733 741
25thNovember 2013
Dear Member,
Although this newsletter arrives at a busy time for you, please take a moment to read the very important information enclosed.
Tuesday 21stJanuary / cONVENTION / 31stDecember / Dance World, 295 Bank Street, South Melbourne
Monday 20th & Tuesday 21stJanuary / STUDENT SUMMER WORKSHOP / 3rd January / The Dance Factory, Richmond
Sunday 6th to Thursday 10th April / TEACHING CERTIFICATE COURSE / 28th February / Ringwood Ballet Group
Sunday 27thApril / COMBINED SCHOOLS CONCERT / 21st March / Whitehorse Centre, Nunawading
Sunday 18thMay / CLASSICAL& DANCE FUSION MASTERCLASSES / 4thApril / Dance World Studios
Sunday 25th May / JAZZ MASTERCLASSES / 4thApril / Dance World Studios
Sunday 1stJune / TAP MASTERCLASSES / 4thApril / Dance World Studios
Sunday 29th June to Friday 4th July / COMPETITIONS / 31st March / Whitehorse Centre, Nunawading
During Comps / Scholarship Technical Classes / 31st March / Whitehorse Centre, Nunawading
Sunday 19thOctober / CHOREOGRAPHIC COMPETITION / 31stAugust / South Oakleigh Secondary College
Please note the onus is on individual members to ensure that entries for all events are received at Head Office by the cut-off date advised. All forms are located in the SFD Manual. Updated pages for the Manual will be distributed via email at the start of Term 1.
Membership renewals are enclosed with this newsletter. Just a reminder that you must be a financial member to participate in the Convention.
This day was again another great success. We had fantastic performances by participating students and the standard of work shown was creative and really interesting. Thank you to all helpers and to the teachers for encouraging your students to perform. We would also like to acknowledge the wonderful support of teachers and parents on the day who kindlygave up their time to help run this event.
ANNUAL CONVENTION 2014 (Change of Venue):
Please be advised the annual Convention is being held at Dance World Studios in South Melbournefrom Thursday 16th – Tuesday 21st January 2014. Further details and a registration form have been included with this newsletter. For 2014 an express day will only be offered for Classical Levels 1-5, as there are new updates for Jazz and Tap Levels 1-6. (The express session is designed for members who teach Levels 1-5 consistently every year and only need a fast revision as a refresher).Just a reminder that attendance for all levels is only compulsory every second year.
Did you know about our exciting2 day SFD Summer Workshop?To be held on Monday 20th& Tuesday 21stJanuary 2014 at The Dance Factory, Richmond? This would make a great dance related Christmas present or a fun activity to break up your student’s school holidays.Classes include Lyrical Jazz, Vocal, Musical Theatre, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Commercial Jazz, Mime and Cheerleading. Cost is $160.00.
Book now to avoid any disappointment!
With an increasing number of members choosing not to attend the annual Convention and opting for private inservices with Examiners, the pricing for this service has been reviewed. The new agreed rate is $120 per hour with a minimum call out of 2 hours. As per the convention, all teachers and assistants attending a private inservice are required to be members of SFD.An exemption to the new pricing structure for private inservices will be offered for country or interstate members coming down to Melbourne for the Convention. Please note these changes when considering your attendance at the Convention in January.
A very important part of the future of Southern Federation of Dance is the commitment and enthusiasm by members to join the Committee of Management. Are you able to contribute one day a month to attend a meeting and assist at the various events throughout the year because we would love to see some new faces! The following points provide you with an idea of what to expect:
- The minimum term on the Committee is for a period of 12 months.
- You are required to attend regular meetings (approx. 4-6 weeks apart) at pre-arranged destinations during business hours.
- You are expected to volunteer your services to assist with the running of major SFD events like the Competitions (General and Choreographic), Combined School’s Concert, Teaching Certificate Exam days, Inservices, Masterclasses, fundraising days etc, when available.
Please consider the valuable input you could make to supporting Southern Federation of Dance through your opinion and ideas. This is the perfect way to make your voice heard!!! Please contact Head Office for a nomination form if you would like to take up this opportunity.
Throughout 2013, the SFD Jazz Levels 1 to 6 and Tap Levels 1 to 6 have been updated. This update of the music with adjustments to some steps will help give our great syllabus an even fresher feel.
These revised levels will be optional for examinations in 2014 and compulsory in 2015. New syllabus, musicand DVD packages will be available to purchase during the 2014 convention.
The SFD Teaching Certificate Course has been established for over 19 years. The course is highly comprehensive and has proven to be most successful in training competent and responsible dance teachers with the latest dance training methods. The course is run by Southern Federation of Dance Examiners with presentations given by guest lecturers over a 5-day period – this year it is scheduled for Sunday 6th April to Thursday 10th April 2014.
Candidates wishing to undertake the Teaching Certificate Course:
(1) must be at least 17 years of age at the time of the course
(2) have successfully passed and gained a minimum mark of Commended for either Level 8 Jazz
or Level 8 Tap or Pre-Elementary Classical (or a higher level), prior to entering the course.
(3) candidates may only complete the course in the style that they hold the pre requisite level in
i.e. Jazz level 8 must study the Jazz teaching style
Please encourage your eligible students to apply for this wonderful opportunity – Registration forms are contained within your SFD Manual and must be returned to Head Office by 28th February.
Southern Federation of Dance wishes to congratulate the following people for gaining their Teaching Certificate during 2013.
Michelle Vinen / JazzDaniela Mercuri / Jazz
Zara Milner / Jazz
Lauren Kerr / Jazz
Jessica Daniel / Jazz
Jacqui Caley / Jazz
Shannon Evens / Jazz
Erin Fischer / Tap
Amelia Thompson / Tap
Naomi Board / Classical
Sarah Abraham / Classical
Celia Hepburn / Classical
Congratulations to the following students (and their teachers!)
Students who successfully completed Level 10 in 2013:
Jeannie Young / Jazz / Hillside Academy of DanceAlana McDonald / Jazz / Beau-Rock Ballet School
Courtney Stelfox / Jazz / Ringwood Ballet Group
Brittany Wentworth / Jazz / Ringwood Ballet Group
Penny Gibson / Jazz / Ringwood Ballet Group
Madeline Pratt / Jazz / Ringwood Ballet Group
Danielle Christesen / Jazz / Croydon School of Dance
Jasmine Cubitt / Jazz / Croydon School of Dance
Georgia Manthey / Jazz / Dance Central
Ailish Manthey / Jazz / Dance Central
Lauren Dalamaras / Jazz / Dance Central
Madeline Pratt / Tap / Ringwood Ballet Group
Tahlia Alonaritis / Tap / Ringwood Ballet Group
Tess Molina / Tap / Beau-Rock Ballet School
Lucy McPhate / Tap / Beau-Rock Ballet School
Taylor Tata / Tap / Beau-Rock Ballet School
Students who received Honours with Distinction for their exam in 2013:
Lucy Richardson / Jazz 3 / Dance PlusAlex Holman / Jazz 3 / Dance Plus
Molly Harvey-Yin / Jazz 3 / Dance Plus
Kayla Liwanag / Jazz 3 / Dance Plus
Macey Evans / Jazz 3 / Dance Plus
Ruby Lavis / Jazz 3 / Dance Plus
Amelia McHenry / Jazz 3 / Dance Division
Lucy McKenzie-Stripp / Jazz 4 / Dance Desires
Isabelle Bigaignon / Jazz 4 / Dance Desires
Kazuki Nakumura / Jazz 4 / Dance Desires
Stephanie Alexiades / Jazz 4 / Dance Desires
Sophie Bolton / Jazz 4 / Dance Desires
Nao Nakamura / Jazz 4 / Dance Desires
Angelina Vadolas / Jazz 4 / Dance Desires
Meg Howell / Jazz 4 / Dance Lab
Ruby McKenna / Jazz 4 / Dance Lab
Kristina Ozzimo / Jazz 4 / Siobhan’s Dance Studios
Tahlea Moore / Jazz 4 / Bodies In Motion
Lara Paltridge / Jazz 4 / Melissa Pierides Dance Academy
Alexander Pierides / Jazz 4 / Melissa Pierides Dance Academy
Jordan Waugh / Jazz 4 / Melissa Pierides Dance Academy
Ella Deadman / Jazz 4 / Melissa Pierides Dance Academy
Andrew Pierides / Jazz 4 / Melissa Pierides Dance Academy
Siobhan Henderson / Jazz 5 / Dance Plus
Matilda Butler-Webb / Jazz 5 / Siobhan’s Dance Studios
Elli Hazan / Jazz 5 / Dance Desires
Maddie Aldouby / Jazz 5 / Dance Desires
Darian Preston / Jazz 5 / Dance Lab
Emma Smith / Jazz 5 / Dance Lab
Ruby Brunsdon / Jazz 6 / Bodies In Motion
Rebekah Ives / Jazz 6 / Bodies In Motion
Chloe Eckley / Jazz 6 / Ringwood Ballet Group
Calista Prince / Jazz 6 / Studio V
Jazmine Sey / Jazz 6 / Studio D
Maddison Williams / Jazz 6 / Cahill Dance
Brhianna Prowd / Jazz 7 / Dance Lab
Laura Kirk / Jazz 7 / Dance Lab
Taylor Fraser / Jazz 7 / Dance Lab
Jamie Hearn / Jazz 7 / Dance Lab
Anna Abate / Jazz 7 / Vibe Studios
Kiandra Wilkinson / Jazz 8 / Dance Lab
Lucinda Panitz / Jazz 8 / Dance Central
Georgia Manthey / Jazz 10 / Dance Central
Lauren Dalamaras / Jazz 10 / Dance Central
Paige Paremain / Tap 3 / Shilleena’s Dance Academy
Lucy Duck / Tap 3 / Dance Lab
Tamsyn Thomas / Tap 4 / Isolation Performing Arts
Flynn Stelfox / Tap 4 / Ringwood Ballet Group
Larissa Ekelmans / Tap 4 / Dance Desires
Miranda James / Tap 4 / Shilleena’s Dance Academy
Eliza Mignot / Tap 8 / Ringwood Ballet Group
Matilda Lamb / Tap 8 / Ringwood Ballet Group
Imogen Allchin / Tap 8 / Croydon School of Dance
Darcie McInerney / Classical 3 / Beau-Rock Ballet School
Isabelle Chong-Nguyen / Classical 4 / Victorian Dance Academy
Kristina Ozzimo / Classical 4 / Siobhan’s Dance Studios
Matilda Butler-Webb / Classical 5 / Siobhan’s Dance Studios
Georgina Perkins / Classical 5 / Dance Plus
Angel Caris / Classical 5 / Beau-Rock Ballet School
Emma Carroll / Classical 7 / Beau-Rock Ballet School
Chloe Fildes / Classical 7 / Beau-Rock Ballet School
Olivia Bromell / Elementary / Victorian Dance Academy
Nicky Owen-Tighe / Elementary / Victorian Dance Academy
The above is a list ofthe exam results that have been registered with Head Office at the date of this publication. Any later result notifications will be included in the February newsletter.
Participants of the Teaching Certificate Course from 2012, please note that exams have been set for Sunday 16th March 2014. The cut-off date for registering for this day is Friday 15th February - please advise Head Office if your student(s) plan on attending.
Hope you have a great 4th term. Best of luck as many of you prepare for end of year performances – just remember you are not alone!
Jane Thomas
Office Administrator
Southern Federation of Dance