AlteOldenburgernow speaks modern Natural – thanks to maxenso natclipse

Senden, June, 30th 2014. Natural is the language in which the kernel systems of "AlteOldenburgerKrankenversicherung" were, and still are,developed. There is no shortage of skilled professionals there, sinceyoung talents have consistently been trained in this programming language for many years.To provide developers with a state-of-the-art tool, extensive tests were run andAlteOldenburger opted for the use of maxenso natclipse. natclipsecomes frominnoWake'slong-established maxenso software familyand integrates seamlessly in the Eclipse platform. The tool supports the developersin their daily work in a useful and efficient way. At the heart of the tool is the parsing technology, which innoWake has been developing and refining for more than 14 years. Among others, it enables the representation of dependencies in real-time, without having to maintain libraries.This technology also provides the basis for innoWake's migration solution, which enables the automated and low-risk switch from Natural or COBOL sources to Java, and which has become the core competence of the company. "The key criteria for our decision to go with natclipse were the stability, usability and reliability of the product in comparison with the alternatives", says Tim Geerken, the project manager responsible for the project. "Looking back, theintroduction of maxenso natclipse has proved to be the right decision, thanks to the assistance that innoWake provided during the implementation and to the reliable support."


ALTE OLDENBURGER can look back on a rich and eventful past. In the course of eighty years, it has grown from the socially responsible self-help organization for the rural population in the Oldenburg Münsterland area to a company that operates nationwide as a modern specialty insurer.As a private health insurance company, ALTE OLDENBURGER provides their policy holders with an extensive range of provision and coveragein the event of illness.

About innoWake

innoWake gmbh has been offering innovative, effective and flexible solutions

for the modernization of applications and development environments for more

thanfourteen years. Addressing problems in existing applications, innoWake

resolves them with a unique “soft” modernization approach. innoWake also

offers highly automated methods to migrate Natural, Cobol and other

applications to Java. The software firm effectively combines expertise in Java,

Natural, COBOL and PL/1. innoWake is headquartered in Senden near Ulm,

Germany and currently has approximately 60 employees. The executive

consists of Thorsten Bernecker, Björn Langmack and Mirko Schliemann. The

subsidiary innoWake international inc. is based in San Francisco, CA.

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For more information: You can find the press release also on


innoWake gmbh

Simone Bernecker

Corporate Communications

Robert-Bosch-Str. 1

89250 Senden, Germany

Tel: +49.7307.92190.113

Fax: +49.7307.92190.20
