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(also …Sherman_1.pdf) => doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf

more "Project Preserve Destiny" is on the /Sherman.htm page at doc pdf URL

note: The following was archived from Dan Sherman’s book “Above Black” ISBN 0966097807 at on December 6, 2002. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website/book. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at/obtained from the original author.

Some Special Remarks found in the book

One of his ET contacts kept referring to our race as "water-humans". (..."Until now, we thought it impossible for a water-human to sustain communication on this higher-order plane.") Sherman noted that "water-human" was the closest term that he could come up with as an accurate translation of how this ET contact referred to humans. Other alternatives would be "water-vessel" or "water-entity".


Sherman learned that 'time' (as we humans know it) does not have the same meaning for "them". They still age as we do, but are not bound by the physics of time as we currently are. Their means of travel across vast distances is heavily-dependent on the manipulation of time. But not as we perceive it. [note: this might corroborate Oberth's observations that the craft behaved more as "time machines"]

Sherman asked if they can travel through time (e.g., can they go backward-or-forward in time). He was told that it was not possible to witness a reality that occurred in some other time but the Present. In order to go back in time, one must assume that there exists a reference point from which to measure backward or forward. This is an impossibility. Essentially, they weren't able to travel through time but around time and from time. Sherman never really understood what this meant.

Their mode of propulsion was somehow they used "time" and electromagnetic energy. Also they said that our Sun was very unique. And that someday we would understand how it really worked and how we could utilize the same methods that they themselves use but on a smaller scale.

Noise Cancellation technology:

This subject came up when Sherman tailed a white van that was following him and ended up at a small company that was researching 'noise cancellation'. This was one of the few topics that he never received an answer from them -- not even a "hang-up". He also doesn't know how it pertains to the Project.

If taken to its extreme, Sherman says noise cancellation has numerous military applications. Some forward-thinking physicist may even be able to correlate it with propulsion somehow. And this technology can go beyond the original uses of simply canceling an unwanted sound. Light is also made up of electromagnetic energy and has a frequency. What if a person could control the cancellation of light at will?

[StealthSkater note: I couldn't help but think of the movie "They Live" starring ex-wrestler "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. A network of radio stations were secretly broadcasting frequencies which caused human brains not to register certain realities (i.e., the aliens living among us). Certain sunglasses were found to cancel out this consciousness-altering "noise". Related to Sherman? Or could it be related to HAARP (doc pdf URL ) or Montauk (doc pdf URL )transmissions? Only the CIA and Hollywood know …]

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