South Carolina Association of Agricultural Educators

Executive Committee


Francis Marion Hotel
Charleston, SC
January 9, 2010

Members present: Mark Earle, President; Allen Williams, Past President; Amanda Nichols, President Elect; Barry Hawkins, Sec/Treasurer; Annette Vaughan, Mid State Region Vice-President; Frank Stover, Mid State Region Associate Vice-President; Michael Crim, Lower State Region Vice-President; Chris Corzine

-Mark Earle called the meeting to order.

- Barry Hawkins presented the Treasurer’s report and a detailing of the SCAAE Conference

-  The 2010 SCAAE Conference was discussed. It will be held at the Madren Center and James F. Martin Inn in Clemson on July 27-29, 2010. The banquet will be held on July 28. Conference workshops and meetings will be held at Pendleton High School. Barry Hawkins will investigate the possibility of having the Archery in the Classroom program presented on Monday, July 26. It was discussed not to have a featured speaker and to have the recipient of the John W. Parris award make a short speech. The recipients of the SCAAE awards were announced. The conference will be close to last year with meals.

- Barry Hawkins made a motion and Annette Vaughan seconded to establish an Outstanding
Service award with Joe Wilson being the recipient and an Outstanding Co-Op award with
AgFirst Farm Credit being the recipient.
The motion passed.

- Barry Hawkins made and Frank Stover seconded a motion to donate $100 to the NAAE Relief

- Michael Crim made and Amanda Nichols seconded a motion to donate $500 to the Friends of

- Michael Crim made a motion to donate $50 to the Hospice of the Upstate in memory of Joe
Dobbins. After discussion, he rescinded his motion.

- Monies were collected to donate to the Hospice of the Upstate in memory of Joe Dobbins.
Thirty-six dollars was collected.

- Mark Earle made and Amanda Nichols seconded a motion to send sympathy cards to members
who have a death in their family. The motion passed.

- Allen Williams made and Barry Hawkins seconded a motion to have letterhead printed for the
SCAAE President. The motion passed.

- Adjourned.