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note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived fromon 12/01/2016. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author's site.

what's new in the "TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness"

Dr. Matti Pitkänen

Postal address:

Köydenpunojankatu 2 D 11

10940, Hanko, Finland



(former address:)

"Blog" forum:

Book Abstract: doc pdf URL CompleteBook: URL URL-bkup

ER=EPR and TGD (09/03/2016).

Cloning of maximally negentropic states is possible: DNA replication as cloning of this kind of states? (08/25/2016).

Wigner's friend and Schrödinger's cat (08/18/2016).

Is the sum of p-adic negentropies equal to real entropy?(06/07/2016).

Reincarnation as a basic prediction of TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness (05/09/2016).

Inverse Research on Decisions Shows Instinct Makes Us Behave Like Cyborgs, not Robots: Really? (05/02/2016).

Number Theoretical Feats and TGD-inspired Theory of Consciousness (25.4. 2016).

NMP and adelic physics (04/18/2016).

Psychedelic induced experiences as key to the understanding of the connection between the magnetic body and information molecules? (09/15/2015).

About negentropic quantum entanglement as an analog of an error correcting code (08/18/2015).

Quantum measurement and quantum computation in the TGD Universe (08/13/2015).

Quantum cognition (06/19/2015).

Two kinds of negentropic entanglements (06/19/2015).

How imagination could be realized p-adically? (05/27/2015).

Time-reversed self (05/27/2015).

Updated Negentropy Maximization Principle (05/05/2015).

Does the flow of Time correspond to the increase of the effective Planck constant (02/10/2015).

What 'self' is(07/16/2014)

Latest view about how the flow and arrow of Time are generated(12/30/2013)

Negentropic entanglement, NMP, braiding and TQC(12/30/2013)

NMP and Intelligence(11/29/2013)

More precise formulation of NMP(06/06/2013)

Quantum dynamics for the moduli associated of CDs and the arrow of Geometric-Time(11/05/2012)

The mystery of Time again(05/06/2012)

A proposal for memory code(03/15/2012)

One more reason for the p-adicity of Cognition(02/03/2012)

The anatomy of quantum jump in Zero Energy Ontology(01/26/2012)

time for Time(11/11/2011)

How the Arrow of Geometric-Time is selected in the TGD Universe (04/26/2011)

Generalization of Thermodynamics allowing negentropic entanglement and a model for conscious information processing (01/042011)

The Arrow of Time and self referentiality of Consciousness (12/27/2010)

Does harmonic complexity reduce to 3-adicity? (03/18/2010)

Negentropy Maximization Principle updated(03/04/2010)

about the Arrow of Psychological-Time and notion of Self(06/09/2008)

about the Arrow of Psychological-Time and notion of Self once again!(07/01/2008)

New Experimental support for Binocular Rivalry as a quantum phenomenon(10/29/2007)

New Remote metabolism, long-term memory, and Zero Energy Ontology (09/12/2007)

Applying computer analogy to the model for long-term memories (09/12/2007)

New Developments in TGD and their implications for TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness (06/24/2007)

What really distinguishes between the Future and the Past? (09/09/2006)

Zero Energy Ontology, Cognition, and Intentionality (07/30/2006)

Infinite Primes, Cognition, and Intentionality (07/29/2006)

Book Abstract: doc pdf URL CompleteBook: URL URL-bkup

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