DECEMBER 8, 2015

The Cummings Township Board of Supervisors held a monthly meeting onDecember 8, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the Cummings Township Municipal Building, with John Gasperine,Thomas Thompsonand James Mitcheltree present

Also in attendance: Zoning Officer William Wolfe, Dan Nestlerode and Mike Myers

Public Participation:

Dan Nestlerode – Waterville Fire Company

Dan Nestlerode, Treasurer of the Waterville Fire Company, presented Income and Expense Statements on behalf of the Fire Company for the 2014 fiscal year and through the 2015 fiscal year through December 8, 2015.

Supervisor Thompson asked if the Fire Company has an annual audit performed on its general fund accounts.

Mr. Nestlerode said that only the Waterville Volunteer Fire Company Relief Fund is audited annually by the Attorney General’s Office. He said hiring an Accountant to perform an annual audit of the Fire Company’s general fund accounts would cost the fire company at least $2,000.

Merger of McHenry and Cummings Township Fire Companies.

Dan Nestlerode updated the Supervisors on the proposal to merge the McHenry Township Volunteer Fire Company and the Waterville Volunteer Fire Company stating that representatives of both fire companies would like to have a meeting with both the McHenry Township Supervisors and the Cummings Township Supervisors to discuss the details of the proposed merger of the two fire companies.

A discussion was held regarding the cost savings to both municipalities should the fire companies merge as well as the fact that there will be more people available to respond to emergencies.

Mr. Nestlerode said he would contact the Supervisors with the date of the meeting as soon as it has been scheduled.

Carbon Monoxide/Smoke Detectors

Mr. Nestlerode updated the Supervisors on the distribution of the carbon monoxide/smoke detectors to residents stating there are still some areas such as Little Pine where the detectors have not yet been distributed and suggested that any units remaining be distributed at the annual Community Dinner which has been scheduled for Sunday, March 13th at 5:00 pm at the Waterville Fire Hall.

Snowmobile Path on Dam Run Road

Township Employee Mike Myers said he has been approached about the possibility of the Township leaving a four foot path for snow mobiles on Dam Run Road this winter.

Chairman Gasperine pointed out that it is not legal for snow mobiles to ride on public roads and the Township would be unable to allow snow mobiles to utilize Dam Run Road as it would be a liability issue.

Board’s Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Chairman Gasperineasked for questions or comments on the minutes from theNovember 10, 2015 township meeting, there being none, Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

Treasurer’s Report:

Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the period of November 10th through December 8, 2015, as presented; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

Zoning Officer’s Report:

Zoning Officer Wolfe reported there were no zoning or sewer permits issued for the month.

Zoning Violations

Zoning Officer Wolfe updated the Board on zoning violations discussed during the November meeting, and noted that Veronica Frye, the property owner of 163 Church Street, has been given options by Lycoming County Zoning Administrator Kurt Schmitt with regard to bringing the property into Flood Plain compliance.

Hartung Violations

Zoning Officer Wolfe stated that Brant Hartung removed a considerable amount of items from his property and is working on cleaning up the property to bring it into compliance with the zoning requirements and will no longer be raising chickens on his property which is not permitted in the Rural Center Zoning District and the chicken coops will be removed from the property.

2870 Little Pine Creek Road

Resident Doug Packer, who lives at 2870 Little Pine Creek Road, in a rental property owned by Gene Feerrar, has been notified by Lycoming County Zoning regarding complying with the zoning ordinance in order to continue raising chickens on the property which is in the flood plain, but Mr. Packer has not yet made a decision as to whether he will continue to raise chickens or get rid of them.

In order for Mr. Packer to keep the chickens he must apply for a Special Exception and elevate the chicken coops.

Waterville Hotel

Zoning Officer Wolfe reported that the owner of the Waterville Hotel is waiting for approval from the Department of Labor & Industry and if the plans to renovate the upper floors of the Waterville Hotel meet the County Zoning requirements, a Zoning Permit will then be issued.

Pine Village – Dan Nestlerode Property

As previously reported there are a number of zoning issues to be resolved on the Pine Village property owned by Dan Nestlerode which are being taken care of by the Lycoming County Zoning Officer.

Drainage Issues

In another matter, a discussion was held with regard to a drainage ditch problem behind McConnell’s property and previously there had been problems with a septic system that had been corrected and this summer they brought in fill and Joyce believes this is causing water to run onto her property.

Will talked to SEO Jami Nolan about it and he also believes that there is a pipe that runs under the trail but doesn’t know the location.

Supervisor Mitcheltree said the Board previously asked DCNR about cleaning out the ditch and they said they did not have time.

Will asked how to respond to Joyce’s complaint.

Supervisor Mitcheltree stated that the problem is that it is DCNR’s property and they will not allow the Township to do anything on their property so she may want to pursue the matter with DCNR.

Fire Tower

Zoning Officer Wolfe received notice of a zoning hearing scheduled before County Zoning for a Special Exception and Variance required for the Department of General Services to construct a fire tower in Cummings Township, adding that the proposed tower will be 80 ft. tall and the hearing is scheduled for December 16, 2015 at 6:00 pm.

The Supervisors agreed to attend the hearing and bring up the possibility of getting cell towers within the township.

Roadmaster’s Report

Interim Roadmaster Jim Mitcheltree reported thatthe backhoe has been serviced and the Township purchased a load of Anti Skid from P-Stone as they were unable to purchase cinders this year.

Old Business:

Cummings Township Emergency Operations Plan

Emergency Services Coordinator Bob Sheets was not present for the meeting.

2016 Budget

Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion that the Board of Supervisors approve the 2016 Budget as presented; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

Resolution 12.08.15

Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to adopt Resolution 12.08.2015 setting the real estate tax rate at zero for the 2016 fiscal year; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

2016 Auditors

Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to appoint Charlene Sawyer and David Michaels as Township Auditors; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

2016 Reorganization Meeting

Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to schedule the 2016 Reorganization Meeting for January 4, 2016 at 2:00 pm; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.


SupervisorMitcheltree made a motion to approve the invoices as presented; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

There being no further business, Supervisor Mitcheltreemade a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Darlene S. Macklem,
