Alrewas Surgery Patient Group
Notesof meeting held on 28 November 2016
Ralph Seville, Janette Potter, Sue Hughes, Rachel Iles, Sonia Senior, Paula Dumolo
Jo Spence, Mark Lodge, Helen Newman, John Cassidy, Stan Whitehead, Lorna Lewis
Previous Minutes
These were read and agreed.
Actions from previous meeting
- Website: On average we have just under 6,500 ‘hits’ per month, 482 repeat prescription requests and 311 subscribers to the newsletter. Following PPG and staff feedback, Sonia has made some adjustments to the website layout and removed some of the additional ‘surplus’ information to make it more user friendly. Some elements we are unable to change as the website layout is a standard design for a fixed price and some elements are required by our contract to deliver medical services with the NHS.
Open Day/Evening
The open evening will be held on Monday 16 January between 6:30 – 8:00pm. All 4 doctors will be present, as will some of the nursing and admin staff teams.
We will offer a combination of appointments for simple medical queries - flu and shingles jabs, medication reviews, blood pressure checks and simple disease management reviews (10 mins) - and information. Due to limited space, Together4Health and the Pharmacies have been invited to hold stands, but we will also have a range of information from other organisations including the Carers’ Hub, Alzheimer’s Society and Walking for Health. Suzanne will also be offering guidance on how to use online services.
Janette, Sue, Rachel and Ralph offered to assist on the day.
Publicity: Sonia to create a leaflet and poster which will be available in surgery and in shops in both villages. Fradley pharmacy has agreed to distribute via prescriptions, Sonia to put on website and to send editorial to Mercury and Burton Mail. Paula will send out a message via the Alrewas telegraph.
Surgery Update
Staffing:The nursing team now has 1 health care assistant rather than 2. We are currently discussing what the team requires in the future.
Diabetes Patient Education sessions: Sally, our practice nurse, will be running 3 diabetes group sessions starting in the New Year
Long Term Conditions:we are currently looking at how we undertake annual reviews for patients with long term conditions. We aim to try new methods to make these ‘smarter’ for patients and clinical staff e.g. patients have fewer repeated blood tests. This will not change the quality of care patients receive.
Representation at District Meetings
Ralph agreed to consider attending on our behalf. Sonia to advise John Bridges.
Defibrillator Campaign
Defib safety check: All defibrillators have been checked following the recent safety alert. All are functioning as they should.
Installation update: Sonia has found an alternate electrician for the surgery and he has stated he might be interested in fitting the defib at the Delhi Divan. ACTION:Sonia to contact Abdul
Training:Janette advised she has been unable to make contact with Keith. The group discussed alternatives such as the Red Cross and St John Ambulance.
ACTION: Janette to look into these options in the new year.
Signposting: Sonia has heard from Canals and River Trust. They are happy to put small posters in their noticeboards. They are also intending to install a defibrillator at Fradley Junction.
Any Other Business
The village noticeboard we use outside the pharmacy is in need of refurbishment and a new poster. Sue H advised she has the key.
ACTION: Sonia to provide a new poster for display
Meetings for 2017
Sonia distributed a proposed list of dates for next year’s meetings
Monday 23 January 12:45, Surgery
Thursday 23 March, 5:30, Methodist Church
Monday 22 May, 12:45,Surgery
Thursday 20 July 5:30, Methodist Church
Monday 18 September, 12:45, Surgery
Thursday 23 November, 5:30, Methodist Church
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 23 January 12:45 at the Surgery
PPG meeting notes 28.11.2016