Course Syllabus
AlpharettaHigh School
CBI Program
Course: Community Based Instruction Program
Semester: Fall/Spring 2011-2012
Room Number: 5120
Teacher: Mr. Chris McRaney
Para Professionals: Rich Jelline, Judy Massey and AJ Malone
Teacher contact information:
3595 Webb Bridge Rd.
Alpharetta, GA30005
Phone: 770-521-7640 (School) 678-296-4737 (Cell)
Fax: 770-521-7653
Course Description:The central focus of CBI at AHS is taking the information learned in the classroom and implementing those skills within the community and job sites. The CBI students will be instructed in these settings on a regularly scheduled basis, learning work and community skills and appropriate related behaviors.
Goals for CBI students with mild/moderate/severe/profound disabilities:
- To help facilitate and equip the student for some independence in the community
- To train students for employment in the least restrictive environment
- To provide choices for appropriate leisure skills and adequate training to acquire those skills
- To teach functional/adaptable social behavior and interpersonal relationships
- To provide opportunities for kids with intellectual disabilities to interact with their peers that are disabled and non-disabled
- To communicate with the both the students and the parents the expectations of the students/parents and to familiarize our self with each child/family so we can work as a team to best serve the needs of each child
Course of Study:
- Independent Living Skills
- Functional Math and English
- Personal Management Skills
- Pre-Vocational Skills
- Leisure Skills
FultonCountyCommunity Based Instruction
GAA (Georgia Alternative Standards)
IEP (Individualized Education Program)
Annual Goals:
- To acquire and develop functional skills which will maximize the students potential for independent living.
- To improve personal management skills through demonstration of designated behaviors in the school and community
- To improve leisure skills through demonstration and personal experience in the school and community
- To improve pre-vocational skills by demonstrating appropriate
Remediation Plan:
AlpharettaHigh School
RISE: Re-teaching Instructional Support Experience
RISE is an opportunity for students to relearn concepts from their teachers with individualized instruction. Sessions are held before school in the teacher’s classroom. RISE sessions will begin Oct 1st, 2010.
All teachers are available for extra help, should a student want or need it. However, once a student’s average drops below a 75 in a course, RISE becomes mandatory at least one hour a week for that course until the next grading period. Once a student’s average rises above a 75 at the conclusion of a grading period, RISE is no longer mandatory.
If a student falls behind with there curriculum or needs any extra help we will offer remediation once a week. The current times will be 8:15 on Tuesday and Thursday starting October 1st, 2010. If you have any questions please let me know.
If you are going to be absent please call or email me. All the information you need is listed above.
Special Note: Please feel free to call me if you ever have any questions. We are here to serve your kids needs! Thanks and we look forward to a great year!