Allindividuals seekingtorecertifya MassachusettsAdvanced EMTcertificationin2017needtofollowthe stepsoutlined onthispage.Please read itcarefully.


Go to MASSEMT.ORGandfollow thepromptstoaccessallsteps ofrecertification:

STEP-1 and 2:Renew your NR AEMT Certification.

Following the National Registry of EMTs policies and procedures, recertify your NRAEMT certification: All AEMTs in Massachusetts must have NRAEMT certification, and are required to renew this certification in order to renew their Massachusetts state certification.


  1. Logintostate’s eLicensingwebsite. Findyour eLicensingaccount. First timeusers shouldfindtheir informationbasedonSSNand birthdate.
  2. Review,attestpaystaterecert. fee. Reviewyour informationfor accuracy,answer questions,andsubmittherecertificationfee ($125) electronically.
  3. Submit yourstateapplication by03/31/17. Aslongas youhave completedall stepsyou willreceiveyournew certificationcardinthe mailwithin2-3 weeks.

CHECK! - As you approach the expiration of your current state EMT certification, be sure to check your eLicensing account to ensure you have renewed!

Need helpwithsteps 1 or 2?Direct your questionsfirsttoyour EMS Agency TrainingOfficer;if more helpisrequired, contact theNREMT at 614-888-4484. Need helpwithstep3?Contact theeLicensinghelp desk at 617-973-0935.


APRIL1,2015: Continuing education completed after this date can be used for 2017 recertification.

October1,2016: Trainingprofilestate applicationopenfor online payment & submission.

FEBRUARY15,2017: Recommended dateto completesubmitall stepsinorder receiveyour new card by 04/01/17.

MARCH31,2017: Last day to compete continuing education. Last day to submit renewal application without penalty. After midnight, if not recertified, you cannot staff an ambulance!

APRIL 31, 2017: Last day to late file state application and fee ($50 late fee may apply).).


OVERVIEW:Current continuing education requirements are now broken into 3 categories totaling 50 hours. The new requirements involve redesigned and innovative education focused on increased clinical skills and changes in practice. Following the National Continued Competency Program (NCCP; Pilot version 2), personnel recertifying in 2016 may only take 1/3 of their overall continuing education using distributive education (DE), usually done online with no live instructor teaching.

APPROVALSUBMISSION:Training institutions and Continuing Education sponsors no longer submit rosters to the state but will retain copies on file and will instead issue EMTs documentation of course completion. It is the individual EMT’s responsibility to maintain documentation of their completed continuing education in the form of either a course certificate or copy of roster. All courses must have an OEMS approval number or CECBEMS approval number.

NATIONAL (25 hours): ContentthatallEMTs nationwideneed toreview. These is a defined course and take the place of the old refresher. 25hr breakdown is:20hour EMT NCCP & 5 hours electiveEMT-I/AEMT topics.

LOCAL (12.5 hours):ContentthatallEMTs inyour state, region andservice need toreview. For 2016 recertification, this section is not defined and instead completed based on elective courses, similar to the INDIVIDUAL category (will be further defined next cycle).

INDIVIDUAL (12.5 hours): Contentthatyou as an individual EMT need and/or want toreview. Electivecourserequirement. Coursesmustbe withintheEMS scopeof practice.