Alligator Point-Saint Teresa Association
Board of Directors Meeting
The October meeting of the Alligator Pt-St Teresa Association Board of Directors was called to order by First Vice President Terry Madigan at 10:00 am on Saturday, November 12, 2016, at Mission by the Sea Church on Alligator Drive. Board members in attendance: Madigan, Murphy, Boldt, Houston, Lewis, McCloy, Osborne and Withers.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion by Osborne, seconded by Houston to accept the October Board meeting minutes as distributed adopted without objection.
Special Presentation on Alligator Drive repairs:
Alan Pierce and Michael Moron with the Franklin County Building Department were in attendance at the request of Ben Houston to update the Board on the status of the segments of Alligator Drive impacted by Hurricane Hermine. FEMA has made their assessment of damage incurred and the county has submitted their proposal which includes: installing a new rock revetment along the damaged section of Alligator Drive east of the Tom Roberts Road intersection; removing debris from Alligator Drive from Tom Roberts Road to Harry Morrison Road (this segment will not be reopened to vehicular traffic); repairing damages to the eastern end of Chip Morrison Drive. Also mentioned were possible alternative plans which included sheet piling in lieu of a rock revetment, or placing the section east of Tom Roberts on bridge-like pilings so that the road would remain if the underlying dirt washed out. Both options would be more expensive than the current proposal. A question was raised regarding the permitting of private seawalls. Pierce stated all seawalls are permitted by the county once they're approved by DEP. It was also asked if RESTORE Act funding was a possibility. Pierce said it was possible but that accessing that source would be a very slow process. The state has made no indications that it intends to take ownership of Alligator Drive as requested by the county. Allan Feifer believes local organizations such as APSTA should be involved in the road repair planning process. Pierce is open to working with APSTA. Also discussed were issues currently plaguing the one-lane section of Alligator Drive. Some people continue to disregard the "wait your turn" protocol, while others are parking along the right-of-way while they fish from shore. Pierce said enforcement was the responsibility of the Sheriff's Office. Jim McCloy raised the possibility of hiring off-duty deputies to issue tickets for infractions.
Approval of Treasurer Report:
Due to the absence of Treasurer Leonard, no report was given.
Committee Reports:
Social Committee - No report, however it was announced that the Mission by the Sea was hosting
a Thanksgiving Day luncheon. Everyone is invited...please bring a covered dish. The
members were also reminded that following the Board meeting there would be a gathering
for lunch at Tropical Trader Restaurant.
Membership – Chairman Madigan suggested the need to have a designated Membership
coordinator(s). Feifer said he was willing to take on the role for Bald Pt, but he believes
there needs to be other individuals assigned to various sections of the community. Madigan
appointed an ad hoc committee (Feifer, Judy Lewis, Georgianne Metz) to explore options
regarding the creation of an effective membership coordination body. McCloy currently
maintains a current membership list, however he doesn't do the same for all property
owners. Madigan would like to see others become familiar with APSTA website
management. Nancy Feifer suggested a "welcome packet" containing pertinent information
on APSTA and the area in general be created.
Beautification - Withers reported that potted plants she placed at the welcome sign near the
telephone tower were stolen. New plants have been set out. Metz praised the positive
effect of the "No Dumping" signs.
Website – Covered in Membership discussion.
Government Coordination – Houston arranged this morning's presentation by Pierce and
Moron. The only other local issue was a requested variance to add fill at a house on
Grouper Street.
Safety - President Sosebee emailed Sheriff's report to members.
Property Preservation/Access - Boldt reports there are eight members on the ad hoc committee
created by President Sosebee. In their initial meeting they reviewed documents from
previous efforts to control erosion which threatened personal property and the primary
access roads (Alligator Drive, Gulf Shore Boulevard, Chip Morrison Drive). They are currently
looking into potential funding sources for any future projects directed at protecting areas
threatened by erosion.
Old Business:
No old business.
New Business:
Newly elected Board member, Fred Dickenson has declined to serve. In accordance with the By
Laws, the Board is empowered to fill such vacancies. The next highest vote recipient, Allan Feifer, was nominated by Houston, seconded by Withers, and appointed to the Board without objection.
Boldt recently had cause to dial 9-1-1 for two incidents - one medical, one traffic related. The responding operator asked if he was in Franklin or Wakulla county. When he said "Franklin", he was transferred. Cell phone calls for certain areas of the community are picked up by towers in either Franklin or Wakulla depending on the strength of signal. Feifer offered to contact Fair Point Communications to see if there might be a better solution. Boldt would like to see an enhanced and coordinated medical response entity which can best serve our relatively isolated area.
McCloy proposed a motion to hire off-duty FCSO deputies to enforce parking regulations along the temporary one lane section of Alligator Drive. On Motion by Osborne, seconded by Feifer, that $500 be appropriated to hire off-duty officers to enforce parking regulations along Alligator Drive was adopted without objection. McCloy will coordinate with Sheriff's Office.
Feifer informed the Board that the Alligator Pt Water District was the only Franklin County taxing authority which didn't raise taxes this budget cycle. He also reported on the November volunteer fire department meeting. Plans to construct a new fire station on property close to Highway 98 have been suspended indefinitely. The department is instead concentrating on equipment upgrades and achieving state certification for its firefighters. As a result of a recent ISO survey, local insurance rates are likely to increase. Feifer also reports the recycle bin has been in worse shape of late due to bears rummaging through illegally dumped household garbage. Houston offered to speak with Fonda Davis about possible solutions to the problem. According to Feifer, Waste Pro will no longer be providing "bear proof" garbage cans to our area. The county extension office has kits for bear-proofing existing cans.
Feifer noted the next county commission meeting will be abbreviated due to the absence of two members. He does not think it's necessary for anyone to attend.
Madigan will develop a distribution list of current Board members and others who frequently attend Board meetings.
Madigan announced we had neglected to adopt the minutes from the October General Membership meeting. On Motion by Houston, seconded by Osborne, the minutes of the October General Membership meeting were adopted without objection.
There being no further business, on Motion by Houston that the meeting be adjourned, was adopted without objection. The meeting adjourned at 11:48 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
John Murphy, Secretary
Eddie Sosebee President, Terry Madigan 1st Vice president, Paul Parker 2nd Vice President, John Murphy Secretary, Coman Leonard Treasurer
Board of Directors
Bert Boldt, Allan Feifer, Joe Hambrose, Marvin Heymann , Ben Houston, Judy Lewis, Andrea Novak,
Ken Osborne, Carol Rippee, Barbara Withers and Jim McCloy (President ex-officio)