2014 Canadian Team Trials

Planet Bowl, Etobicoke, Ontario
Official Practice – May 15, 2014
Competition – May 16 – 19, 2014
Awards Celebration – May 19, 2014

Entry Form

All CTF Youth entrants should familiarize themselves with Rule #13 (Parental Consent). As an entrant in this tournament, I certify that I am a Canadian citizen, able to obtain a Canadian passport and agree that I am qualifying through this tournament to take part in the Canadian Team Program. If I should become a member of the Canadian Team, I agree to attend and participate in all team functions deemed necessary by the CTF National Coaches and Board of Directors. Failure to do so may result in my disqualification.

I understand that should I become a member of the Canadian Team, I will be required to sign an Athlete Agreement. I further understand that I will be required to participate in fund-raising for the National Team.

Signed by
Print Name
CTF # / Male / Female
Birthday / Youth must be 13 and not 21 on January 1, 2015
City, Prov., PC
Plus one athlete banquet ticket ($30.00 each): / $
Plus guest tickets ($50.00 each): / $
Entry Fee Paid: / $300.00
Total Amount Paid: / $
Paid by: / credit card / cheque or money order payable to Canadian Tenpin Federation
If paying by credit card, please complete this section.
Visa / MasterCard / American Express
Name on Card:
Card Number:
Expiration Date: / CVV # (found on back of card)

* Banquet tickets can be purchased with your entry and picked up during official practice or can be purchased prior to Friday, May 16th at noon.*

Canadian Tenpin Federation

916 – 3rd Avenue North, Lethbridge, AB T1H 0H3

Ph. (403) 381-2830/Fax 1-855-654-2346/email:

For other information, please contact Sherry Hobson; ph (204) 253-5454 or e-mail

Closing date for entries is May 2, 2014
For more information and a copy of forms needed such as ball registration forms, selection information,

schedule of events, etc., please see our website www.gotenpinbowling.ca