NewlandsPrimary School – School Improvement Plan 2011-14:
Objective 1– To raise the % of ‘good’ or better teaching to 80% of observed lessons by July 2012
Success Criteria:
- Allgroups pupils making at least 2 levels of progress from KS1 to KS2.
- All groups of pupils in every year group attaining outcomes in line with at least FFT B estimates.
- Teaching - at least 80% rated ‘good’ or better across the year.
(What?) / Responsibility
(Who?) / Staff development
(How?) / Monitoring / Cost / Timetable
(When?) / Outcomes
Time / £ / Start-End
1)Continue to ensure effective use of APP for Maths through moderation and subject leader support / DHT
Maths co-ord
HT / APP Moderation training/CPD
Peer mentoring
Book Monitoring / HT/DHT / 3 x CPD / - / September 2011 – July 2012 / Continued accurate teacher judgments & effective subject leadership for Maths.
2)Moderate judgements of the quality of teaching with whole staff, related to OFSTED criteria. / DHT/HT / CB / RH / CPD, visits to other settings, sharing good practice.
Moderation Time / HT/SLT / 2 x CPD / - / September 2011- July 2012 / Secure judgements across the whole team in terms of the quality of teaching using OFSTED criteria.
3) Train all staff in P4C and questioning techniques & ensure interventions demonstrate clear use of strategies to raise levels of pupil progress / HT
Class teachers
SENCO / INSET/P4C training/ SEN weekly meetings / Autism ASD training / HT/SLT / 3 x twilight CPD, 2 x INSET
Weekly SEN CPD/support / £2000 for Maths 121 tuition 8 x Y6 pupils x 10 sessions each starting January
£2,000 EQ development -staff training / September 2011 - July 2012 / All class teachers and TAs are focused, reflective and able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategies and interventions they are using.
4) Utilise lesson observations and partnership work to improve the quality of teaching and learning / HT
Maths co-ord (LB)
Literacy Leader (ST) / Peer mentoring
HT / HT / SLT / 3 x progress meetings +CPD / September 2011 - July 2012 / Progress in Maths - 90% of pupils making 2 levels of progress from KS1 to KS2
5) Develop and monitor socratic questions to extend thinking in all groups of pupils, focusing on medium and short-term planningthrough a cross curricular approach to planning. / Maths co-ord & G&T co-ord, Literacy co-ord./HT.
Curriculum Subject Leader / Peer observation/mentoring
WholeSchool Displays to reflect this (CB to lead) / HT / SLT / 2 x INSET & continuous support (P4C) / Training costs (see staff development budget) / September 2011 - July 2012 / Raised progress in maths across the school, with at least 4 points average in each year group (1-6).
Impact indicators / School Improvement Priority 1 – Summary
1) Books are consistent across the school in recording the learning journey. / 2)Analysis of pupil progress data shows at least 4 points of progress across the year. / 3) Evaluation of interventions & cohort reports. / 4) Monitoring file of lesson observations and peer mentoring notes / 5) School displays reflect P4C and developments in questioning skills. / -All staff will have a focus on raising attainment and progress for all groups of pupils.
-Staff will be able to achieve this by developing Socratic questioning skills, improving teaching, providing accurate assessments and effective interventions.
-Lessons and planning will reflect a strong ‘inquiry’ approach.
Objective 2 – To increaseattainment and progress in readingfor KS1 pupils.
Success Criteria:
- Pupils making at least 6 points of progress, for reading, across the key stage.
- All groups of pupils attain above national average levels of attainment by the end of KS1.
- % of outstanding teaching in KS1 raised to at least 50% throughout the year.
(What?) / Responsibility
(Who?) / Staff development
(How?) / Monitoring / Cost / Timetable
(When?) / Outcomes
Time / £ / Start - End
1)Continue to emphasise handwriting policy& ensure consistency across the whole school. / English Co-ord / Whole staff training
Work sampling and support from subject leader. / HT/SLT / 3 x moderation meetings / £100 (Pen license and badge awards) / September 2011- July 2012 / A consistent approach and handwriting style across the whole school, increasing legibility in all pupil groups.
2)Evaluate and extend the use of reading scheme & guided reading in allyear groups, with a focus on KS1 pupils. / English Co-ord. / English co-ord. Training/CPD
Lead teacher observations & support
Moderation Time / HT/SLT / 3 days + continuous support / (See training plan) / September 2011 - July 2012 / All teachers using guided reading effectively; KS1 attainment significantly higher than national average for reading.
3)Use international activities to promote writing opportunities and exchange high quality written work. / G&T Co-ord / International Co-ord
English Co-ord / International partner school visit
Whole school planning for shared activities / HT/SLT / 7 x days + ‘International Week’ / £3000 / October 2011 – March 2012 / KS1 pupils producing extended pieces of writing inspired by the international school links that we have.
4)Create extended opportunities for KS1 pupils in all subjects, with a focus on high quality speech and language interventions. / DHT/ HT / DHT/KS1/FS staff / HT / G&T Co-ord / 2 x days + ongoing / - / September 2011 – July 2012 / KS1 pupils have a range of extended curriculum opportunities.
5) Moderate the use of APP judgements to support progress in writing for all groups of pupils. / English Co-ord / Assessment co-ord / APP training, whole school moderation / HT/ SLT / SENCo/Assessment Co-ord. / 3 x days + ongoing / £500 / September 2011 – July 2012 / Teachers have accurate assessments for pupils’ levels of attainment in writing.
6) Ensure consistent approaches to the teaching of phonics, with focused interventions for key pupils in KS1and the FS, whilst addressing gaps in Year 3. / HT/SENCo/S&L LSA? / Speech and language interventions modelled and shared by specialist TAs/outside agencies. RWInc. Training (whole staff) / HT/SENCo/SLT/English Co-ord / Weekly support/interventions
+INSET / £1400 (matched funding) / January 2012 – April 2013 / Key vulnerable FS & KS1 pupils make accelerated progress in reading (1 point per term) with sig+ KS1 results.
Impact indicators / School Improvement Priority 2 – Summary
1)Work samples & handwriting displays around the school from a range of ability groups / 2)Guided reading/APP records fully in place. / 3)Writing portfolio/samples of work from International visit. Parent/pupil interviews re – impact. / 4) Register of SEN & vulnerable pupils linked to personalised IEP/interventions and provision. Parent/pupil interviews / 5)APP records for all pupils. Accuracy between actual(test data) andteacher assessments. / -All KS1/FS staff will have a focus on raising attainment and progress for pupils in reading.
-Staff will be able to achieve this by developing questioning skills, improving teaching, providing accurate assessments and effective interventions.
Objective 3 - To increase effectiveness in subject leadership and assessment
-All subjects led effectively
-Increased % of teaching and learning to be observed as ‘Outstanding’ in each subject (evidenced through subject specific observations).
(What?) / Responsibility
(Who?) / Staff development
(How?) / Monitoring / Cost / Timetable
(When?) / Outcome
Time / £ / Start –End
1)Teachers take part in P4C training to develop their skills in questioning/reflection. / HT/SLT/P4C ‘champion’ / Whole staff INSET
3 x CPD(2 x twilight, 2 x full day)
2 x full day P4C champion training / HT/SLT/L Baigent / 2 days
+ 2 days / £2000 – Whole staff P4C training
£600 ‘champion’ training / September 2011- November 2013 / Staff skilled in peer mentoring and effective higher order questioning skills.
2)Provide coaching/ sharing of best practice and effective peer mentoring for each subject area. / Class teachers/ HT/ FGB/ DHT / NQT/ GTP development, 2 x CPD / HT/DHT/ FGB / 1 day / - (HLTA release time) / September 2011 - July 2012 / Quality of teaching and learning is 100% ‘Good’ or better, 50%+ outstanding.
3)Audit current provision for Science through planning and assessment review in order to support the development of quality teaching in Science. / Science co-ord / Assessment co-ord/ / Science assessment training
Liaison with other schools
Science network meetings. / HT/DHT / SLT / 3 days / Curriculum budget / September 2011- July 2012 / An action plan is in place to develop provision and assessment in Science.
4)Develop an action plan for the achievement of RRS award level 2 to help ensure ‘Good’ teaching or better in PDL. / PDL co-ordinator - T Billington & School Council Governor – A Risius / 1 x CPD & business meetings & cluster meetings, 2 x staff visits to Kenya.
School Council meeting.
UNICEF training / SLT, FGB, AR & TB / 3 hours + PPA time, 3 x cluster meetings, 2 x 1 week visit / £3,400 (including Connecting Classrooms travel)
£200 – RRSA training / October 2011 April 2013 / Achieved RRS level 2 by Summer 2013, Pupils and staff understanding of RRR and global citizenship increased
6)Implement training for TAs in order to develop a wider understanding of effective speech and language interventions. / SENCO / SLT / Weekly meetings & 1 whole staff LSA training day / SLT / Weekly x 30mins development meetings / £800 – ASD & specialist courses / September 2011 – April 2013 / Attainment and progress data demonstrates expected progress (or higher) for SEN identified pupils.
7)Evaluate G&T provision in PE/Games - Research & support staff in helping to provide appropriate extension opportunities. / PE Co-ordinator / Peer mentoring, CPD sessions.
Network meetings. / SLT / 1 x CPD session / £200 (courses?) / February 2012 – April 2013 / G&T pupils identified in PE/Games and record of provision established.
8)Develop questioning skills for HA pupils in MFL / MFL Co-ordinator / Monitor, evaluate, training and CPD sharing of best practice.
Network meetings. / Assessment co-ord / G&T Co-ord. / 1 x CPD session. / INSET supports questioning skills / September – July 2013 / G&T pupils identified in MFL with successful opportunities for them to share their learning.
9) To develop the role of the subject Leader at a strategic level.
Each subject leader to complete data analysis as a result of assessment week and monitor interventions and progress. / All Subject Leaders / Invited to SLT meetings when their subject links to school improvement / SLT / SLT meetings/Gov meetings / Termly / All subject leaders to have a deeper understanding of the strategic direction of the school and their role within that as Subject Leader
Impact indicators / School improvement 3 – Summary
1)Staff development notes and evaluations / 2)HT/LA monitoring and lesson observation records / 3)Science action plan in place and priorities for further development identified / 4)RRS award – level 2 achieved. / - All staff will have a focus on leading their subject area effectively, with an emphasis on planning, assessment and provision for HA pupils.
5)Summative SEN pupil progress data / 6)Parent/pupil interview + records of provision / 7)’Exit point’ community event – parent/pupil interview. / 8) Feedback through subject Leaders Report and Action Plan
Priorities 2011-13
- -All staff will have a focus on leading their subject area effectively, with an emphasis embedding inquiry based approaches, peer mentoring and using the outdoors to enhance the curriculum.
- - There will also be a focus on raising attainment and progress for pupils in Reading
-Again, staff will be able to achieve this by improving phonics subject knowledge and teaching as well as improving comprehension skills in KS2 - providing accurate assessments and effective interventions.
- - There will be a collective focus on raising attainment and progress for KS2 pupils in Maths. - Staff will be able to achieve this by developing inquiry based approaches, improving questioning skills, improving teaching, providing accurate assessments and effective interventions
- Ensuring Science attainment and progress is increased across KS1 and KS2
3-year improvement aims:
- Secure accelerated progress through accurate teacher assessment and focused interventions
- Ensure effective subject leadership is established for all subjects
- Develop optimism, coaching, P4C and EQ as strategies for learning – in staff and pupils
- Develop ICT and the use of technology to support the aims and vision of the school.