Allerton Bywater Parish Council Minutes No 182
Minutes of meeting held at St Mary’s Church Annexe, Vicars Terrace,
Allerton Bywater
Thursday 9th October 2014 at 7pm.
Councillor S Murray (Chairman)
Councillor K Asprey
Councillor J Taylor
Councillor J Trayer
Councillor L Tomlinson
Councillor J Coe
Councillor AM Jabin
Michelle Townsend
Gail Vickers
1. Apologies for Absence – None Received
2. Parish Council Co-Option
It was unanimously agreed to co-opt Michelle Townsend and Gail Vickers as members of Allerton Bywater Parish Council.
3. Minutes of meeting 11th September 2014 (181)
Minutes of meeting 11th September 2014 (181), these were accepted as being a true record. Proposed by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Coeand accepted by council.
4. Matters arising from these minutes
- Bulb planting update – Funds have been transferred and bulb planting scheduled for 17th October.
- Sandbags – Payment requested from GarforthFlood Support Group.
- Flooding – Yorkshire Water to carry out desilting work followed by a further inspection (date to be confirmed).
- Park Lane –Response received from the Homes and Communities Agency. Alec Shelbrooke MP happy to participate in future discussions about the site.
- Payroll Implications –New payroll system implemented as advised by Autela Ltd.
Thanks to Geoff Bird for all the work he has done.
Councillor Tomlinson left the meeting.
5. Declaration of disclosable pecuniary and other interests.
To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members' Code of Conduct. Also to declare any other significant interests which the Member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members' Code of Conduct.
6. Finance Report
i. Balance to date
Petty Cash £ 13.75
Current account £36252.25
Miners Memorial a/c £ 3304.83
14 day account£ .31
ii. Reconciliation of accounts
Completed by Councillor Asprey.
iii. Audit of stamp book and petty cash
Completed by Councillor Asprey.
iv. Consider any requests for donations and approval
None received.
v.Payments for approval
All payments for approval were approved by Councillorsas per attached list. .
vi. Budget Update
Completed by Councillor Asprey, a slight underspend was noted.
7. Reports from:
Council Surgery
Toucan crossing that was previously refused now needed as a matter of urgency.
Signs at access point to new estateopposite Hollinhurst have now been removed.
Funding requested for Barnbow explosion memorial installation have been referred by Councillor Murray to Keith Wakefield who has agreed to pay them .
Miners Welfare – Request for gates to be locked with signage advising of the times that the gates will be locked/unlocked Councillor Murray has asked Keith Wakefield about this and he said “he would sort out a lock and chain”.
No Update
Planning Sub Group
No Update
Allerton in Bloom
Old plants to be removed ready for planting new bulbs.
8. Planning applications/planning matters
- None
9. Effective Management of recording at Local Council and Parish Meetings
The new rules were unanimously agreed to be reviewed in October 2015.
10. To close meeting for 10 minute public involvement, then reopen meeting
Not minuted.
11. Walkways, Recreation and Small Schemes within village
Complaints received about the amount of litter and it was agreed to purchase a litter bin to be sited along the walkway.
Discussion re the removal of the stonesat the entrance to the field next to Bywater Lodge to be used for rockery on the corner of Doctors Lane.
12. Police Matters
No matters reported.
13. Highway Matters
Weeds sprayed at Barnsdale Road.
14. Correspondence
15. Matters for discussion
Geocaching – Further information required, agreed to put on November agenda for further discussion.
16. Date of Next Meeting – 13th November 2014 at 7pm
Signature………………………………………………….. Date……………………….