Allergic Reaction:
Signs and Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, swelling around eyes face and neck, hives on skin (red, raised rash with itching)
Treatment: Call 911
If patient becomes unconscious keep airway open and perform CPR if necessary. Check medical information sheet for allergies and if patient has epi-pen, have parent inject epi-pen.
Insect bites and stings:
Wash insect bite with soap and water. Apply ice pack. If Allergic-shortness of breath, mouth swelling, call 911.
Amputated Fingertip:
Signs and Symptoms: Severe Bleeding, Pain, Partial Loss of finger
Treatment: Call 911 Control bleeding with pressure bandage. Wrap severed part in a cold wet dressing, place in plastic bag and pack in ice
Breaks and Fractures:
Signs and Symptoms: Pain, swelling, bruising, deformity at site, pain with movement, possible protrusion of bone through skin.
Treatment: If bone protrudes don’t manipulate-Call 911. Cover open wound with gauze or sterile dressing. Immobilize with padded splint made from board or pillow wrapped around area and taped. Don’t move if head or neck injury suspected. Call 911
RICE: Rest injured part, ice it, compress with wrap, and elevate above the level of the heart
Burns 1st & 2nd Degree:
Signs and Symptoms: First Degree: Red or discolored skin. Second Degree: Blisters or mottled skin. Electrical: small blackened areas Treatment: Immerse in cold water for 15 minutes, cover with clean dressing-no creams or lotions. Second degree with open blisters: dry loose dressing. Call 911 for any burns of face, hands, feet, and genitals. Electrical: break contact with source if you do not put yourself at risk, treat as first degree
Signs and Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, gasping breaths, coughing, unable to talk or cry, blue lips.
Treatment: Call 911 If patient cannot cough, speak or breath, perform airway obstruction method.
Sign and Symptoms: Crying out, loss of consciousness, frothing at mouth, stiffening of body, then rhythmic jerking of limbs (urination) confusion, drowsiness afterward
Treatment: Call 911. Clear area of hard or sharp objects. Loosen tight clothing but do not restrain patient. When convulsion subsides, turn patient to left side. Watch breathing. Don’t give food or drink during or after convulsion.
Eye Injury:
Signs and Symptoms: eye can be extremely sore and painful. Lids will probably be closed tightly.
Treatment: Call 911. Lie patient down and cover both eyes loosely with gauze or clean cloth. Avoid sunlight.
Head Injury:
Signs and Symptoms: Headaches, drowsiness, confusion, unconsciousness, labored breathing, vomiting irritability, confusion, clear fluid or blood running from ears, nose or mouth.
Treatment: CALL 911. Do not move patient unless patient begins to vomit turn to side if you do not suspect neck injury. If suspect head injury move the entire body as a unit with support of head and neck- use 2-3 persons to assist with turning patient. Keep airway clear.
Head Laceration:
Signs and Symptoms: Laceration bleeding
Treatment: Minor scalp wound apply pressure/wash soap water apply bandage- ER/After hours clinics for stitches/staples
Call 911 Do not attempt to clean deep scalp wounds of foreign matter. To control bleeding, apply light pressure onto wound with gauze or clean cloth.
Nose Bleed:
Signs and Symptoms: blood running from nostrils
Treatments: Pinch nostrils for 5-10 minutes with your thumb and index fingers. If bleeding does not stop within 30 minutes seek medical attention
Head leaning forward into a basin.
Heat Exhaustion:
Signs and Symptoms: Pale moist skin, headache, dizziness, nausea, rapid pulse, cramps or muscle spasms
Treatment: Call 911 Remove clothing, place ice packs under armpits, groin; cool with cool wet cloths. Give Water
Heat Stroke:
Signs and Symptoms: hot, flushed, dry skin. NO Sweating, drowsiness confusion
Treatment: Call 911 Lay patient down out of elements. Place cold packs under armpits, back of neck, forehead, and groin areas. Remove shirt, shoes-cool with wet towels. Give fluids
Signs and Symptoms: pale, cold, clammy skin, mottled in color. Breathing weak and shallow or deep, irregular and nausea.
Treatment: Call 911. Lay patient down elevate legs slightly cover with blanket