Paula Waeschle,, Co-Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. in Room 149 at the Allamuchy Township School.

Present: 11 members, including 4 Board Members

Secretary's Report

Gina Reardon, Secretary, presented the May 2014 meeting minutes.

A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Paige Schmiedeke

Second: Lisa Strutin

Motion Carried.

A thank you note was read from Paige Schmiedeke and Cathy Cefaloni for support of the Kindergarten program.

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurers Report waspresented. Tiffany was absent but sent the report.

A motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as written was made by Gina Reardon.

Second: Dina Putz

Motion Carried.

New Business

Grant Requests

1. Deb DeAngelis, Teacher, requesting $900.00 for environmental projects for the 2014/2015 school years.

Motion to Accept: Paula Waeschle

Second: Fran Muhlenbruch

Motion Carried.

2. Paige Schmedieke, Teacher and PTO Co-Vice President, requesting the PTO to consider a dollar amount to put toward IPADS for teachers who so not have one for their classroom.

Would like to also speak with the Education Foundation to see if they will contribute also.

PTO needs to know what we owe for the TOTT. Putting a deadline on the Foundation to let us know. July 18, 2014.

Tabled until September and/or until we get the dollar amount owed for TOTT.

Old Business

1. Summer Enrichment Program is cancelled. There was not enough money in the budget to make it work.

2. Paige went to Senior Awards Night at the High School. She presented Christine Ashe and Meghan McDonald each with a $300 Award for having the highest GPA of Allamuchy students at the High School.


Spring Book Fair - Lori Neeley, chair of the Spring Book Fair, spoke about the results. She was not sure if we made any money yet. The invoices were given to Tiffany.

Open Discussion

Lisa Strutin asked Paige to find out when the Kindergarten Orientation is so that a PTO Member can speak.


Dina – Nominates Paula Waeschle for President.

Paula accepts.

Paula – Nominates Dina Putz for Co-Vice President.

Dina accepts.

Gina Reardon to remain as Secretary

Tiffany Ulch to remain as Treasurer.

A motion to accept the nominations was made by Fran Muhlenbruch.

Second: Paige Schmedieke

Motion Carried.


Meting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. by Paula Waeschle.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Reardon

PTO Secretary