Hard-Drive Transfer Kit
Data Transfer Cable for XBOX 360, PC to XBOX 360 Cable
Product Information
Brand new Data Transfer Cable for XBOX 360, PC to XBOX 360 Cable. Easy to back up your Xbox 360 data from Xbox 360 hard drive to pc. Easy to transfer big game data fromPC to Xbox 360 hard drive after the game is downloaded. Transfer content from your Xbox 360 20GB/60GB/120GB/250GB/320GB hard drive to another Xbox 360 20GB/60GB/ 120GB / 250GB/320GBhard drive.
Transfer content from your existing Xbox 360 Hard Drive.You have the option to perform a one-time transfer of all content from your existing Xbox 360 Hard Drive (source drive) to another Xbox 360 Hard Drive (destination drive). Whether you decide to do this or not, understand that both drives are fully compatible with your Xbox 360 console and will be after the transfer is completed.
Important Content can only ever be moved from a smaller source drive to a destination drive that is the same size or larger and only one time. For example, the following hard drive pairings allow transfer from source to (">") destination:
20GB > 20GB 20GB > 60GB
20GB > 120GB 20GB > 250GB
60GB > 60GB 60GB > 120GB
60GB > 250GB 120GB 120GB
120GB > 250GB
Important If you want to transfer your saved games and other content from your existing hard drive (the source drive) to a different hard drive (the destination drive), do not attach the destination drive to your Xbox 360 console until you have transferred the contents of the source drive according to the instructions in this section. Any content that you stored on the destination hard drive before the content transfer will be lost.
All Xbox 360 Hard Drives are for use exclusively with the Xbox 360 Video Game and Entertainment System.
Warning Before you use the Hard Drive Transfer Kit, read the manual and the Xbox 360 console manuals for important safety and health information. Keep all manuals for future reference. To obtain replacement manuals, use one of the following methods:
1.Be sure to connect the transfer cable to the back port, not a port on the front of the Computer.
2.To begin using your 120GB or 250GB hard drive after content transfer is complete, remove your 20GB or 60GBhard drive from your Elite console and attach your 120GB or 250GBhard drive as instructed in the Xbox 360 Setup manual
3.The transfer cable connects to the 120GB or 250GB hard drive in only one orientation. Do not force the connector on. Connect the cable in the orientation shown.
- Depending on the amount of content to be moved, the transfer process can take more than an hour.
- If the transfer is interrupted for any reason, your content will remain on your existing 20-GB or 60GB hard drive. You can restart the transfer process at any time prior to completion.
1、Connectthe xbox360’s handdriver to the PC
2、Open and setup the software XPort_360
3、Use the XPort_360to open the handdriver’s Partition3,and teke the game’ patch to cache’s folders
Forza Motorsport 2 more carsPATCH
Use XPort_360 copy the LIVEARC game’s folderto Partition3’s "0000000000000000"--"content"folder。All right!
Use XPort_360 copy the theme’s folder to Partition3’s "0000000000000000"--"content"folder。All right!
Super Saves
1、Use XPort_360 open Partition 3 - Content -> userID -> gameID -> 00000001
2、Use mouse take the games sav to pc
3、run the Xbox Save Editor software(if it open error,plaese setup dotNetFx35setup.exe),then open myself sav,push the Save ID Defaults
4、push the Xbox Save Editor’s open save file icon,selece your super sav,(beforce it need todecompressing files);then push the load ID Defaults,and chick Cracking and new sav,then system need you teke te KV file,select the folder to Xbox Save Editor’s KV.bin。success!!
5、when all done,remember use news sav be covered with old’s sav!then enjoys the games !
Someting sav,when use the NXE Xbox Save Editor change id will displaye error.you need to use Xbox 360 Hash Block Calculatorrepair it:
1、RunXbox 360 Hash Block Calculator, chick File -> Open open your own ID’s sav.
That is it,show False is error.need to repair
Chick Tools -> Calculator Hash Block。When you see” Signing package... Done!”
Moer news savs download: