Product Description: Appendix J
All Source Long-Term Request for Offers
Project Description
Please provide the following project information in the order requested.
- Provide a complete equipment description for all major components including: CTG, STG, HRSG, plant control system, air emissions control equipment, GSUs and auxiliary transformers, switchgear, fuel compressor module and preheater, cooling system, major pumps, water treatment system, fuel storage facilities, etc.
a.Equipment manufacturer/model/date of manufacture.
b.Equipment source, e.g. existing owned inventory, new manufacturer order, resale market purchase.
c.State whether any proposed equipment has been previously operated. If so, list equivalent and actual operating hours as defined by manufacturers.
d.Terms and expiration of warranties/guarantees.
e.If existing inventory is proposed, provide summary of storage locations, conditions, and lay-up procedures used. Also advise if original manufacturer’s warranty is extended to meet warranty requirements or plan to meet the requirements.
- To give PG&E an understanding and confidence that cycling service is achievable with shaping units, provide the following information:
- Describe specific design considerations and provide, where appropriate, significant design detail to confirm that the unit has been designed to accommodate frequent cycling. Components that should be specifically addressed include: combustion and steam turbine systems, HRSGs and water chemistry control systems. Comments should emphasize minimizing maintenance down time, thermal fatigue effects and associated wear and tear.
- Describe plant design to meet water balance requirements.
- Provide historic emissions data for the specific technology to demonstrate ability to meet permit limits.
- If applicable, list historic reliability data for the proposed technology to demonstrate restart capability from a hot-start.
- Describe the proposed site:
a.Include map showing site location and key project facilities.
b.Provide at least one of the following sets of information for GIS mapping:
- Site footprint in GIS file (shapefile, access database, sdetable, infofile, ascii file).
- 2,400 – 6,000 scale graphic map of the site footprint with adequate basemap information to convert to GIS format. This means roads, hydrology, section, township etc.
- CountyAssessor’s parcel number for the proposed site; or
- Coordinates and parcel size
- Provide an overview of the permit plan for the project.
a.Provide a detailed permit plan for the facility that identifies the permits required, status of approvals, and plans with schedules to finalize all required permits for construction and operation of the facility, including California Energy Commission certification and land use approvals. Provide copies of the final or draft permits that have been issued by regulatory agencies.
b.If the project is permitted, list the following:
- Permit source and expiration date.
- Operating hours
- Emissions limitations
- Start/stop limitations
- Minimum run times
- Other embedded permit limitations, e.g. zero discharge requirement, air-cooled condenser requirement, recycled cooling water requirement, etc.
- If project has started construction, describe completion status, EPC contract status.
- Describe the project’s compliance with federal, state and regional air quality requirements.
a.Does the project meet Best Available Control Technology standards?
b.Does the project meet new or proposed greenhouse gas (GHG) limits issued by the Air Resources Board under AB32?
c.Does the project meet GHG limits specified in SB1368for baseload units?
d.Does project require ERC’s, do you own or control sufficient ERC’s?
e.If not, how do you propose to obtain them?
f.Provide the estimated emissions of the greenhouse gases, e.g. CO2.
g.Provide the name of any existing or proposed major industrial sources of air emissions in a 1 mile radius from the proposed plant site.
- Describe the project’s water supply and compliance with State Water Policy 75-58 and the California Energy Commission’s water policy contained in its 2003 Integrated Energy Policy Report.
a.Indicate if you have firm water rights for the life of the project.
b.Identify the nearest wastewater treatment plant and estimate of reclaimed water capacity available or projected. If proposing to use fresh water identify how either reclaimed water or dry cooling is economically infeasible or environmentally unsound.
c.If agreements for water supplies have been obtained, provide copies of the agreements. If agreements are not available, provide assurance from the water supplier that sufficient quantities of water will be available.
d.Identify all wastewater discharges from the facility and the basis for the assurance that the receiving facility (if applicable) will be able to accept the quantity and quality of water discharged.
e.Does the project replace aging power generation units that use once through cooling?
- Description of land control and whether the project is consistent with local land use zoning ordinances.
a.If you have site control, how is it exercised, e.g. ownership, leasehold interest, site option (terms?) Include copies of documents proving site control and ability to operate project as proposed.
b.Is the project consistent with local land use zoning ordinances, including General Plans, stack height restrictions, etc.? If the project requires zoning changes or variances, describe the plan to obtain approval of the zoning changes and how this will be coordinated with the CEC review.
c.Describe plans to obtain project support from local land use authorities including whether the project needs any specific planning commission, city council or board or supervisor approvals.
d.Is the project consistent with local General Plan Energy Plan Elements?
e.Is the project consistent with the Williamson Act Contract? If not, describe how the Williamson Act Contract will be cancelled or terminated.
- Describe the proposed public outreach plan and the local onsite project representatives that will be managing the outreach efforts to obtain public support for the project.
- Description of site conditions
- Has a Phase I or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment been conducted for the property, if so please provide?
- Are there any Corrective Action Consent Agency Agreements, or other agency actions associated with the site?
- Describe any groundwater monitoring at the site and provide copies of the latest sample results.
- Is the site located on a brownfield or greenfield?
- Describe the site’s proximity to any environmentally sensitive areas.
- Identify any known wetlands.
- Provide GIS maps of species and habitat listed in the California Natural Diversity Database within 1-mile and 6-mile radius of the site.
- Will construction result in impact to navigable waters of the United States?
- Describe the site’s proximity to potentially sensitive receptors or culturally sensitive areas
- List any cultural clearances obtained from state and federal agencies and any tribal interests in the project.
- Provide GIS maps of demographic information within a 1-mile readius of the facility
- Provide preliminary Environmental Justice information that will be used in the CEC’s EJ screening analysis.
- List any other cultural, commercial, security, or other potential sensitivities.
- Does the project comply with FAA, Cal Trans, Aeronautics, or local airport land use commission requirements; identify proximity and potential impacts to local air traffic.
- Does the plant demonstrate any advanced environmental technology to reduce impact?
- Is the project integrated with an energy cluster or energy park with other energy sources, e.g. combined heat and power, renewables, distributed generation, etc.
- Describe any known or proposed power plants, or other industrial emission sources in the same local planning area jurisdiction.
- Has there been any new opposition to power plant construction in the area within the last 3 years?
- Describe any litigation or settlement agreement discussions applicable to the project
- List the proposed fuel gas interconnection point.
a.Indicate whether the Preliminary Request for Gas Service has been applied for or completed.
b.List the approximate distance to the fuel gas interconnection point.
- List the transmission/distribution system interconnection point. (i.e. switchyard or substation, with primary equipment listed; interconnecting voltages and interconnecting transmission lines; bus configuration: collector bus, ring bus, breaker and a half).
- Has a transmission System Impact Study (SIS) been applied for or completed for the proposal?
- What is the approximate distance to the electric interconnection point?
- Provide a proposed transmission interconnection plan including any existing approvals or agreements. Describe anticipated transmission system upgrades, including new transmission lines required for interconnection and milestone activities and timeline for interconnection approval.
- Describe the potential for additional generation development at the site.
- Submit a development and commissioning schedule consistent with your proposal. The schedule must provide a Guaranteed Commercial Availability Date that is consistent with the Eligibility Requirements listed in Section III of the RFO. The schedule should provide milestones, monthly estimates if possible, for the following activities:
- Site procurement
- Design development
- Permitting and licensing
- Offer financing obtained
- Construction plan
- EPC contractor selection and contract negotiation
- Project financing
- Major equipment procurement, fabrication and shipping
- Detailed engineering
- Site development and civil works (such as complete HRSG foundation, complete STG foundation, complete CT foundation)
- Major equipment erection (such as set HRSG module #, set engine #, set CTG)
- Bulk material installation
- BOP plant construction and installation
- Utility Interconnects
- Start-up and commissioning (such as complete acid cleaning, HRSG hydro and restore, First fire, complete steam blows)
- Performance testing and acceptance
- Critical Milestones as defined in the PSA (FO only)
- Performance testing and acceptance
- Critical Milestones as defined in the PSA (FO only)
- Provide a project organization chart that identifies the division of responsibility by the Participant staff and subcontractors for the major project scope items listed below:
a.Overall Project Management
b.Project Development
c.Permitting and Licensing
d.Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management
e.Major Equipment Procurement
g.Mechanical construction
h.Electrical construction
i.Civil construction
j.Start-up and commissioning
k.Plant operations and maintenance (PPA only)
- For each of the organizations shown on the project organization chart, provide examples of completed projects and the specific scope performed by the Participant or subcontractor relevant to their associated scopes for this project. For projects performed for utilities, please provide references and contact information. Example projects of interest include similar scope responsibilities on power plant projects with similar technology and projects developed and built in California.
- List the Participant’s proposed management team, including the management team for all subcontractors listed on the project organizational chart. Provide resumes for the management team that include discussions of their specific responsibilities for the projects listed in the response to Question24, as well as for other similar projects. Provide a description of any project not discussed in the response to Question 24.
- Indicate whether Participant has entered into Project Labor Agreements (“PLA”) or Maintenance Labor Agreements (“MLA”) in California for the proposed project and specify when and where.
- As appropriate, address the following items in Appendix K(Credit and Finance) Tables A & B).
a.Capital budget with cost breakout for major components.
b.Proposed spare parts inventory.
c.Plant O&M staffing plan with budget showing the following:
- Plant organization chart. Include a proposed O&M shift organization and headcount.
- Staffing buildup plan. For the proposed headcount shown in the organization chart, prepare a plant hiring plan for the 12 months prior to the Guaranteed Commercial Availability Date.
- Indicate any staffing augmentation that may be necessary during plant startup and performance testing.
- Prepare a staff training plan for the proposed O&M organization.
- Provide a risk matrix that identifies the major risks for project execution and associated contingency and/or mitigation plans. The risks should include:
- Major equipment and material procurement
- Availability of key labor and management personnel
- Adequacy of financing during construction and operation of the plant
- Permitting process
- The technology/configuration being proposed, e.g. Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (1 x 1, 2 x 1, 3 x 1), Simple Cycle Peaker (Number of units), Renewable generation (specify fuel type/source), Hydroelectric Facility, Reciprocating engine(s), Conventional Fossil (boiler/steam turbine) etc.
- Provide the following site-specific values, along with the source, basis and specific data, (including whether data is raw, or edited), used in the development of the plant design and the performance guarantees. This should include detailed daily/hourly information for the 1998 through 2007 time period as provided by the NationalClimaticDataCenter (“NCDC”) at Data from the NCDC must be for a geographically nearby weather station that approximates the conditions at the Site.
- The historical peak July dry bulb temperature and relative humidity data from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) employed in the Peak July Conditions capacity and heat rate calculation that support the Offer Data Sheets (Appendix I)
- The average historical monthly temperature and relative humidity data from the NCDC employed in the Monthly Contract Capacity calculation.
- The site elevation (ft ASL) and the associated site standard barometric pressure used in deriving heat rates and capacity values.
- The design-basis maximum and minimum design dry bulb temperature to be used as the outdoor operating temperature range for all equipment.
- The 2-year, 10-year and 100-year 24-hour maximum rainfall (inches)
- The maximum snow load (pounds per square foot)
- The Seismic Zone, Soil Profile Type, Seismic Coefficients (Ca and Cv).
- Provide the following preliminary design information used as the basis for the facility design and associated performance guarantees.
- Site Plans (on-site detailed plan and all off-site interconnections and noise receptor locations)
- General Arrangements
- Plot Plan
- Single-Line Diagrams
- PipingInstrumentDiagrams(P&ID)
- Water Balances
- Heat Balances (Note for PPAs: please provide a detailed explanation if the heat balances supplied as part of this appendix do not equal the heat rate guarantees found in the associated PPA.)
- Emission Calculations
- Unit Degradation Curves (net unit capacity and heat rate degradation as functions of equivalent operating hours)
The Piping and Instrument Diagrams (“P&ID’s”) should include line sizes, instrumentation, and valves for all major systems that will be provided by Seller, including main steam, reheat steam, low pressure steam, feedwater, condensate, cooling water, and fuel. The Seller shall also provide a list of all system P&ID’s that will be prepared during the design phase of the project. Seller will revise these P&ID’s during detailed design to conform with Appendix N: Technical Specification and other Contract requirements.
Heat Balances, Water Balances and Emission Calculations shall be provided for several ambient conditions including: ISO conditions (59°F, 60% RH, at Site Elevation) and Peak July Conditions at Site Elevation for the following net plant loads, items (a) through (f). Heat Balances shall be provided for Average Monthly Conditions at Site Elevation for items (a) – (c).
- Maximum Output with Duct Firing and Power Augmentation
- Maximum Output with Duct Firing
- Maximum Output
- 75% of Maximum Output
- 50% of Maximum Output
- Minimum Load
Water balance and heat balance data shall be labeled on block diagrams or provided in tabular form with values corresponding to stream numbers labeled on the block diagram. The stream values shall be expressed in gallons per minute for all sources and uses of water. The water quality analyses used as the basis for the water balances shall be provided, as well as the resulting water quality for all wastewater streams.
Heat balances for each fuel to be permitted shall include the flow (lb/hr), temperature (°F), pressure (psia), and enthalpy (BTU/hr) for all water, steam, combustion air, and fuel streams entering and exiting the boundaries of the generating unit and of each major equipment component. The heat balances shall be provided for each fuel that will be permitted for use at the facility. The fuel constituents and heating value shall be provided for each of the fuels.
Emission calculations shall include cases for each fuel to be permitted. The calculations shall be based on the same fuel constituents used for the heat balances. The emission calculations shall provide all criteria pollutants for combustion turbine emissions, duct burner emissions, post-SCR emissions, and stack emissions, temperature, and velocity. The calculations shall also list ammonia slip and PM10 (back half and front half).
All Source RFO: 04-21-08 RevisedPage 1 of 9
Appendix K_ProjectDescription.doc