All Sections Are Compulsory and Must Be Completed on This Very Examination Sheet

All Sections Are Compulsory and Must Be Completed on This Very Examination Sheet

Keys toFirst Term Examination Paper in TEFL

All sections are compulsory and must be completed on this very examination sheet.

Section One: Let’s Find Out (6/6)

Task One: The following statements are true or false. So, I write (T) or (F) in the space provided. (2/2)

  1. _(T)_ . Capacity means the condition that allows the individual to gain the physical and mental power.
  2. _(F)_ . Listening has four basic steps: listening, hearing, understanding, and judging.
  3. _(F)_ . An estimated 8.80 % of what we know is acquired through listening.
  4. _(T)_ . Ability refers to the mental and physical power to perform an activity and usually implying performing it well.

Task Two: I read the definitions on the right, then I fill in with appropriate term in the space specified. (2/2).

  1. Script(s):They are mental representations of particular everyday events and the behaviour and emotions appropriate to them (Shaffer, 2003:247).
  2. Top-Down Information Processing:It is also known as contextually driven, hypothesis driven, or schematic processing and is guided by expectation and preconception based on past social knowledge (Hewes,:91).
  3. Bottom-Up Information Processing:It is also known as data driven and is initiated as attention is focused on seperate features of behavior (ibid.).
  4. Schemas/Schemata: They are generalized mental representations of what people know and expect about the world (Bernstein, 2008:352).

Task Three: Ibriefly explain this statement: (2/2)

I really appreciate your critical discourse: This statement stands for the five types of listening: Informative, relation, appreciative, critical, and discriminative. People listen to one another to collect information (i.e., Informative Listening). People built rapport when they take turns in listening and speaking (for therapeutical reasons, for instance); this type of listening is termed Relation Listening. What is more, people listen to music, religious carrols, ‘‘''التجويد, recitation of poetry, speeches, and movies forentertainment, gratification, and pleasure. This type of listening is coined Appreciative Listening. People listen to pick up information, facts, and knowledge for evaluation (to value the acceptability of arguments), which eventually leads to the fourth type of listening ‘‘Critical Listening’’. Last but not least, Discriminative Listening refers to the listeners process of analyzing the interlocutor’s intonation, pitch, rhythm, tone, and diction (i.e., choice of words).

Section Two: Let’s Analyze (6/6)

I read this short passage, then I answer the questions

Reading is a process of constructing meaning by interacting with text; as individuals read, they use their prior knowledge along with clues from the text to construct meaning. Research indicates that effective or expert readers are strategic (Baker & Brown, 1984a, 1984b). This means that they have purposes for their reading and adjust their reading to each purpose and for each reading task. Strategic readers use a variety of strategies and skills as they construct meaning (Paris, Wasik, & Turner, 1991).

A strategy is a plan selected deliberately by the reader to accomplish a particular goal or to complete a given task (Paris, Lipson, & Wixson, 1983; Paris, Wasik, & Turner, 1991). When students are able to select and use a strategy automatically, they have achieved independence in using the strategy. Along with the strategies that expert readers use, they also use a number of comprehension and study skills. It is clear from research that readers develop the use of strategies and skills by reading and writing and being given the support they need to grow in these processes (Wells, 1990).

The goal of all reading instruction is to help students become expert readers so that they can achieve independence and can use literacy for lifelong learning and enjoyment. Learning to use strategies effectively is essential to constructing meaning. Readers who are not strategic often encounter difficulties in their reading (Paris, Wasik, & Turner, 1991). These early difficulties in reading may influence the way readers learn throughout the rest of their lives (Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkinson, 1985).

Detailed Questions:

  1. What does the text speak about? (1.5/1.5)

This text speaks about strategic readers (aka, expert readers and/ or effective readers).

  1. What are the categories of readers that you can infer from the text? (1.5/1.5)

There are two categories of readers according to the text: Strategic Readers (This means that they have purposes for their reading and adjust their reading to each purpose and for each reading task. Strategic readers use a variety of strategies and skills as they construct meaning ) and Non-Strategic Readers.

  1. What is the role of the teacher of reading? (1.5/1.5)

The teacher of readings to attain two main goals: First, to help students become expert readers to achieve autonomy, and second, they can use literacy for lifelong learning and enjoyment.

  1. Propose three (03) reading strategies that can help Algerian students overcome reading difficulties. (1.5/1.5

The three strategies that I willing propose to help overcome Algerian students’ difficulties are spelled below:

  1. The judicious use of multimedia resources( Lab, CD ROM, Data Show,e-books, and adapted movies);
  2. Include phonemic awareness tasks and phonics in classroom reading procedures;
  3. Integrate the four skills (reading can be developed through listening, speaking, and writing précis, dicto-comp, reports, and term papers).

Section Three: Let’s Prepare a Lesson(8/8)

I read the document from East West, a textbook designed for teaching English to speakers of other languages. I prepare a listening comprehension (LC) lesson using the worksheets (handed over by the proctors as part of the examination paper).