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NB Nursing Homes iTacit Implementation

iTacit Quick Reference Guide

The material contained in this document is proprietary to iTacit Inc.
No part of this document may be reproduced or used by third parties without the written permission of iTacit Inc.

(This document was last revised on June 29, 2015)

Table of Contents


A Note on Infrastructure Requirements

Media Recommendations


Create an Employee

Inactivate / Reactivate / Delete an Employee

Export Employee Information

System Access

Unlock an Employee



Create a News Article

Create Links and Insert Media in a News Article

Publish a News Article to the Banner

Course and Training Catalogue Set-Up

Create an iCourse

Create a New Component in your ICourse

Create a Quiz in your iCourse

Set up a Randomized Quiz in your iCourse

Understanding Scoring in a Quiz

Uploading a Packaged / SCORM Course

Creating a Training Catalogue Item

Publish a Training Catalogue Item to the Banner

Set Up a Certificate for a Training Catalogue Item

The Media Library

Create a new media library item:

View an existing media library item:

Create a New Training Certificate

Create and Manage Sessions

Knowledge Programs

Create a Knowledge Program


Welcome to iTacit. This Quick Reference Guide is designed to walk you through common Set-Up and Maintenance activities in your top left-hand Menu. An iTacit Training & Education Set-Up for Super-Users course is also available to help you with the Training module and can be accessed through the Training Catalogue. Additional resources, such as video tutorials and module-specific guides, will be made available to you throughout your training and use of the system.

For more information regarding regular Dashboard Tools and activities, please refer to the Welcome iCourse for Employees and Managers, assigned to you in your “My Training” dashboard tool.

A Note on Infrastructure Requirements

To provide a great customer experience, iTacit has some basic technology requirements and recommendations for people using it. We do our best to provide support for popular computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, using popular browsers.

If you have any issues with your device or browser, check our recommendations below, or contact your local iTacit representative or Help Desk.

Internet Browsers

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 9 (or newer)
  • Mozilla Firefox 4 (or newer)
  • Safari 5.1 (or newer)
  • Google Chrome 10 (and above)


  • Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Flash (Supported Media File type)

Adobe Flash support has progressively declined in recent years making it incompatible with mostpopular and modern browsers.Flash players are currently not supported for iOS and Android devices on all modern browser versions.

It is still possible to consume flash-based media on desktops and laptops primarily using Chrome. If using Internet Explorer, an IE8 compatibility mode is currently enforced in iTacit in order to enable compatibility.

iTacit recommends clients to avoid the consumption of flash based media files going forward due to the diminishing level of support.

Media Recommendations

Looking to spice up your training courses with Media? Sending an attachment to a message to simplify your

Communication? Great! For best results in image quality and playback, please take a look at the guidelines below:

Formats / .JPG and .PNG
Resolution / 72 dpi
Size Recommendations (in pixels)
Optimum / Maximum
Employee Avatars (headshots) / 64x64 / 256x256
Logos for Training Courses, News Articles / 256x256 / 512x512
Images for course content / 512x512 / 1024x768
Images for course content (which may be zoomed to full-screen / 800x600 / 1920x1080



Format / .MP4, MOV, and .GIF
Codec (plug-ins) / H.264, AAC
Maximum dimension / 1280 x 720 (720p)
720p is the recommended maximum size. If fullscreen video playback of a video is not anticipated, then a size should be considered.
File Size / Video files exceeding 20 MB should be assessed to see if they can be shortened.
Video Length / Should be limited to 2 minutes or less, to prevent excessive file sizes.
Can your video be chunked/broken into chapters or sections? Learners will also benefit!
Processing / Video is bandwidth-intensive. Videos should be processed through a compression utility (such as Vimeo, YouTube or similar), to ensure that it is as lightweight as possible. Direct upload of raw-captured video should be avoided.


Format PDF Document Files (Optimal)
iTacit allows the uploading of other document types. Document types, other and Adobe Acrobat, require the existence of software on the viewing device that is capable of opening the uploaded document type. For example, if you upload a Microsoft Word (.doc) document, the viewing user must have Microsoft Word installed on their device to view that document.
Maximum Size Recommendations (in MB)
My Messages / 10 MB due to mail server processing
iCourse Reference Documents, Training Catalogue Item Documents,Employee Documents / 20MB


In the Employees menu item, you can quickly add a new employee, modify an existing employee profile, or view the iTacit activities of particular employees.

Create an Employee

  1. SelectMenuEmployeesEmployee.
  1. In the Employees screen,select New.
  1. Enter the employee’s Last and FirstNames.
  2. Enter the Employee # if applicable.
  3. Enter an Email Address if applicable.
  4. Enter the Username for logging into iTacit.
  5. Ensure there is a checkmark by Assign Temporary Password.

(This will ensure a copy of the password is sent to the user via email).

  1. Select the date icon by Employee Since to set the employee’s start date.
  2. Select the date icon by Start Date to set the employee’s role start date.
  3. Select the dropdown option by Default Role and attach the desired role.
  1. Select Done or select More Information to add additional details to the employee profile.

If the employee holds more than one role, ensure the checkmark by the main role is checked as the Default Role.

If the employee is acting on behalf of a manager place a checkmark by the Acts as role.

Inactivate / Reactivate / Delete an Employee

iTacit recommends inactivating employees, rather than deleting them. This enables you to maintain their electronic record, to consult at a later date if desired. It also allows you the ability to reactivate the employee if they return to the same or a new position in the nursing home.

Inactivate an Employee:

  1. SelectMenuEmployeesEmployee.
  1. Search for and select the employee you would like to inactivate.
  1. Select the Inactivate button.
  2. Select the date icon to set the inactivation date.
  3. Select Ok.
  1. Select Done.

Once the employee has been inactivated, all employee roles will be inactivated and their ability to login will be revoked.

Reactivate an Employee:

  1. SelectMenuEmployeesEmployee.
  1. Search for and select the employee you would like to inactivate.
  1. Select the Reactivate button.
  2. Select Yes.
  3. In the Roles section, select New to add a role or select the current role and remove the end date to reactivate previous role.
  1. Select Done.

(See image on the next page).

Delete an Employee:

If you are sure that you would like to fully delete an employee, you must first delete the activities and files associated with them.

  1. SelectMenuEmployeesEmployee.
  1. Search for and select the employee you would like to delete.
  1. Select the Transcript tab and delete all transcripts.
  2. Select the Knowledge Programs tab and delete all knowledge programs.
  3. Select the Performance tab and delete all performance items.
  4. Select Yes in the Delete confirmation window.

If you receive a Delete failed notification; then the employee has been sent a message or survey that is linked to their profile and may not be deleted. In these instances the employee profile can be inactivated.

Export Employee Information

Pull employee information into an Excel workbook instantly.

  1. SelectMenuEmployeesEmployee.
  1. Enter your search criteria.
  1. Select Search.
  1. Place a checkmark by the employees you want to export.
  1. Select ActionExport.

  1. In the Select Values to Export screen select the values to export then select Download Exported Values.
  1. An Export confirmation window will display select Yes. Your file will be downloaded into Excel.

System Access

Using your System Access menu item, under Employees, you can quickly view the status of employee accounts, to identify locked accounts or identify who has signed in to the system.

  1. SelectMenuEmployeesSystem Access.
  1. Enter your search criteria. (Search locked accounts, passwords set by user, etc.)
  1. Select Search.
  1. To modify an employee’s system access (login) information, click directly on the employee to open the System Access User Options tab. Modify their username, email address or other desired data.
  1. Select Apply and then Done.

Unlock an Employee

After several invalid login attempts, iTacit will lock employees out of the system. Accessing an Employee’s System Access tab through their Employee Profile or the System Access menu item will allow you to unlock their account and assign a new Temporary Password.

  1. SelectMenuEmployeesEmployee.
  1. Search for and select the employee you would like to unlock.
  1. In the System Access section select Setup Access.
  1. In the Account Status section unclick the checkbox by Locked.
  1. Click Done.
  1. In the Access Status section, select the Assign Temporary Password button. A temporary password will be sent to the employee’s email address.


Select My Messages on your main Dashboard.

Send a message

  1. Select New Conversation
  1. Enter the topic of your message.
  2. Enter the content of your message.
  3. Select Add Recipients to choose who should receive the message.

Messages can be sent to individuals, by role, or by business unit (department, nursing home, or region.

  1. Select Attach to add an attachment.
  2. Select the calendar icon by Request that recipients read by to set a date when the message must be read by. This will allow you to track who has read the message.
  1. Select Send.

Reply to a message

  1. Select Reply to all to reply to everyone in the distribution list or select Reply to NAME to reply only to the individual that sent the message.
  1. Enter the content of your message.
  1. Select Send.


Create a News Article

News Articles can be created in advance of your article Start Date and disappear after the specified End Date. They can also be targeted to a specific group of iTacit users.

  1. SelectMenuNewsNews Article.
  1. In the News Article screen selectNew.
  1. Enter theHeadline for the news article.
  2. Select the Category the news article will display under.
  3. Select the Author of the article.
  4. Set the Article Start Date and Article End Date.
  5. Select Upload to add a logo to the news article.
  6. Choose a predetermined permission group by selecting the dropdown option by Permissions. Or, select Change… to specify each role in the edit and target groups.
  1. Select Apply to save.
  1. In the Summary section, enter a brief description of the article. This will appear in the dashboard view of the news article.
  1. In the Body section enter the content of the news article. Your article may include text, images, videos, etc.

Create Links and Insert Media in a News Article

Add links and media to your News Article to align your iTacit with your company website

  1. SelectMenuNewsNews Article.
  1. Select the desired article and navigate to the Body section.

Create a Link:

  1. To insert a link:
  1. Highlight the desired text.
  2. Select the Insert/edit link button.
  3. Enter the web address in the Url text box.

Alternatively, you may select also link to a PDF document by selecting the folder icon, and set it to display in a New Window.

  1. Enter the Text to display that will be visible in the news article.
  2. Select Ok
  1. Select Done to save.

Insert an image:

  1. Place your cursor where you would like your image to appear in the body of the New Article:
  1. Select the Insert/edit image button (a landscape portrait).
  2. Select the Browser button to the right ot the Source option.
  3. Enter an Image description.
  4. Select Ok.
  1. Select Done to save.

Insert a video:

  1. Place your cursor where you would like the video to appear:
  1. Select the Insert/edit video button (a film play button).
  2. Select the Browser button to the right ot the Source option.
  3. Select Ok.
  1. Select Done to save.

Publish a News Article to the Banner

Publish a News Article to the banner to catch the employee attention and prompt action in reading important articles.

  1. SelectMenuNewsNews Article.
  1. In the News Article screen, search for the desired News Article.
  1. In the Banner section:
  1. Enter the From and To dates
  2. Select the desired format
  3. Enter the Content to be displayed in the banner.
  4. Select Preview to view how the news article will display.
  1. Select Done.

Course and Training Catalogue Set-Up

Create an iCourse

iCourses are a great way to deliver online training through iTacit. Course material can be developed to include existing PowerPoint documents, policies, reference material, audio and video.

  1. SelectMenuTraining & EducationKnowledge DeliveryiCourses.
  1. In the iCourses screen selectNew.
  1. Enter a Title for the iCourse.
  2. Set the Passing Grade (%).
  3. Place a checkmark in the box by Allow Course Completion to ensure employees are able to complete the course.
  4. Place a checkmark in the box by Active to ensure the course is available for use.
  5. Choose a predetermined permission group by selecting the dropdown option by Permissions.
  6. To set permissions without a predetermined permission group select Change.
  7. Search for the desired Group, Business Unit, Job Classification and/or Role.
  8. Select Add to be add your selection to the desired section.
  9. Select Who does this include? to view the names of employees included in the desired section.
  10. Select Done.
  1. Select Apply.

If you accidentally add the wrong group(s) to a permission section, highlight the group and select Remove.

Create a New Component in your ICourse

Add new content to your course by creating a new component (section/page) or sub-component.

  1. In your open iCourse, select NewComponent.
  1. Enter a Title for the component.
  2. Place a checkmark in the box by Online to ensure the section is displayed when taking the iCourse. (To inactivate this section, remove the checkmark).
  3. Place a checkmark in the box by Mandatory Visit if this section is required when taking the iCourse.

Place a checkmark in the box by Show sub-components on initial display, if the section has sub-components they will be visible when previewing the iCourse.

Place a checkmark in the box by Show when previewing this iCourse, to display this section when an employee previews the iCourse from the Training Catalogue.

  1. Select Apply.
  1. In the Content section enter the desired text for this section of the iCourse.
  1. In the Reference Material section attach any associated reference material such as links or documents. Place a checkmark in the box by Mandatory to ensure the reference material is reviewed when taking the iCourse.
  1. Using the Table of Contents panel on the side, create a sub-component by selecting the desired component, then select New Component. The sub-component will appear below the original.
  1. Enter a Title for the component.
  2. Place a checkmark in the box by Online to ensure the section is displayed when taking the iCourse.
  3. Place a checkmark in the box by Mandatory Visit if this section is required when taking the iCourse.

Place a checkmark in the box by Show sub-components on initial display, if the section has sub-components they will be visible when previewing the iCourse.

Place a checkmark in the box by Show when previewing this iCourse, to display this section when an employee previews the iCourse from the Training Catalogue.

  1. Select Apply to save.

Create a Quiz in your iCourse

  1. With your iCourse open, select the title of the course and select New Questionnaires.
  1. Enter Title of the quiz.
  2. Enter Instructions for taking the quiz (if applicable).
  3. Enter a Passing Grade.
  4. Enter the Max. Number of Attempts.
  5. Place a checkmark in the box by Online to ensure the quiz is displayed when taking the iCourse.
  6. Place a checkmark in the box by Mandatory Visit if the quiz is required when taking the iCourse.
  7. Place a checkmark in the box by Shuffle the order of questions to enable the feature so each time an employee takes the quiz, the questions will be shuffled to appear in a new order.
  1. In the Review section:
  1. Place a checkmark in the box by Enable User Review to enable users to review the quiz.
  2. Place a checkmark in the box by On Review Show Correct Answers, to display the correct answers to the questions when reviewing the quiz.
  3. Place a checkmark in the box by On Review Show Incorrect Answers to display the incorrect answer that was chosen.
  1. Select Apply.
  1. Create a new section in your quiz by selecting the title of the quiz. Select NewSection.
  1. Enter the Title of the section.
  1. Add a question to the quiz section. Select the desired section on the left-hand table of contents, then select NewQuestion.
  1. Enter the Question in the text box provided.
  2. Select the dropdown arrow to select the desired question type.
  3. Place a checkmark in the box by Answer required to make the question mandatory.
  4. Place a checkmark in the box by Always ask this question to ensure the question is asked even during retakes.
  5. Place a checkmark in the box by Shuffle the order of answersto enable the feature so each time an employee sees this question the answers will appear in a new order.