All SaintsMonday & Wednesday 9.15am Morning Prayer (St. Michaels)

11am Sung EucharistTuesday & Thursday 9.15am Morning Prayer (All Saints, Rhodes)

ST MICHAELS Wednesday 10am Eucharist (St. Michaels)

8am Said Eucharist with first holy communionThursday 9am Morning Prayer (St. Michaels)

9.30am Sung Eucharistwith first holy communionsSunday CHRIST THE KING8am Said Eucharist(St. Michaels)

11am Interment of Ashes for Barbara Fallows9.30am Sung Eucharist NO family Eucharist in the evening (St. Michaels)

Baptism for James Nicholas5.30pm LIGHT FOR A LIFE SERVICE (All Saints, Rhodes)

5.30pm Family Eucharist with first holy communions



SEASON OF GIVING: Thank you so much to all who have taken part in the reverse advent calendar as part of the season of giving in support of Middleton Foodbank. We were able to take a substantial amount of food to the Foodbank as we reached the midway point, which is wonderful and I am sure it will make a real difference. If you haven’t been able to contribute so far but would like to it’s not too late to get involved and it would be really good to keep the momentum going until the end of the month!

COFFEE MORNING: Every Tuesday from 10.30am to 12noon in All Saints Church, Rhodes. Everyone welcome.

PASTORAL CARE DIRECTORY: We are putting together a directory for Jackie and Sally should they need to give some extra special pastoral care to you, it would be handy that our Clergy can contact you. Please give your details to Carol.

KNITTED BIBLE: will be on display until Sunday 26th November at Alkrington & Providence URC. The Church will be open every day between 10am-3pm and between 7pm- 9pm20th-24th November.Entry is free and refreshments are available.

‘LIGHT FOR A LIFE’ SERVICE:A memorial service of remembrance outdoors on Sunday 26th November, 5.30pm at All Saints Church, Rhodes. St Michael’s Brass Band will play for us; the children from Little Heaton C of E Primary School will sing,and we may also be blessed with the voices of St Michael’s Youth Club. This is a special annual service to remember all who we continue to love but see no longer. It is an opportunity to dedicate a light on the tree in thanksgiving for the light of our loved ones, that continues to shine in and through us. Dedication forms are available in churchtoday or online on the website of both churches. All names submitted on or before the 22nd November will be included in the service booklet.

SAMARITANS PURSE SHOE BOX APPEAL: A list is on the notice board. Please give your donations to Janine.

CAROLS ROUND THE TREE: Saturday 9th December 11am to 11.30am in Middleton Town Centre. This is an initiative by the Middleton Churches working together and your support and ‘singing voice’ is very much needed. Please add this date to your diary, especially as St Michael’s Band will be playing – O Come All Ye Faithful, Joyful And Triumphant!

REMEMBRANCE SERVICE: For all who mourn the loss of loved ones, this time of year can be especially difficult. Just like the ‘Light for a Life’ service in November, this is an opportunity to remember and give thanks for those we love but see no longer. During this service, names will be read out and there will be an opportunity to light a candle. We look forward to welcoming you to this quite and comtemplative service where we hope you will find resurrection hope and peace.Sunday 10th December at 3pm. (SM)

CAROLS BY REQUEST: Sunday 10th December5.30pm at All Saints Church, Rhodes. An informal gatheringperfect for all your family, friends and neighbours with an opportunity to sing all your favourite carols by request. Hot tarts and mulled wine available throughout the service – soft drinks too for all the family!

CHRISTMAS FAIR: Thank you to all those who helped to make our Christmas Fair a Success, we managed to raise £978.00

2nd MIDDLETON St. MICHAEL’S SCOUT GROUP: There are places available for beavers (age 6-8), Cubs (age 8-10 ½), Scouts (age 10 ½ - 14). For more details please email:

FACEBOOK: Visit us at


PEW SHEET ENTRIES FOR NEXT WEEK: please send to y Thursday evening.

CONTACT DETAILS: for Rev’d Jackie: elephone: 0161 655 1816 or 07824 445596; for Rev’d Sally: