Parish of

All Saints Stretford

Sunday 3rd July 2016
Celebration Service

The Sixth Sunday

after Trinity

Readings for today– (3rd July 2016 p932)

2 Kings 5.1-14 Dorinda Blackley

Gospel: Luke 10.1-11,16-20

Intercessions: Beryl Davies

Lay Assistants: Billy Tomkinson Albert Martyn

Sides Persons: Margaret Bishop June Kettle


We give thanks for those who have had prayers answered and pray especially for the sick and distressed including:, Mildred Ciclitira, Mark Roberts, Christine Parkes, Mercedes Braithwaite, Joan Welch, Helen Cooper, Tracey Cook, Sarah Burke, Ruth Rogers, Karen, Will, Max Crompton, Phil Wall, Allan Roberts, David West, Sean McGlade, Susan Fall, Chris Allen, Joan Hornby, Simon Pitt and Stephen Tomkinson.

We pray for the faithful departed and all who mourn for loved ones.

We remember those whose names appear in our Book of Remembrance, including: Louise Stephens, Naomi Rook and Wallace Fern

May they each rest in peace and rise again in glory. Amen


Mon-Thurs Morning Prayer (all welcome) 8am
Tuesday Ecumenical Prayers St Matthews 10am

(all welcome)

Wednesday Mid-Week Eucharist 9.45am

Readings for next Sunday – (10th July 2016 p938)

Deuteronomy 30.9-14 Bea Morrow

Psalm 25.1-10 David Starmer

Colossians 1.1-14 Valerie Smith

Gospel: Luke 10.25-37

Intercessions: June Kettle

Lay Assistants: Valerie Smith Beryl Davies

Sides Persons: Mandy Tomkinson Christine Davies

Please pray for the future ministry Joanne Macholc (nee Joanne Thorpe) who was ordained Deacon in Blackburn Cathedral yesterday.

The envelope collections for Christian Aid Week this year totaled £74.20

Many thanks to everyone who generously gave.


Last Saturday we enjoyed a great day in Lostock Park meeting the community including; Lostock Community Allotments, Gorse Hill Studios, Community Police, Stretford Silver Band, the Coop (British Red Cross), Lostock library and Healthy Eating, along with Disco Dome and slides. Thankfully the rain stayed off until we were packing away. Photo’s can be seen on our FACEBOOK page. Thanks you to everyone who helped set up, Eva/Beryl for sorting the teddy bears picnic


BEAUTY/CRAFTS (PAMPER) AFTERNOON: Saturday 9th July. Come and enjoy some great refreshments while treating yourself to some beauty products or handmade local crafts. Admission £3, free glass of wine. For tickets see Steve or Mandy.

TAIZE SERVICE: Saturday 9th July 6pm @ Martin Luther Kirche Park Rd Stretford.

“START”: Sessions will be all held in the church hall and all start at 7.30pm and it doesn’t matter if you have missed any each session is self-contained. The next session is;

Session 5: Tuesday 14th June

Session 6: Tuesday 28th June

Session 7: Tuesday 5th July

Rehearsal: Tuesday 12th July

CONFIRMATION SERVICE: The Bishop of Middleton (Bishop Mark) will be attending our service on Sunday 17th July to baptise and confirm our members. After the service all the congregation are invited to stay and celebrate with the families. There will be a small buffet for all to enjoy.

Those being baptised or confirmed are Bethany Worsley, Dan Cadwallader, Nicole Taylor, David Ellis, Carl Horne and Anthony Horne.

LCP/FOLP ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: Lostock Community Partnership and Friends of Lostock Park will be holding their AGMs on Tuesday the 19th July 2016 @ 6.30pm at the Quest Building, Barton Rd, Stretford. This is an ideal opportunity to see what goes on and to actually take part in the decisions that affect the community area. Both voluntary organisations are looking for new people to get involved in whatever capacity the can. Why not come along and see what goes on.

NEXT PCC MEETING: Wednesday 20th July starting with Eucharist at 7pm and the meeting commencing at 7.30pm

Sharing the love of Christ, the Light of the World,

with the people of Stretford.


Light a candle in our prayer corner….

Loving God,
Welcome into your arms the victims of violence and terrorism especially those who were killed or injured in the explosions at the Istanbul airport.
Comfort their families and comfort those who grieve.

Help us in our fear and uncertainty,
And bless us with the knowledge that we are secure in your love.
Strengthen all those who work for peace,
And may the peace the world cannot give reign in our hearts. Amen