28 MAY 2017

Holy Communion ~ 8:00am

The Sunday after ascension Day (BCP)

The Sunday after Ascension Day ~ 28 May 2017

Today’s homily:The Reverend Sarah Holmström

The service begins on page 67 of the Book of Common Prayer.

Today’s Collect, Epistle, and Gospel can be found on page 203 of the BCP.

Prayers of the People…

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Justin Welby; and for the work of the Anglican Centre in RomeNike (in Enugu, Nigeria), the Rt. Rev. Evans Jonathan Ibeagha, Bishop.

In Canada we give thanks and pray for the Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada; for the Metropolitan of Rupert’s Land, Archbishop Gregory Kerr-Wilson; for the Diocese of Ontario, the Rt. Rev. Michael Oulton, Bishop.

In our Diocese we give thanks and pray for the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jane Alexander,

our Bishop; for our examining chaplains, our theological students, and all of our postulants for ordination. We pray for the Ermineskin Cree Nation.

In our partner Diocese of Buyé we pray for All Saints’ Cathedral (Burundi), and for theSynod Office staff: Amos Mutezimana(Evangelism Officer), Simion Kinono(Health & Christian Education Coordinator), Rev. Noel Ntamavukiro(Gender-Based Violence, and Peace & Reconciliation Officer).

In our Sudanese Community, we pray for the Dinka community of St. Mark’s-Jieng Anglican Parish, the Rev. Akon Lual Akon, Rector, and the Rev. John Ayuen, Assistant Priest; we pray for peace in South Sudan.

In our Parish cycle we give thanks and pray for the Clergy, the staff, and their families at the Cathedral. We also give thanks and pray for the community and ministries of All Saints’ Anglican Cathedral, and the following households:

Hazel Grice; Bob Grynoch & Pamela Sing; Milton Halvarson; Ellen Hambrook; Donna Hancharyk; Grant Harrison; Joyce Harrison; Jorgen & Penelope Hartsen; Kris & Jacquie Haugland; Carol Hawrish; Liz Hay; and Peter & Lois Heritage.

We pray for our Syrian refugee family:for Ahmad & Nuha, Mohammad,

Huthaifa, Abdulrahman, Abdullah, & Rasil.

We remember those for whom we have been asked to pray: Barbara Bell,John & Margaret Wilson, Austin McLure, Anne King, Gabrielle Edwardes, Tania,Aimee, Anne Hayes, Gordon & Pat, Scott Adams, Paul, Liz Hay, Ted,Matthew & Amy, Dottie Cocker, Joan Sachse, Mitchel Brandon, Charlie, and Kelly Stauch.

~ Prayers for those who have died ~

LeaderWe pray for those who have died.

Rest eternal grant them, O Lord.

PeopleAnd may light perpetual shine upon them.

LeaderWe pray for those in mourning.

This week at The Cathedral…

Monday, May 298:30amMorning Prayer, in the Cathedral

12:10pm#Pledge2Pray, in the Cathedral

7:00pmCentering Prayer, in the Cathedral Boardroom

Tuesday, May 308:30amMorning Prayer, in the Cathedral

11:00am to 2:00pmThe Cathedral is open to the public

12:10pm#Pledge2Pray, in the Cathedral

1:00pm to 2:30pmBible Study, in the Cathedral Office

Wednesday, May 318:30amMorning Prayer, in the Cathedral

11:00am to 2:00pmThe Cathedral is open to the public

12:10pm#Pledge2Pray, in the Cathedral

* Holy Eucharist & Bible Study** RESUMES NEXT WEEK *

Thursday, June 18:30amMorning Prayer, in the Cathedral

9:00am to 2:00pmThe FREE Tax Clinic

11:00am to 2:00pmThe Cathedral is open to the public

12:10pm#Pledge2Pray, in the Cathedral

7:30pm Concert Pro Coro:Childhood Memories

Friday, June 2 8:30amMorning Prayer, in the Cathedral

11:00am to 2:00pmThe Cathedral is open to the public

12:10pm#Pledge2Pray, in the Cathedral Common (Hall)

8:00pmConcert Halifax Camerata Singers:

The Voices of Our Past

Saturday, June 39:00amAltar Guild

8:00pm Concert Voces Nordicae:Earth Call

Sunday, June 48:00amHoly Communion [BCP]

9:15amHoly Eucharist [BAS]

11:00amChoral Eucharist

7:00pmChoral Evensong


“Between Services”continuesTODAY(from 10:20am to 10:50am)in the Cathedral. Join us for The Eucharist from ‘The Pilgrim Program.’

The YEG International Choral Festival, hosted by Pro Coro Canada, will feature three concerts here at the Cathedral. For more information, please visit: < or see the posters in the Common.

#Pledge2Pray: We are participating in the 10-day Global Prayer Initiative (organized by the Church of England) called ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ , which runs from Ascension Day to the Day of Pentecost(25 May to 4 June). You may pray individually

or join with others here at the Cathedral, every day at 12:10pm during these ten days.

For more, please visit <


Language, Lodge, & Land:Please see today’s insert about this serieswhich many may wish to attend. It continuesTHIS Tuesday, 30 May, at 7:00pm, with the second of four interactive discussions. Come and hear Bishop Jane speak about the connection between ceremony, prayer, and reconciliation.

Thursday lunches are coming back! We are planning to serve ‘Thursday Lunches’ from June through to the end of October, and are asking for volunteers to prepare & serve a soup & sandwich lunch for 20 to 25 people. If you are interested, please sign-up on the poster in the Cathedral Common for as many dates as you feel you can manage. For more info, please speak with The Dean.

URGENT! Opening the cathedral to the community:

We need members of the congregation to act as Docents for

this important ministry. We like to have 2 people per shift, which run weekdays from 11:00am to 2:00pm. If you can help, please write your name and contact info on the poster in the Hall, or speak directly with Barb Burrows or Brenda Voyce.

Training will be provided.

The Wisdom Circle: All are welcome to this gathering Saturday,17 June 2017, from 1:00pm to 5:00pm, at the Boyle Street Plaza [9538 103AAvenue, Edmonton].While celebrating National Aboriginal Day(June 21),this gathering will focus on the wisdom of elders, spiritual and community leaders of Alberta’s Capital Region.This is the second in a series of gatherings titled“Moving Forward – We are all in this Together”, sponsored by the Anglican Foundation of Canada, & facilitated by Michelle Nieviadomy(she’s the ICPM’s Oskâpêwis; that is the Cree word for helper). For more, please contact <>.

Sermon notes…

A warm welcome to all those visiting with us today!

Please sign our Guest Book located in the Narthex,

and following the service you are invited to join us

for refreshments in the Cathedral Common.

The flowers on the reredos are given to the Glory of God,

and in loving memory of

our dear sister, Shelley, and our dear mother, Evelyn,

from the Harrison family.

my dear brother, Jérôme Eugene Malenfant,

from your sister, Bernadette.

All Saints’ Anglican Cathedral

Cathedral Office - 10035 103 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5J 0X5

Bishop...... The Rt. Rev. Dr. Jane Alexander

Dean...... The Very Rev. Neil Gordon

Assistant Priest...... The Rev. Sarah Holmström

Deacon...... The Rev. Cheryl Boulet

Music Director...... Jeremy Spurgeon

Lay Reader...... Jay Adams

Honorary Assistant...... The Venerable Alan Perry

Honorary Assistant...... The Rev. Canon Gwen Bright

Honorary Assistant...... The Rev. Terry Dunn

Rector’s Warden...... Liz Hickey

Deputy Rector’s Warden...... Jim McGuckin

People’s Warden...... David Nahirney

Deputy People’s Warden...... Jordan Giggey

Executive Assistant...... Bernaie Read

Cathedral Office: (780) 428-6323
