Nomination for FOAL RECORDING Form

All nominated stock must be 3 years of age or under.

I wish to nominate the pony named below for Foal Recording - with the New Zealand Riding Pony Society and hereby enclose $15.00 (member) or $30 (non-member). PLUS additional LATE FEE of $50 if this nomination is submitted after 31stJuly and the pony is a rising yearling.

Name of Owner ______

Address ______


Phone/fax no. ______

Name of Breeder ______

Address ______


Phone/fax no. ______

Name of Pony ______

Sire: ______Reg No/s. ______

Dam: ______Reg No/s. ______

(Please circle)fillyColtGelding


a).Read the Society’s ‘Registration Rules, Information and Procedures’.

b).Complete and send this form. Attach to this form a stallion service certificate (or copy of) to verify the sire of your foal. Send this form, along with the stallion service certificate plus the registration fee of $15 (member) or $30 (non-member) to the registration officer: Judith Johnson, Bathgate Road, RD 10, WAIMATE, 7980.
If this nomination is submitted after 31st July and the pony is a rising yearling), send an additional $50 LATE FEE.

c).The registration officer will return to you a registration form. You must complete this form (name of foal, date of birth of foal, all pedigree details, markings of foal, etc) and return it to the registration officer within six weeks. When completing forms please include all registration numbers (i.e., Pony Breeders’ Society, Welsh, Arab, etc). All efforts should be made to accurately trace the breeding of the pony. This information is required for records and is particularly important when publishing a registered pony’s pedigree, as the information needs to be accurate and complete to ensure a quality, useful studbook resource. Failure to return the form within six weeks of issue voids your application for registration. Applications that are void need to be resubmitted and the fee paid once again. If you have any questions regarding registration or any difficulty in tracing the breeding and/or recording the pedigree of your foal please contact the registration officer: Judith Johnson, phone 03-6897775, fax 03-6897706, email:

d).Once the accurately completed registration form is received by the registration officer you will receive a foal recording card. (If forms are inaccurate or incomplete they may be returned to you.)

I have read the rules for registration. The pony nominated on this form complies with the New Zealand Riding Pony Society rules for foal recording.

Signed: ______

(Please do not send cash in the mail. Cheques to be made payable to the New Zealand Riding Pony Society)

Updated version – August2016. All previous version are invalid.