2010 Demonstration Garden GuidelinesDemonstration Garden Guidelines
All Master Gardener Demonstration Garden should:
- Have a clear educational purpose and component.
- Be readily accessible to the public.
- Include educational and branding signage*. The TMG logo and plant labels are considered minimum standards.
4.Have a current project request agreement with the property owner or manager. This should define the duties and responsibilities of the landowners, the county Extension office and the local Master Gardener program.
*Qualifying county MG Demonstration Gardens will be eligible for an official TMG demonstration sign to be placed in the garden. Aluminum coated sign with official logo, dimensions are 23” x 18” including a half inch edge for optional framing. Holes can be drilled for hanging. Signs should be removed immediately if project ends.
Return applications before April 3, 2010 with a check for $35.00 and the TMG State Program will contribute the additional $35.00 for all qualifying garden’s sign. Limit one per demonstration garden. After April 3, 2010 signs will cost $70.00 each. Checks should be made to: University of Tennessee. Mail application and questions to Beth Babbit 252 Ellington PSB, 2431 Joe Johnson Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996.
Official TMG Demonstration Garden Application
Name of managing gGroup: ______
Contact name and email address:
Address: ______
Name of dDemonstration gGarden: ______
Date of establishment (or proposed date): ______
Educational purpose statement for garden and list each component: ______
Garden Audience(s): ______
Driving directions to the garden: ______
Hours of operation: ______
Garden Partners (these are benefactors who should be listed on the sign- no more than
one line): ______
Please attach a description of garden, information to add to a web site or program.
*Qualifying county MG Demonstration Gardens will be eligible for an official TMG demonstration sign to be placed in the garden.
Research Information
Research p(participation is optional, and will not disqualify and application.)
[ Yes No ]We would be interested in including our county MG demonstration garden as a participating location for University of Tennessee research.
Please complete the following survey so we can better understand your garden site and MG participation for specific research opportunities.
Total available area (acres or feet): ______
Total Size of installed garden (acres or feet): ______
Please check all that apply: Type of garden(s):
Woody ornamental shrubs (______sq.ft.)
Trees (______sq.ft.)
Bedding (annual) plants (______sq.ft.)
Perennials (______sq.ft.)
Herbs (______sq.ft.)
Vegetables (______sq.ft.)
Other ______, (______sq. ft.)
Maintenance practices:
Pesticides used always
Pesticides used preventatively
Sustainable- use chemicals only when necessary
Organic pesticides only
Strictly Organic (no pesticides)
Soil Type & Profile (if known): ______
Date of last soil test: ______
Soil Amendments added:
Lime (amount and rate applied ______)
Composted manures
Composted garden waste
Fertilizers (list commonly used rates ______)
Mycorrhizae and beneficial microbial treatments
___ Number of average visitors for one month (during spring & summer)
Typical garden experience levels of people visiting ______
Are plants/portions of plants harvested? [ Yes No ].
If yes, how are they used postharvest? ______
Research requires observation and data collection. If trained, can volunteers assist in taking data? Yes No
How often: Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Annually
Please provide any other information you may have about the history of the land or this garden: