All-Inclusive History

Dates For Walking Tours

& Events in Worthing 2015

Version 2 – Jan 2015


New Year's Day: Lost Worthing (x2)

Tues 6th Jan: Lost, Royal, Spooky

Tues 13th Jan: Spooky

Tues 3rd Feb: Lost, Royal, Spooky

Tues 10th Feb: Spooky

Tues 3rd Mar: Lost, Royal, Spooky

Tues 10th Mar: Spooky

Sun 15th Mar: Mothering Sunday Tours: 11AM: WOMEN OF WORTHING 1.30PM: ROYAL WORTHING – both £5

Easter Weekend Tours: - £5 Easter Sunday (5th April): 11am: Lost, 1.30pm: Royal Easter Monday: (6th April): 11am: Lost, 1.30pm: Cultural Worthing

Tues 7th April: Lost, Royal, Cultural (starts at 7.30pm until autumn)

Tues 14th April: Spooky (also moves to 7.30pm until autumn)

NEW: Sat 25th Apr: Spooky Worthing - £5

Tues 5th May: Lost, Royal, Cultural

Thur 7th May: General Elections in the past – event – 7pm-9pm – Venue TBC

Tues 12th May: Spooky

NEW: Sat 30th May: Spooky - £5

Tues 2nd June: Lost, Royal, Cultural

Tues 9th June: Spooky

Sun 21st June: Father’s Day Tours: 11AM: MEN OF WORTHING 1.30PM: WORTHING & WAR – both £5

New: Sat 27th June: Spooky - £5

Tues 7th July: Lost, Royal, Cultural

Tues 14th July: Spooky

NEW: Sat 25th July: Spooky - £5

Tues 4th Aug: Lost, Royal, Cultural

Tues 11th Aug: Spooky

NEW: Sat 22 & 29 Aug: Spooky - £5

Tues 1st Sept: Lost, Royal, Cultural

Tues 8th Sept: Spooky

NEW: Sat 26th Sept: Spooky - £5

Tues 6th Oct: Lost, Royal, Cultural (Cultural stays on a Tues but start time back to 6.30pm)

Tues 13th Oct: Spooky

Thurs 22nd Oct - Sat 31st Oct: Spooky Tour every night - 6.30pm - £5

Sat 31st Oct - 8pm: Spooky Worthing Evening Event - Price and venue TBA

Tues 3rd Nov: Lost, Royal, Cultural (Prices go up to £5 from now on)

Tues 10th Nov: Spooky

NEW: Sat 28th Nov: Spooky

Tues 1st Dec: Lost, Royal, Cultural

Tues 8th Dec: Spooky

Thu 17th Dec: PB355 Memorial Event – free

Tours cost £4* per person, children £3. To book, contact 07504 863867 or email - All tours approx. 1. 5 hrs – 2km & start at , and return to the Denton.

Lost Worthing investigates what Worthing has lost since before its pre-resort days, ranging from the Saltgrass and old coastline to buildings such as the Eardley – 11am

Royal Worthing investigates the impact of Royals on Worthing from the Saxons to Queen Elizabeth II, and assesses the impact of Royals such as Charlotte, the Prince Regent and, Princess Amelia to the town 1.30pm

Spooky Worthing investigates reportings of spooky tales, buildings and events in the area 6.30/7.30pm

Cultural Worthing investigates Worthing’s impact on literature, culture and the media 6.30/7.30pm

Want your own personalised tour? Minimum of 6. Call 07504 863867

* except Saturdays, Boxing & New Year’s Day, Halloween tours and from Nov 3rd 2015 prices rise to £5 and £4 for adults and children respectively.

Under 2s go free