All Hospital leadership personnel
This document provides guidelines for initiating, preparing and updating policies and procedures at the Hospital; to outline the mechanism for approval, authorization and distribution; and to ensure that policies are developed in collaboration with associated departments.
- Hospital-wide policies/procedures are developed for significant organizational issues that are interdepartmental or mandated to be hospital wide by accreditation agencies or state/federal legislation.
- All hospital policies and procedures are housed on a policy management system.
- All hospital staff can easily access all active policies via their PolicyStat website.
- Staff can use the search feature to access active policies by:
- Text
- Title
- Policy Area
- Author
- References
- Hospital personnel without a user identification and password are limited to viewing only approved/active policies and procedures.
- Staff identified as policy authors, editors or policy area owners are assigned a user identification number, password and permission levels.
- Each Policy Approval Workflow contains the steps that a policy must follow in order to be made active in PolicyStat.
- Each policy is assigned a Policy Approval Workflow at its inception and each Policy Approval Workflow has an individual assigned as its approver.
- As a policy is submitted for approval, the approver is notified via email that a policy is awaiting their authorization. In addition, the approver can view all of their pending policies on theHome Screen on the PolicyStat system.
- Approval Workflows have been created to insure that a policy is reviewed by at least one member of the Policy Committee prior to submission for approval.
- The Approval Workflow can be changed for any new or existing policy at any time.
- Examples of Approval Workflowsare:
- Administration
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Policy Committee
- Medical Executive Committee (MEC)
- Board of Managers (BOM)
- Administration/Infection Control
- Infection Control Committee
- Policy Committee
- Clinical Services
- Vice President of Clinical Services
- Policy Committee
- Clinical Services/Infection Control
- Vice President of Clinical Services
- Infection Control Committee
- Policy Committee
- Finance and HIM
- Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
- Policy Committee
- Human Resources
- Director of Human Resources
- Policy Committee
- Human Resources/Infection Control
- Director of Human Resources
- Infection Control Committee
- Policy Committee
- Infection Control
- Infection Control Committee
- Policy Committee
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
- Policy Committee
- P&T/IC
- Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
- Infection Control Committee
- Policy Committee
- Safety and Quality
- Clinical Safety Manager
- Vice President of Clinical Services
- Policy Committee
- Safety and Quality/Infection Control
- Clinical Safety Manager
- Vice President of Clinical Services
- Infection Control Committee
- Policy Committee
- Surgical Services
- Director of Surgical Services
- Policy Committee
- Surgical Services/Infection Control
- Director of Surgical Services
- Infection Control Committee
- Policy Committee
- Bylaws
- Medical Staff
- Rules & Regulations
- Historical documentation of the approval process for new, revised and retired policies shall be maintained in PolicyStat. In addition, a historical file for legal and reference purposes is maintained in Hospital Administration for policies approved prior to March, 2011.
- All new/revised policies shall be:
- Reviewed by the appropriate committee, obtaining committee input as needed.
- Submitted to individuals/departments for additional comments and revisions as needed. The chairperson shall review and compile comments/revisions.
- Submitted to the Policy Committee for final comments, revisions and approval.
- Submitted to the MEC and BOM for final approval.
- Requests for new policies, revisions or deletions may be made by Medical Staff committees, Hospital committees, hospital departments or individuals on the Hospital Policy Committee.
- The Hospital Policy Committee shall be:
- Composed of representatives (additional members may be added as needed):
- Vice President of Clinical Services
- Human Resources Director
- Clinical Safety Manager
- Infection Control Preventionist.
- Chaired by a member of the Hospital Administration Staff.
- The Chair shall maintain a current list of all policies, schedule Policy Committee Meetings and provide copies of new and revised policies for inclusion in the MEC and BOM packets.
- This individual is also identified as the Site Administrator onPolicyStat.
- The Policy Committee will:
- Meet prior to each MEC and BOM meeting to review and approve pending policies.
- Identify the appropriate manager for policy development.
- Insure that input is solicited and incorporated into a final policy statement.
- Review User permission levels on PolicyStat.
- Once completed, the committee shall submit the policy to theMECandBOM for final approval.
- All existing Hospital policies will be reviewed at least every three years and/or as needed.
- When an entire section of policies is reviewed, a coversheet will be completed stating a section wasreviewed prior to being submitted to the BOM for their approval.
- The date the section was reviewed by the BOM will be placed on the Tracking Sheet.
- The coversheet will be signed by:
- Medical Director/Advisor (as appropriate)
- The department manager that reviewed the section
- Vice President of Clinical Services
- Infection Control Preventionist
- Hospital's CEO
- Once signed, the coversheet will be stored in a binder.
- Within 7 business days of the date of the BOM meeting, the chairperson shall:
- Approve policiesin PolicyStat to make them active.
- Send an emailto all hospital staff notifying them of all recently new/revised policies and instructions on how they can be accessed on the PolicyStat system.
- Electronic copies of all policies will be maintained on the hospital Shared Drive and on two portable drives. One drive will be retained by the Policy Administrator and the other will be retained in the hospital Security Office.