West Orange High School
Guest Application: Prom 2018
***All forms need to be submittedand approved BEFORE purchasing a guest ticket.***
- Return completed form to Mrs. Kassar in room #540 by Friday, April 13th, 2018. Any guest forms received after this deadline are subject to refusal.
- Attach a clear, printed copy of the guest’s valid driver’s license or other government issued photo identification. High school students may submit a school issued ID.
- Only ONE guest per student. Guest cannot be over the age of 20 or attend middle school.
- WOHS underclassmen students cannot purchase tickets, however they can attend as a guest of a WOHS upperclassmen. Junior/Senior student must purchase underclassman’s ticket as a guest ticket.
- No guests will be admitted to prom alone; all guests must be accompanied by a WOHS student. Guest student and WOHS student must enter check-in at the same time.
- Student and guest must bring a valid ID to the dance. NO STUDENT WILL BE PERMITTED ENTRY INTO PROM WITOUT A VALID PHOTO ID.
- Guest tickets may not be purchased until this form has been submitted AND approved by WOHS administration. Allow at least 48 hours (school days) for approval. You will be contacted once the form has been processed.
All OCPS and WOHS rules, regulations, and procedures will be strictly enforced at Prom 2018 and be expected to be followed by ALL attendees.
To be completed by WOHS STUDENT: (please print)Name (Last, First): ______Grade Level: ______
Student #: ______Phone/Cell #: ______
Student Email: ______
*My parent signature below indicates knowledge of my prom date and the expectations outlined above.
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Phone/Cell #: ______
Parent/Guardian Email: ______
Parent Signature: ______
To be completed by the GUEST STUDENT: (please print)
Name (Last, First): ______Grade Level: ______
Student #: ______Phone #: ______
Birthdate: ______Age: ______
Guest School’s Name (if not in school, please provide the guests former school name and graduation year):
*My parent signature below indicates knowledge of my prom date and the expectations outlined above.
Parent/Guardian Name: ______Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Phone/Cell #: ______Email: ______
To be completed by administrator of Guest Student’s High School: (please print)
Name of Student guest: ______
I am aware that the above named student will be attending West Orange High School’s prom on Saturday, May 5, 2018, at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress. I acknowledge that this student has been and remains in good standing at our school. He/she has the permission of our school to be in attendance at WOHS’s Prom 2018.
Administrator’s Name: ______Title: ______
Administrator’s Signature: ______School Name: ______
Telephone (direct ext.): ______Email: ______
***Completed guest forms need to be submitted to Mrs. Kassarin room #540 or Coach Light in room #538ASAP. Guest tickets can NOT be purchased until this form has been submitted AND approved.***
WOHS reserves the right to deny anyone admittance into Prom without prior notice up to and during Prom.
WOHS Administrative Approval: ______Date: ______