Camping Sunday Service

Sunday, April 10, 2011


One:The sun rises each morning,

All:covering the earth with light.

One: The Son rose in the morning,

All:shining God’s guiding light for our path.

One:Come let us worship God and give thanks for our camps

where we may experience God’s light and love in nature.


One:Eternal God we come together here today in this place to celebrate camping Sunday.

While some of us remember the days of our camping experiences others of us are

dreaming of the day when we to will experience the joys of camping – playing in the sunlight, relationships that help mould our lives, friendships that will last a lifetime, as well as dancing in the mystical moonlight.

All:Creator God we give you thanks for all the places that we go camping and marvel at

the wonders that you have created.

One:We give you thanks for the tall trees of our coastal rainforest and the majestic peaks of

the Rockies.

All:We give thanks for the golden plains, and vibrant Northern lights.

One:We give thanks for the wonders of the Great Lakes and the Plains of Abraham.

All:We give thanks and marvel at the places where the highest tides in the world come

ashore and the uniqueness of the two islands in the Atlantic.

One:We give thanks for all the places that we go camping and distinctiveness of each.

All:We give you our most heartfelt thanks for all of those special places that remind us

of your great love. Be with us now as we come together to celebrate Camping

Sunday. Amen

Hymn: This is God’s Wondrous World, Voices United #296


Adults: Our most holy Creator we come to you with humble hearts as we reflect that we have not always appreciated your wonderful creation with the respect and reverence that is its due. On reflection we also admit that we don’t always let our light shine as brightly as we can nor do we always fully support learning opportunities for our youth.

Youth Children: As youth we also recognize that we don’t always take advantage of those opportunities that are available to us for celebrating God’s greatness nor do we always appreciate as wholly as we should the example that is set for us. With humble hearts we also admit that we don’t always let our light shine as brightly as we can.

All: Forgiving, Sustaining Creator, sometimes we fail to do all we that we know we should. We fail to marvel at your creation and treat it with little respect and care. Help us to mend our ways and be more caring of those around us and of the wonderful gifts that we give to each and every one of us. Amen


God the Creator of all forgives and redeems us all. Let us take hold of this forgiveness and let our light shine as Jesus let his light shine for us. Take hold of this new day and rejoice in all it offers in both service and opportunities. Amen

Children’s Time:

Talk with the children about the dark and the comfort of a nightlight, a flashlight or a lantern. Suggest how people can be lights to others offering guidance, hope and God’s love.

Hymn: This Little Light of Mine


Exodus 13: 17-18a; 20-22

When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was nearer; for God thought, ‘If the people face war, they may change their minds and return to Egypt.’ 18So God led the people by the roundabout way of the wilderness towards the Red Sea.20They set out from Succoth, and camped at Etham, on the edge of the wilderness. 21The Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud by day, to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light, so that they might travel by day and by night. 22Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.

Psalm 136 1-9

One: Ogive thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
All:God’s steadfast love endures for ever.
One:Ogive thanks to the God of gods,
All:God’s steadfast love endures for ever.
One:Ogive thanks to the Lord of lords,
All:God’s steadfast love endures for ever;

One:who alone does great wonders,
who by understanding made the heavens,
:who spread out the earth on the waters,
All:God’s steadfast love endures for ever;
One:who made the great lights,
the sun to rule over the day,
the moon and stars to rule over thenight,
All: God’s steadfast love endures for ever.

SPECIAL MUSIC: oneoption suggested ‘I See the Love of God’ by David Ouchterlony

John 8:12

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.’

Hymn: I am The Light of the World, Voices United #87


The Light of the World

Have you ever been in a mine shaft deep underground? Usually in a mine shaft there are lights strung along the way and it is as bright underground as it is in the midday sun. However, when the power goes out it is darker than black and you cannot see your hand in front of your face even when it is touching your nose.

Springhill, Nova Scotia conducts tours in one of its closed coal mines. One of the things they do, while in the shaft, is to show everyone how dark, dark really is, by turning off the light for a few minutes. Don’t worry you are warned before they do this so you are somewhat prepared for the darkness. I say somewhat, for nothing can prepare you for how dark, dark is until you have experienced it! You have no idea in what direction is forward or back, you become completely disorientated without a little bit of light to guide your way.

After a couple of minutes another miner about a hundred (100) yards down the shaft turns on his head lamp and it is amazing how instinctively all eyes turn toward the light. It is also absolutely amazing how bright that light appears after being in darkness for even a short time and you get this urge to go to the light.

I don’t know of anything above ground that can create the intense darkness that one sees underground. For even when we are in a closet with the door shut, light seeps in through the doorknob, around and under the door. The darkest of nights are never truly dark for we always have some light reflected through the clouds from the moon and star above.

Jesus in our Gospel reading has said that “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life”.

Sometimes we wonder about the people in our world who have never had the opportunity to recognize God in their daily lives. We become especially concerned for our youth now that God has been banned in our schools and it seems the majority of public places. One truly has to wonder how the many souls of people today will get the opportunity to be exposed to Jesus’ light. It is not hard to imagine that for many people their souls must feel as if they are in a mine shaft not knowing the way forward or back.

One of our concerns is certainly with our younger generation whose world is bombarded with one form of violence after another. For many of them this is a world of materialism and the so called “getting ahead at all cost” is the norm. The apparent disrespect for others and their property is another sign of the “lostness” of many in the darkness of their spirit.

Thus we come to the question of who today is going to turn on their heart lamp and show these youths the light of Christ?

Across our great country today, we of the United Church, have many camps that are filled with youth in summer and some have year around programs. The camp directors, councillors, and other staff members have their heart lamps on and are actively reflecting Jesus’ Godly light. It is a shame, but a true statement, that for some, these leaders are the only scriptures that these youth will ever see.

For every child that attends a camp they get the opportunity to see the light of Jesus as reflected by every staff members, they get to feel that they are loved by others outside their own family. There is time set aside for spiritual education as well as all the other camping fun stuff like nature walks, swimming, boating, creative crafts, games, bonfires, sports, and tons of other exciting things to do not to mention forming new friendships.

Church camp is one of the few opportunities that we have in reaching out to the youth of today that do not attend our churches as well as those in our congregations. It is an opportunity to show them the light that Jesus wants to give to all of us, an opportunity to show them the everlasting love of God. It is true that these campers may not respond to Jesus’ light right away but one has to believe that the time will come in their lives when they will be searching in their own darkness for a light and they will remember the light they were shown at camp.

Camping Sunday is your opportunity to be part of reflecting the light of Jesus. We ask you to encourage the youth that you know to attend a camp, maybe even offering to pay their registration if they cannot afford to go. Maybe you can offer to help out at a camp near you for there is always work to be done and many hands make light work of any project. Maybe you can make a financial contribution to a camp – each of us who are disciples of Jesus and know the peace and joy that comes from loving God can do no less than take every opportunity to reflect that light so that other may see.

God bless all camp staff member, volunteers and participants at our camps this year. Amen


God, we ask your blessing over our camps and all of those who work together to make camp a place of worship, fun and friendship. Be with our campers as they explore, discover and grow in their faith during their time at camp. Help camp staff to be positive role models as they too develop their faith. We are thankful for those who support the camps. The many board members and volunteers who donate their time to maintaining camp grounds and facilities to ensure it is a safe place to live and to learn. We pray that you will continue to allow us to use the camping ministry to spread that light and love of Christ for many years to come. Amen.

Hymn: Only Takes a Spark, Voices United #289


It only takes a spark to get a fire going. This spark comes in many forms: a kind word or action, a unique camping experience, an offering of support. We are invited to provide sparks for new fires through our offering today.


Creator God, we offer these gifts as well as our time and talents in the hope that they many reflect your light to others in our community and throughout the world. Amen.

Hymn: Will you Come and Follow Me, Voices United #567


Let us leave this worship, remembering our church camps and their staff who help us to explore our faith. May we reflect the light and love of God to others, as the moon reflects the light of the sun to the world at nightfall.

Written by Stiches, Loofa, Meadow and Sarge

on behalf of Burry Heights Camp and Resource Center Newfoundland