November 22, 2002
Kauai Community College
Present: Ron Bontekoe (UHM-Arts & Sciences), Nina Buchanan (UHH-Congress), Nancy Bushnell (Kauai’i CC), Robert Fox (UHH-College of Arts & Sciences), Mike Foreman (UHM Faculty Senate), James Goodman, (Leeward CC), Mary Goya (Hawai’i CC), Lynn Hodgson (UH-West Oahu), Vicky Lebbin, (UHM Libraries), Marge Kelm (Maui CC), Floyd McCoy (Windward CC), Neghin Modavi (Kapi’olani CC), Jill Nunokowa (UHM Office of Community Affairs), Jerry Saviano (Honolulu CC), Jan Shoultz (UHM-Nursing/Dental Hygiene), Mary Tiles (UHM Faculty Senate Vice Chair/UHPA President), Pila Wilson (UHH-Ka Haka ‘ula O Ke’elikolani College)
Guests: Kristin Blanchfield (Administrative Assistant), Evan Dobelle, (UH President), Chris Lu (Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, UH Hilo), William Pearlman (Chancellor, UH West Oahu), Mike Rota (Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, UHCC Chancellor’s Office), Colleen Sathre (VP for Planning & Policy UH)
Meeting chaired by Nina Buchanan.
Evan Dobelle:
· Communication with faculty via Paul Costello and instant e-mail. Do we need to spend more time together to have meaningful interaction? 30 minutes after a BOR meeting is not enough time.
· Reorganization decision December 12 from BOR. Need to evaluate in 3 years to be able to tell if progress. Can’t just reorganize and not change anything.
· Goal with UPHA negotiations is getting faculty as quickly as possible to 80% and decrease CCs teaching load. Will go to governor with Regents, UPHA in order to be unified. UHPA deals with salaries and working conditions. Clarified when consultation needed. Senates/Academic Affairs and unions have different viewpoints and need to be consulted. Organization can affect working conditions.
· There will be searches for senior administrators with faculty having majority votes on academic positions. Would like input on process. Change from Provost to Chancellor will be in title only with some additional external responsibility – not looking to have searches for these positions but evaluation will take place. 3-year contracts are desirable for administrators to have meaningful time to be innovative.
· UH and Lingle Administration: tense but not angry conversation with Lingle. Support for Hirono was a personal decision and based on her ability and support for UH. She was also the only graduate of UH (graduated Phi Beta Kappa) and would have been the first governor of Hawaii UH graduate. Lingle did not support the medical school and West Oahu site. We’ll get along with Linda; we can help her. He sees Linda as a change agent and himself as a hope agent. Lingle’s administration is challenged because support staff have been decreased to 6 (down from 67 for Ben and 200 for John in previous administrations). UH will be lending a law professor to Lingle as Chief Policy Advisor to the governor.
· Do we want West Oahu or Manoa campus? Do need equity adjustment for West Oahu faculty.
· Suggested recommendation for BOR candidates should come to him to forward to Lingle transition team. Looking for CEO, faculty member, prominent citizens.
· Plans to be visiting campuses once reorg is complete.
Visitors exited and meeting continued:
· Minutes of 10/18/02 meeting approved with corrections.
· Quality of Faculty Worklife Survey was discussed. N. Buchanan will follow-up on ACCFSC Web site with Deane Neubauer so survey can be put on site. Nina requests links for other campus web sites. R. Fox will contribute senate charters. PDF files would be helpful. Survey results have gone to administrators. Discussion of further distribution included copies to BOR. Questioned whether we need to do more work to understand what underlies the statistics and identify further questions that need to be asked. Suggest using on own campuses. Discussed using study to initiate meeting with the BOR. Some question about how close of a relationship we want with the BOR. One criticism has been their micromanagement. However, only face BOR sees is E. Dobelle – need also to know us. Need to consider purposes and what our strategy should be. This board seems more hands off. Discussed using monthly meetings more strategically and formalizing breakfast or reception with BOR. BOR doesn’t understand academia. Social contact in short run may result in misunderstanding due to lack of context.
Motion by L. Hodgson to send Quality of Faculty Worklife Survey to BOR was seconded by N. Bushnell. Vote: 6 yes, 6 no. Motion did not carry.
· Equity issues: Replacements for sabbatical ill, etc overlap union and senate functions. M. Tiles discussed academic issues appropriate for discussion with this group. She is fairly sure that there is nothing in the contract about replacement. Fact finding would be appropriate at this time. There are two separate issues: 1) Not being able to go on sabbatical or be sick because there is no one to replace or 2) Not being willing because program would be harmed. UH Graduate Department may be able to supply substitutes. Group was tasked to determine individual policy in each senate, either written or practice.
R. Fox moved and F. McCoy seconded: N. Modovi to poll senate chairs with specific questions for January meeting. Motion passed.
· Point of clarification: Reorg committee organized by Joyce Tsunoda was related to the Community Colleges and not the system administrators. There were faculty and students on the committee.
· Discussed lack of faculty governance and meaningful interaction
F. McCoy moved and R. Fox seconded: ACCFSC to meet December 12 in conjunction with the special BOR meeting and invite Linda Lingle to attend.
Motion separated:
1) Attend BOR special meeting December 12 with ACCFSC meeting. Motion passed.
2) Invite Linda Lingle to meet with ACCFSC. 6 – yes; 6 – no; chair – yes. Motion passed. N. Buchanan will follow-up.
· It was suggested that faculty hold E. Dobelle’s feet to the fire about meeting times with this group.
· Discussed faculty representation on committees. UHM has the Standing Committee on Professional Service that is responsible for faculty representation on committees. However, there are rogue committee appointments that do not go through this committee. Faculty need to step up to the plate when representation is requested.
· Chairs are to take the following resolution back to their senates for approval before the January meeting: Be it resolved that appointment of faculty representation to any committee, including administrator searches, shall only be done through appropriate faculty governance bodies.
· Items for agenda for next meeting: Budget process.
Minutes submitted by Marge Kelm