3254 N Calhoun Hwy Grantsville, WV 26147
(304) 354-6022 Fax (304) 354-6070

Amy Nicholas, Principal
Pre-Kindergarten: / Ashley Cunningham
Samantha Wilson / Special Ed.: / Norma Wagoner / Paraprofessionals:
Asst. Teacher: / Carrol Dye, Pre-Kindergarten
Patsy Kisner, Kindergarten
Shelly Mace, Reteach
Sierra McCormick, Kindergarten
Virginia Bever, Pre-Kindergarten
Kindergarten: / Judy Prusack
Nikki Batten / Gifted/SAT Coordinator:
Speech: /
Vicki Hardway
Stephen Albaugh
First Grade: / Melanie Henderson
Britni Price / Title I: / Amanda Morris
Lori Parsons /
Secretary: /
Deb Goff
Second Grade: / Patricia Haught
Jill Trippett /
Physical Ed.: /
Scott Golinsky / Cooks: / Marisha Collins
Barbara Tingler
Third Grade: / Kristie Ritchie
Jan Whited /
Music: /
John Bugby /
Custodians: /
Steve Sams
Jim Yeager
Fourth Grade: / Ashley Fox
Angela Sims / TIS:
Calhoun County Schools
540 Alan B. Mollohan Dr. Mt. Zion, WV 26151
(304) 354-7011 Fax (304) 354-7420

Superintendent: Kelli Whytsell
Asst. Superintendent/Attendance Director: Tyson Price
Treasurer: Andrew Metheney
COO for Student Services: Jeannie Bennett
COO for Administrative Services: Nathan Haynes
Director of Child Nutrition: Chris Melonas
Health Nurse: Trudi Anderson
Payroll Supervisor/HR Assistant: Sarah Tingler
Accounts Payable Supervisor: Kristy Toney
Secretary: Cheryl Jarvis (Superintendent, Certification, Personnel)
Secretary: Joyce Williams (Title I, Title II, Support Services, General)
Secretary: Kandas Smith / Calhoun County Board of Education
Jackie Collins-Frail
Kevin Cunningham
Jimmy Gregory
Jenna Jett
Jason Walker

All Calhoun County Schools policies may be found on the Calhoun County Schools website:

2017-2018 Calendar of Events

14-First Day of School
23-Noon Dismissal for Students
28-First Day of School for Pre-K Students
/ January
1–No School (Holiday)
8-Report Cards
15-No School (Holiday)
31-Noon Dismissal for Students
4-No School (Holiday)
20-Noon Dismissal for Students
28-Picture Day / February
14-Noon Dismissal for Students
13-End of 1st Grading Period
19-Report Cards
24-Parent-Teacher Conferences / March
3-Noon Dismissal for Students
7-End of 3rd Grading Period
15-Report Cards
24-Parent-Teacher Conferences
26-30–No School (Spring Break)
10-No School (Holiday)
20-24-No School (Thanksgiving Break) / April
13-Noon Dismissal for Students
22-End of 2nd Grading Period & 1st Semester
25-31-No School (Christmas Break) / May
26-Last Day of School
Mission Statement
Achieves More / Core beliefs that drive our school….
  • All children can learn.
  • All students have the right to a safe learning environment.
  • We all work together to spark student learning.
/ Goals
  • Improve student academic performance.
  • Increase parent involvement.
  • Create a 21st Century classroom.

Expected Behaviors in Safe and Supportive Schools Policy

Pleasant Hill School recognizes the need for students, teachers, administrators, and other school personnel to have a nurturing, orderly, safe and stimulating educational environment. The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to ensure that our school environment is conducive to learning and promotes respect for individuals. Any form of harassment, intimidation, bullying, substance abuse, violence, or other policy violation is unacceptable at Pleasant Hill School.

This Code of Conduct is based on the West Virginia Board of Education Policy 4373 (Student Code of Conduct) and the Calhoun County Board of Education Expected Behaviors in Safe and Supportive Schools Policy.

Students will…

  • help create an atmosphere free from bullying, intimidation and harassment.
  • demonstrate honesty and trustworthiness.
  • treat others with respect, deal peacefully with anger, use good manners and be considerate of the feelings of others.
  • demonstrate responsibility, use self-control and be self-disciplined.
  • demonstrate fairness, play by the rules, and will not take advantage of others.
  • demonstrate compassion and caring.
  • demonstrate good citizenship by obeying laws and rules, respecting authority, and by cooperating with others.


Violations of the Expected Behaviors in Safe and Supportive Schools Policy are classified in four levels. A complete listing of violations is available in Calhoun Board of Education policy. The following are a sample of the violations.

  • Level I: Cheating, Disruptive/Disrespectful/ or Disorderly Conduct Inappropriate Appearance, Possession of Inappropriate Personal Property, Tardiness, Inappropriate Language, Possession of Inappropriate Personal Property, Failure to Serve Detention
  • Level II: Physical fighting without injury, Technology Misuse, Insubordination, Forgery, Theft, Profane Language/ Obscene Gesture/ Indecent Act Toward…An Employee or a Student
  • Level III: Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation, Defacing School Property/ Vandalism , Disobeying a Teacher in a Willful Manner, Fighting, Profane Language, Threat of Injury or Injury, Battery Against a Student,
  • Level IV: Battery on a School Employee, Illegal Activities

Due to legislation passed during the 2002 West Virginia Legislature, any knife, regardless of the length of the blade, is considered a dangerous weapon (defined in W.Va. Code 61-7-11a.) and is a Level IV category.

A teacher or bus driver may exclude any student from a classroom or bus who:

  • Is guilty of disorderly conduct.
  • Interferes with the educational process.
  • Threatens, abuses, intimidates or attempts to intimidate a school employee or


  • Willfully disobeys a school employee.
  • Uses profane or abusive language.

Once excluded, the student is referred to the principal who will take disciplinary action and notify the parent/guardian. Level IV violations require mandatory suspension by the principal

from school, or from transportation to or from the school on any school bus, after an informal hearing.

Classroom Rules/Behavior Procedures:

Treat others with respect and courtesy.

Keep hands, feet and objects to self.

Walk quietly and orderly at all times.

Listen to and follow directions the first time.

Be prepared

Consequences for Breaking Class Rules:

First Time:Warning

Second Time:Withdrawal of privileges

Third Time:Parents notified

Fourth Time:Sent to principal, suspension, conference with parents

Severe Clause:A student who has committed a serious infraction of the school rules will be sent to the principal immediately. These behaviors may result in detention, in/out school suspension, and/or possibly a loss of special activities.

Conduct grades will be assigned to students using A to F grades. Points will be deducted for violations of school rules in accordance with Policy 4373. Point amounts deducted are according to the Student Behavior Matrix, which is published on the school’s website. Semester behavior rewards will be based on individual student conduct grades that are at a 90% or higher. Students may be required to attend Responsibility Room instead of second recess. Students who go to Responsibility Room may be excluded from afternoon snack privileges.

Reporting Procedures: Violations of the Expected Behaviors in Safe and Supportive Schools Policy by school employees or by students must be reported to the school principal or his/her designee for appropriate action to be taken.

Tobacco Control Policy: Pleasant Hill School prohibits the use of tobacco products in the school building and on school grounds according to WV Codes 16-9A-3 and 16-9A-4 and WV State Board Policy 2422.5A.
Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation Policy Summary Statement: No person on school property or attending any school-related activity or any education-sponsored event, shall engage in bullying, harassment, or intimidation. According to W.Va. Code 18-2c-2, bullying, harassment, and/or intimidation is an intentional gesture, or any written, verbal or physical act, or threat that will have the effect of: harming an individual; placing an individual in reasonable fear of harm to his/her person;damaging an individual’s property;placing an individual in reasonable fear of damage to his/her property.

Racial, Sexual, Religious/Ethnic Harassment and Violence Policy: Racial, sexual, religious/ethnic harassment and violence will be defined as unwelcome attention and/or verbal and physical conduct related to sex, race, religion, or ethnicity. Harassment and violence is prohibited among staff members, between staff and students, and between staff and students and members of the public on school property or at school sponsored events. Some examples of harassment as addressed by these policies may include but are not limited to: unwelcome touching or other physical contact, obscene gesturing, sexual name calling, ethnic or racial slurs, threats, insults, or assaults against someone due to their sex, race, religion, or ethnic group.

Dress and Appearance: Both staff and students are to come to Pleasant Hill School appropriately dressed, personally clean, and neatly groomed. Clothing with crude or inappropriate slogans or pictures is not permitted to be worn in school. “See-through” mesh shirts, cut-off shirts, halter-tops, tube tops, open shirts, tankinis, shoe skates, and excessively short skirts/shorts are not allowed. Hats and sunglasses are not to be worn in school. Students should wear clothing that allows participation in physical education classes, especially tennis shoes, which allow the child to run safely.

**Return the Parent/Student Acknowledgement Receipt form (included in student packet) signed by parent/guardian and student to verify that both parent/guardian and student have read or the parent/guardian has read to their child the Student Code of Conduct page. Contact Pleasant Hill School for the complete Student Code of Conduct Policy and Safe Schools legislation.


Student progress will be reported to parents indicating the level of proficiency that the student has achieved in accordance with the state adopted content standards and objectives.

In the areas of science, social studies, art, music, and physical education in grades K-2 and in the areas of art, music, and physical education in grades 3-4, teachers shall use (S) if the student has mastered the objectives that have been taught, or (U) for not mastered. In grades K-2, progress in mathematics and English Language Arts and in grades 3-4, progress in mathematics, English Language Arts, science and social studies will be determined and assigned according to the average of the current level of proficiency for objectives in each of the West Virginia College and Career Readiness Standards. In grades K-12, letter grades will be given that indicate the level proficiency achieved by the student.

Grade / Average / Grade Points
A+ / 99%-100% / 4
A / 95%-98%
A- / 93%-94%
B+ / 91%-92% / 3
B / 87%-90%
B- / 85%-86%
C+ / 82%-84% / 2
C / 78%-81%
C- / 75%-77%
D+ / 72%-74% / 1
D / 68%-71%
D- / 65%-67%
F+ / 55%-64% / 0
F / 30%-54%
F- / Less than 30%
P / Pass / Does not affect GPA

NOTE: 65% or higher shall indicate demonstrated mastery.
Student progress in grades K-12 shall be reported in the form of a report card or progress report every nine weeks.
Promotion and Retention: Parents of students being considered for retention shall be notified in writing no later than April 1 of each school year. Decisions regarding promotion and/or retention shall be a collaborative decision between the student’s teacher (s), specialist, and principal.
In kindergarten, a student will be retained if he/she fails to demonstrate mastery of 65% of the CSOs on the kindergarten grade-reporting instrument. In grades 1-4, a student will be retained if his/her cumulative grade is below 65% for CSOs in Language Arts or Mathematics. Additional factors include: age, prior retentions, attendance, standardized testing, refusal to attempt class work.
Homework: Homework is to be assigned to provide additional practice of skills taught in classes. Kindergarten: maximum of 15 minutes per night. Grades 1-4: maximum of 30 minutes per night.
Conferences: Two evening Parent - Teacher conferences are scheduled within the calendar year. Additional conferences may be scheduled as needed.

Attendance Policy


Pleasant Hill School and the Calhoun Co. Board of Education believe that regular attendance is critical to students’ success in school and in their future life endeavors. Irregular school attendance hinders students’ progress.

Half/Full Day: Students arriving at or after 10:00 a.m., or leaving before 2:00 p.m. will be counted a half-day absent. A student who arrives at school in the morning, but leaves before 10:00 a.m. will be counted absent for a full day.

Tardiness: Students who arrive after the start of school must report to the office with parent or guardian to receive a classroom admittance slip. Students report to class at 8:00 and instruction begins promptly at 8:20. Chronic tardiness may result in disciplinary action.

Written Excuse: Parents are required to send Absence Excuse notes stating the reason for the absences the day their child returns to school.Parents are only permitted to send ten (10) parent excuses a year. Other excuses must come from a physician.

Make-Up Work: The student and parents are responsible for contacting the teacher to obtain make up work. A student must make up assigned work within one (1) consecutive day after a single day’s absences and within three (3) days for two or more consecutive days of absence.

Excused Absences: 1) School sponsored activities, 2) Failure of a bus to run, 3) Medical or dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside the school day, 4) Legal or religious absences with prior written request at the discretion of the principal, 5) Personal illness when school attendance jeopardizes the personal health of classmates, 6) Serious illness in the immediate family, 7) In the case of an extended hospital confinement and/or prolonged illness, parents/ guardians are responsible for contacting the school, 8) Death in the immediate family resulting in up to (3) days of absence, 9) Other prior-approved absences at the discretion of the principal.

Notification: The principal will notify parents when a child’s excessive absences endanger his/her promotion. In addition, excessive, unexcused absences are subject to legal actions as specified in the West Virginia Code.

Early Dismissal from School: Students shall not be dismissed from school early without permission from the school administration. The school instructional day runs from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Parents who pick up their child early on a continuous basis will be asked by theadministration for an appointment card from a physician or dentist.

Parent Pick Up: Regular parent pickup will occur at 3:20. Students will report to the multi-purpose room where the parent/guardian will sign the child out. If the parent or guardian is not picking up the student, the person doing so must be on the Emergency Notification Form (in student packet).

Bus Notes: If the student is not riding his/her regular bus home or is getting off at a different stop, the parent or guardian must provide written permission to go to another designated place. Phones calls should be used only in emergency cases.

Internet Usage Agreement

Read this document carefully and explain this document to your child before signing the Parent/Student Acknowledgement Receipt form.

Acceptable Use:

The use of the Internet must be in support of education and consistent with the educational objectives of the West Virginia Board of Education and Calhoun Co. Board of Education.

Unacceptable Use:

Transmission of any material in violation of any US state law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secrets. Use for commercial activities by profit institutions is not acceptable. Use of product advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited.


The use of the Internet as part of an education program is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. Each student who will access the Internet must be trained by a teacher in the proper use of the network. Based upon acceptable use guidelines outlined in this document, the principal and/or administrator may deny access at any time as deemed necessary.

Network Etiquette:

Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of the network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to the following:

Be polite. Do not write or send abusive messages/material to others.

Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language .

Do not reveal the personal home address or phone number of yourself, other students, or teachers.

Note that electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private.

Do not use the Internet is such a way that would disrupt the use of the Internet by other users.


The WVDE, Calhoun Co. Board of Education and Pleasant Hill School make no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service being interrupted. The use of any information obtained via the system is at the user’s own risk. We deny any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the system.


Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, computer equipment, or any connections that are part of the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, uploading, downloading, or creating computer viruses.


Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. Do not use another individual’s account. Attempts to log on to the Internet as a system administrator will result in cancellation of user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk or having problems with another computer system may be denied access to the Internet.


Investigating or reading another user’s files is considered a violation of their privacy. Reading unprotected files is rude; reading protected files, by whatever mechanism, is considered the same as “breaking and entering.”

Violations include:

Accessing or attempting to access another user’s computer files without permission

Supplying or attempting to supply false or misleading information or identification in order to access another user’s account

Deliberate and unauthorized access of use of computers, computer facilities, networks, systems, programs, or data

The unauthorized manipulation of computer systems, programs, or data

Internet/Newspapers Pictures and Name Usage: Your child may be possibly featured in school-related articles in the local paper and on theInternet. School pictures and names may be published on the school/county web site at the discretion of the school/county.


** Return the Parent/Student Acknowledgement Receipt form (included in student packet) signed to verify that parent/guardian and student have read or the parent/guardian has read to their child the Internet Usage Agreement pages. If you and your child do not sign the Usage Agreement, your child will not be permitted to use the Internet at Pleasant Hill School. Contact Pleasant Hill School for the complete Internet Usage Policy.