All art consists of bringing something into existence. - Aristotle
What Should I Bring?
All students need to arrive prepared for class daily. To be prepared, a student must come with a pen or pencil, notebook paper, any assignments, and a three-ring binder dedicated specifically to the course. This notebook needs to have three tab dividers that are labeled: bellringers, notes, projects. This Friday you will receive a grade for bringing this notebook to class organized as I’ve described.
What are the rules?
Classroom rules are as follows:
- Respect yourself and others
- Always try
- Be prepared
How should I behave in Mrs. Haddix’s classroom?
In your assigned seat, I expect you to:
- Sit upright in your seat, please no heads on desks
- not to text on your cell phone (which if seen out will be confiscated)
- please keep your feet off tables and desks for future occupants’ sake
- not lean back in your chair so as not to split open your intelligent minds
In groups, you should be:
- working with your team members
- following instructions given by the teacher
- sit or stand in appropriate places around the room that allow you to work with your team (A couple of examples of inappropriate places would be sitting ON a desk, or standing ON a chair)
How should I behave in the auditorium?
- When we travel to the auditorium you should remain silent while passing other classrooms. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
- Upon entering the auditorium, you will sit in the front middle section. Do not approach the stage unless directed to do so.
- There is no food or drink allowed in the auditorium. Performances are an exception, as long as food stays in the dressing room. There should NEVER be food on the stage or in the auditorium.
- When approaching the stage, you will enter from the left or right staircase. You MAY NOT jump from the floor to the stage or the opposite.
- In the sound booth – your electronic devices will be confiscated during the time you are working. These can interfere with our sound system and increase the chance for distraction while working.
- Backstage – your electronic devices will be confiscated during the time you are working due to electronic device damage, theft, and distraction.
- In the dressing rooms (which are backstage) – you will abide by all school rules including appropriate language and behavior. Failure to do so results in a referral or conference with an administrator.
How do we know when to be quiet?
If I need your attention, I will raise my hand and countdown from five. If the room is not quiet by the time I am finished counting, I will then begin to time you. The number of seconds it takes for the classroom to become quiet is how long the entire class will stay after the bell rings. Eventually I will stop raising my hand and simply say, “Time begins now.” This time can be earned back if the class is exceptionally well behaved and quiet, and certain individuals who deliberately attempt to lengthen the penalty time may be asked to stay longer.
What are the consequences for misbehavior?
When you distract others from learning I take offense. As a result, the following consequences can be expected:
- First offense: verbal warning and the behavior is corrected
- Second offense: verbal warning, telephone call home, referral to the office
- Third offense: immediate referral
If the behavior is a major violation of school policy – an immediate referral to the office
What if I choose to cheat?
Cheating includes: copying another’s work, looking onto another’s test, or offering someone your work to copy. Cheating earns you a zero.
How will I be graded?
Every assignment, quiz, rehearsal/performance, project, and test you complete and turn in will be graded on a point system. Assignment point values range from 10-200 points. At the end of each grading period, your grade will be based on the percentage of point you have accumulated out of the total possible points. You will receive a progress report midway through the grading period, and a report card will be issued at the end of the twelve week grading period. Be aware that there is some form of quiz or test every Friday. My grading scale follows the school policy scale.
You will have 5 categories for your assignments in this class:
What if I am absent?
Please do not come to me the day you return asking what you missed. There is a procedure for obtaining absent work and it is as follows:
(1) Check the DRAMA calendar on the wall for missed activities/work.
(2) Ask a friend for any missed notes.
(3) See me during my plan (5thperiod) or before or after school.
What if I turn an assignment in late?
I do not accept any late work for full credit. You will earn 50% on late work that may be turned in for one week after the due date. After that, the assignment grade becomes and remains a zero. Please be aware that if you choose to ONLY turn in late work, you will not pass this class. If you have an excused absence we will follow ACHS policies regarding getting your late work in to me. It is your responsibility to take care of any missing assignments or late work. Periodically,
What if I finish an assignment before others?
- Work on any unfinished assignments for drama or another class
- Read a book
How does class begin and end?
When the bell rings I will expect you in your assigned seat with your materials & a smiling face. You will need to have your three ring notebook with you at your desk and be working on the bellringer. At the end of class, I dismiss you – not a bell. Wait for my final instructions for assignments or homework and then you may exit.
How do I sharpen my pencil and what if I’m addicted to gum?
If you need to sharpen your pencil please get up and do so at a point in class where I am not speaking. There will be no food or gum in class and NEVER EVER EVER ANY GUM ON STAGE. Water is allowed….except when onstage. It turns the curtains white.
How to contact Mrs. Haddix:
Students are strongly encouraged to see me before or after school if they need to discuss a missed assignment, or if they would like some extra help with any assignments. My planning period is during 5thperiod. I am also at school by 7:00 a.m. My email is
Guardians: If you have any questions about the class, how your child is doing, or would like
to be involved please feel free to contact my by email! I would love to hear from you and
answer your questions.
Please sign and return the following portion of this page
DRAMA - Mrs. Haddix
“As a student, I have read and understand the above information and I agree to abide by it. I know that if there are ever any questions about the class I can discuss them with Mrs. Haddix. As a parent, by signing I give permission for my child to view corresponding films to the plays we read. All films will be PG 13 or better. By signing I’m also entering into contract that any book given to my student that is damaged or destroyed under their care will be compensated for in full price.”
Student Name (printed): ______Class Period: ______
Student Signature: ______
Guardian Signature: ______
If you have an email and would like to be in contact with me PLEASE write it on the following line: