Prelude (1)

As I kneel before you:

1) As I kneel before you,

as I bow my head in prayer.

Take this day, make it Yours

and fill me with Your love.

Ave, Maria, gratia plena,

Dominus tecum, benedicta tu

2) All I have I give you,

every dream and wish are yours.

Mother of Christ, Mother of mine,

present them to my Lord.

) As I kneel before you,

and I see your smiling face,

every thought, every word

is lost in your embrace.

Prelude (2)

O Come to the throne of Grace:

1)  O come to the throne of Grace,

O come to the heart most pure;

To Mary, our hope of life, in whom salvation is sure

Refrain: O lady of Fatima hail

Immaculate mother of grace

O pray for us, help us today

Thou hope of the human race

2)  Immaculate heart we kneel

To consecrate all to thee

The present, its pain, its joys,

The future all it may be

3)  The rosary white and gold

We take from the virgin’s hand

A pledge of the power of God

To heal and strengthen our hand

Prelude (3)

1)  All over the world the spirit is moving

All over the world, as the prophet said it would be

All over the world, there’s a mighty revelation, of the glory of the lord, as the waters cover the sea.

2)  All over His church, the spirit is moving

All over his church as the prophet said it would be

All over His church, there’s a mighty revelation, of the glory of the lord, as the waters cover the sea

3)  Right here in this place, the spirit is moving

Right here in this place as the prophet said it would be

Right here in this place, there’s a mighty revelation, of the glory of the lord, as the waters cover the sea.

4)  Deep down in my heart, the spirit is moving,

Deep down in my heart, as the prophet said it would be

Deep down in my heart, there’s a mighty revelation, of the glory of the lord, as the waters cover the sea

Of the glory of the lord, as the waters cover the sea.

Prelude (4)

My Lord he died for a kingdom: (CH193)

1)  My lord he died for a kingdom

To redeem the hearts of men

Now my people don’t you weep

He has risen from his sleep he lives again, alleluia


Sing Alleluia, the lord is risen, he is risen indeed Alleluia

2)  My lord came forth like the morning

With splendor of the sun

Came triumphant from the womb

From the darkness of the tomb

The victory won, Alleluia

3)  My lord united the mountains

With the everlasting hills

Now the seasons and the sea

Sing a song of victory

The rocks and hills, Alleluia

4)  My lord renewed all creation

That had waited late and long

Now we all with one accord

Live and love the risen lord

This is our song, Alleluia

Entrance (1)

Morning has broken (BBH 644)

Entrance (2)

Sing a new song (BBH 584)

Remember last verse: Singing Aaaaaa le lu uuuu ai!

Entrance (3)

Blest be the lord (BBH 452)

Entrance (4)

Angels we have heard on High (BBH 81)

Entrance (5)

Come, thou long expected Jesus (BBH 37)

Entrance (6)

1)  We are walking in the light of God, we are walking in the light of God. (x2) We are walking, we are walking ah, we are walking in the light of God.

2)  We are marching in the light of God, we are marching in the light of God. (x2) We are marching, we are marching ah, we are marching in the light of God.

3)  We are dancing in the light of God, we are dancing in the light of God. (x2) We are dancing, we are dancing ah, we are dancing in the light of God.

4)  We are praying in the light of God, we are praying in the light of God.(x2) We are praying, we are praying ah, we are praying in the light of God.

Entrance (7)

Praise to the Lord (CH 17)

Praise to the Lord the almighty the king of creation

O my soul praise him for he is thy health and salvation

All you who hear, now to his altar draw near,

Join in profound adoration

Praise to the Lord, let us offer our gifts at his altar;

Let not our sins and transgressions cause us to faltar.

Christ the High priest bids us all join in his feast,

Victims with him on the altar.

Praise to the Lore, who will prosper our work and defend us;

Surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend us

Ponder anew all the almighty can do

He who will love will befriend us

Praise to the Lore, Oh, let all that is in us adore him!

All that has life and breath, come now in praises before him

Let the Amen sound from his people again

Now as we worship before him

Entrance (8)

Yes we will enter your house to praise your name Oh Lord, Yes we will enter your house with happiness

Entrance (9)

Sing to the Mountains (BBH #548)

Entrance (10)

Somebody’s knocking at your door (BBH 135)

Entrance (11)

O come, O come, Emmanuel #36 (vs 1-4)

Come, thou long expected Jesus (BBH 37)

Entrance (12)

Seek ye first the kingdom of God (BBH 448)

Entrance (13)

Alleluia Sing to Jesus (BBH 751)

Entrance (14)

Somebody’s knocking at your door (BBH 135)

Entrance (15)

Alleluia! sing to Jesus, His the scepter, his the throne

Alleluia! His the triumph, His the victory alone

Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion thunder like a mighty flood

Jesus out of every nation hath redeemed us by his blood.

Alleluia! King eternal, thee the Lord of Lords we own

Alleluia! born of Mary, earth thy footstool, heaven thy throne

Thou within the veil hast entered, robed in flesh, our great High Priest

Thou on earth both Priest and Victim in the Eucharistic Feast.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to God on high

Alleluia to the Savior Who has won the victory

Alleluia to the Spirit font of love and sanctity

Alleluia! Alleluia! to the triune majesty.

Entrance (16)

We are singing for the lord is our light, we are singing for the lord is our light.

Entrance (17)

Immaculate Mary (BBH 206)

Entrance (18)

I Want To Praise Your Name # 575

Penitential Rites (1)

You were sent O lord, to heal the contrite Heart, Lord have mercy:
O Lord Have Mercy, O Lord Have Mercy
You came O lord to call us sinners home with you, Christ have mercy:
O Christ Have Mercy, O Christ Have Mercy
You plead for us O lord at the right hand of the father, Lord Have Mercy:
O Lord Have Mercy, O Lord Have Mercy

Glory to God in the highest
And on earth peace to men of good will (2x)

(cantors) You we praise and bless,
You, we glorify, and give thanks for your great glory.
(cantors) O Lord God,
Heavenly King, One true God the Father Almighty.

(cantors) Lord, Jesus Christ,
Only begotten son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father.

You who takes away, the sins, the sins of the whole world.
Have mercy on us
You who takes away, the sins, the sins of the whole world.
Receive our prayer
You who takes away, the sins, the sins of the whole world.
(cantors) You who sits,
At the Father’s right hand, have mercy, have mercy on us.
(cantors) For you alone,

You alone are the Lord, you alone are truly holy.
You alone O Jesus Christ, O Jesus Christ, You are Most High
With the Holy Spirit, In God the Father’s Glory on High
Glory to God in the highest!

Penitential Rites (2)


Glory to God (x4)

And on earth peace to men- Glory to God

Peace to men of goodwill- Glory to God

Glory to God (x4)

And on earth peace to men- Glory to God

Peace to men of goodwill- Glory to God

We praise you, we bless you – Glory to God

We Glorify your great name- Glory to God

We give you thanks O lord- Glory to God

For your great Glory – Glory to God

Glory to God (x4)

O lord Jesus Christ - Glory to God

Lord son of the father - Glory to God

You take away the sins - Glory to God

Receive our prayer Lord – Glory to God

You sit at the right hand – Glory to God

Of the father in heaven – Glory to God

Glory to God (x4)

You alone are the most high - Glory to God

O lord Jesus Christ - Glory to God

With the Holy Spirit - Glory to God

In the father’s Glory - Glory to God

Amen Alleluia - Glory to God

Amen alleluia - Glory to God

Penitential Rites (3)


Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to the Father

Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to the Father

To Him Be Glory Forever

Alleluia Amen 2X

Alleluia Amen 2X

Alleluia Amen

Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to the Son

Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to the Son

To Him Be Glory Forever

Alleluia Amen 2X

Alleluia Amen 2X

Alleluia Amen

Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to the Spirit

Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to the Spirit

To Him Be Glory Forever

Alleluia Amen 2X

Alleluia Amen 2X

Alleluia Amen

Offertory/Preparation of Gifts (1)

Na the thing whe you give we papa, Na yin this we de bring am so. (2x) Papa eh

Chorus: Eh papa eh, make you take am with all your heart. Papa eh, eh papa eh, make you take am with all your heart.


Na the life whe you give we papa, Na yin this we de bring am so….


For the good whe you don do papa, na yin this we de thank you so….

Offertory/Preparation of Gifts (2)

What shall I render (CH 68)

What shall I render O! O!

What shall I render to the Lord?

1.  What shall I render to my God?

What shall I render to the Lord?

2.  What shall I render to my Spirit?

What shall I render to the Lord?

3.  What shall I render for His Goodness?

What shall I render to the Lord?

4.  What shall I render for His Mercy?

What shall I render to the Lord?

5.  What shall I render for all His Love?

What shall I render to the Lord?

6.  What shall I render for all His Love?

What shall I render to the Lord?

7.  What shall I render for all His Deeds?

What shall I render to the Lord?

8.  Let us Offer Our Livea

Come and Offer to the Lord

9.  We Adore Him, We Thank Him

We give praises to the Lord

Offertory/Preparation of Gifts (3)

All hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

1.  All hail the power of Jesus’ name

Let Angels prostrate fall; (x2)

Bring forth the royal diadem

To crown him, lord of all

2.  Crown Him, ye morning stars of light,

Who fixed the floating ball; (x2)

Now hail the strength of Israel’s might

And crown him lord of all.

3.  Crown him, ye martyrs of you God,

Who from his altar call (x2)

Praise him whose way of pain ye trod

And crown him lord of all.

4.  Ye seed of Israel’s chosen race

Ye ransomed of the fall (x2)

Hail him who saves you by his grace

And crown him lord of all.

5.  Hail him, ye heirs of David’s line

Whom David lord did call (x2)

The God Incarnate, Man divine,

And crown him lord of all.

6.  Sinners whom love can ne’er forget

The wormwood and the gall,(x2)

Go spread your trophies at his feet

And crown him lord of all.

And Crown h-im, Crown h-im, Crown h-im, crown h-im, crown h-im, crown him! Crown him. And! Crown him Lord of all!

Offertory/Preparation of Gifts (4)


1)  Abba Father, send your spirit, Glory Jesus Christ, Abba Father, send your spirit, Glory Jesus Christ

Chorus: Glory alleluia, glory Jesus Christ, glory alleluia, glory Jesus Christ

1)  Abba Father, Send your spirit, Glory Jesus Christ, Abba Father, Send your spirit, Glory Jesus Christ,

2)  I will give you living water, Glory Jesus Christ (2X)


3)  If you seek me you will find me, Glory Jesus Christ (2X)


4)  If you listen you will hear me, Glory Jesus Christ (2X)


5)  Come my children, I will teach you, Glory Jesus Christ (2X)


6)  I’m your shepherd, I will lead you, Glory Jesus Christ (2X)


7)  Peace I leave you, peace I give you, Glory Jesus Christ


8)  I’m your live and resurrection, Glory Jesus Christ (2X)


9)  Glory Father, Glory Spirit, Glory Jesus Christ (2X)


Offertory/Preparation of Gifts (5)

Step by step we are moving on

Step by step to the altar

Christ is waiting to receive us now

Step by step to the lord

Come and see what the lord has done for us,

He’s so good, he is so good,

Come and see what the lord has done for us, he’s so good, he is so good- alleluia

Offertory/Preparation of Gifts (6)

We offer you these Gifts O Lord:

We offer you these Gifts O lord

Humbly pleading for your mercy

Mercy to bind our hearts to yours

To be with you for our redemption


We offer to you father,

these gifts of bread and wine,

The true body and blood of your son

Receive these gifts we bring to you.

We bow down on bended knee