Camino El Paso No. 4218, Peñalolén, Santiago
+56 2 2791 1961; +56 9 76688105
E- mail:
Professional with postgraduate in Finance and Administration, bilingual with over 20- years of experience in finance, administration and internal audit for multinational companies.
Strong experience in accounting and financial management, along with expertise in internal controls & procedures, administration, as well as legal & tax matters.
She has demonstrated a high proficiency in staff leadership, which along with excellent interpersonal skills has placed her in the role of a trusted key Management team member.
Business Controller in Job Transition.
HIAB CHILE S.A.2011 – 2013
Finnish provider of cargo handling solutions, subsidiary of Cargotec Oy.
Business Controller for Chile
Responsible for accounting management in accordance with local legislation and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Implementation of the Finance and Administration function for Chile, reporting directly to the VP Finance, Region America in the United States and the Managing Director in Chile.
- Cash management control of financial/banking operations in Chile in coordination with the Corporate Treasury Department in Finland.
- Financial reporting management including monthly/quarterly reporting and cash flows.
- Annual budgeting and monthly forecasting, according to Finnish instructions.
- Local tax planning in cooperation with Region Finance.
- Customer credibility checking and collections oversight.
- Coordination with external auditors on statutory and fiscal matters.
- Coordination of legal aspects concerning the statutory administration in Chile.
Finnish company machinery manufacturer for mining sector, subsidiary of Normet Group Oy.
Business Controller for Chile
Responsible for accounting management in accordance with local legislation. Implementation and development of the finance, related IT systems for Chile and Peru, reporting directly to Group Controller in Finland and Financial Director in Chile.
- Cash management control of financial and banking operations in Chile and Peru.
- Financial reporting management, monthly results, quarterly and cash flows of both countries.
- Budgeting and forecasting, according to Finnish instructions.
- Local tax planning in cooperation with group finance.
- Customer credibility checking and follow up.
- Investment planning calculation and follow up.
- Coordination with internal and external auditors in order to operational and financial audit.
- Coordination of legal aspects concerning of international trademark protection and specific aspects of administration in Chile and Peru.
- Implementation the corporate IT system, financial and production to Chile and branch in Peru, generating formation online to headquarter.
In this period, advises on financial and accounting matters for Zenteno and Asociados S.A. and Rio and Zenteno Consulting, topics in due diligence, project evaluation and audit consultancy.
Company business retail, a subsidiary of The Home Depot Inc. leader in USA market.
Accounting Manager
Responsible for the direction, supervision and control of accounting, tax, legal and internal control for foreign parent and Chile partners team.
- Designs the financial plan of the annual company, shops and departments, aligned with the regional management for Latin America.
- Leads planning and development of stock take inventories for Argentina and Chile, modernizing it and adapting to the requirements and the international standard policy. Excellent reception of the results obtained.
- Responsible for new reporting structure, getting an efficient time of relevant information.
- Negotiation of terms and conditions strongly supporting of commercial department in stock, improving approx. 7 points regardless of these departments.
- Part and lead the legal team, strong commitment to the proposed objectives, and reduction of 60% of the legal costs for Chile.
- Strongly participates in the stages of training for corporate finance managers.
- Is part of the team implementation system of SAP for Argentina and Chile.
- Is strongly involved in the negotiation of the due diligence of Home Depot Chile, providing accounting, financial and legal information for Falabella S.A.C.I.
Multinational company with head office in Germany, leader in logistic.
Manager of administration and finance
Responsible of the Department of accounting, cost and staff, reporting to the Chief Financial Officer in Germany and General Manager of Chile.
- Planning and control strategy policy cost corporate.
- Corporate accounting system implementation as part of the team for Latin America.
- Negotiation of the opening of accounts abroad to implement of Netting System.
- Coordination of national and international external audits to which oversees directly information accounting, tax and legal, making for the company to obtain an excellent opinion of those opinions.
- Implementation of evaluation of human resources, describing and implementing the concepts of teamwork and motivation of goals, policies achieving efficiencies in response times of reports of control for the Executive Board.
Global leader in power solution for the marine and energy markets. Subsidiary of NSD Wärtsilä Group-Vaasa, Finland.
Business Controller
Responsible for implementation of financial accounting, expatriate policy and administration in Chile. Reports directly to the regional controller in Finland and the financial manager for Latin America.
Four auditors accountants were part of his live team (distributed in Santiago, Iquique and Talcahuano) Chile and 5 Business Controller located in Argentina Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Puerto Rico, report it as responsible for Latin America.
- Implementation and development accounting and cost system to Chile and Peru.
- Monthly results and follow-up of forecast area were also functions, translating them to normative US GAAP reports.
- Support to the management of sales and services to optimize structure cost optimization services invoiced by 15%, reducing the costs involved.
- Negotiating with banks in Latin America for the financing of projects in Latin America, getting support direct Citibank in New York and banks in the Bermuda Islands.
- Recruitment of personnel for Colombia, Brazil and Argentina who received training in Europe, excellent result with selections financial profile.
- Coordination with internal and external Finnish branded for audit annual financial and operational reporting.
- Coordinates legal aspects related with international trademark protection and own management issues for Chile.
Business consulting and auditing company.
Audit Senior
Joined Audit department as Senior Auditor, responsible of full audit the followings companies: Cerro Colorado Ltda., Compañia Electrica de Coquimbo S.A., Banco de Chile, Banco Sudameris, Compañía de Seguros ISE Vida S.A., Compañía de Seguros La Republica S.A., Unilever Chile, DOS Alamos S.A.
Financial and control analyst
Financial analyst at Finance department of CODELCO Chile, participant in the preparation of annual budget.
Subsequently as accountant in accounting department of Nido de Aguilas International School.
Master Degree in Finance, Universidad Catolica of Chile 1997
Public Accountant, Universidad of Santiago Chile 1991
Doing Business, Berlitz Institute.
Training for Business Controller, Cargotec – Finland and the United States.
Training for Business Controller, Zoolle - Netherlands and Vaasa Finland.
Teamwork, The Home Depot international, Atlanta.
Teaching Assistant accounting IV, Chile Santiago University, Faculty of Economics and management.
Course for Executive International Standards of Financial Information (IFRS), Ernst &Young.
Leadership Acumen Program in USA.
Spoken and written English.
Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, IRP SAP, iScala, Crystal Reports, Hyperion and Smart View environment.ALICIA OLIVARES OLEA Camino El Paso No. 4218, Peñalolén, Santiago 791-1961; 09-6836 3672 E - mail: summary Professional with Errázuriz in finance, bilingual, with more than 15 years of experience in administration, finance and internal audit in multinational companies.
ALICIA OLIVARES OLEA Camino El Paso No. 4218, Peñalolén, Santiago 791-1961; 09-6836 3672 E - mail: summary Professional with Errázuriz in finance, bilingual, with more than 15 years of experience in administration, finance and internal audit in multinational companies.
Solid experience in the areas accounting and financial, with regard to internal procedures and company policies legal and tax.
It has a strong orientation to action and a high commitment to objectives, coupled with skills in leadership, team work and excellent interpersonal relationships.
EXPERIENCE work NORMET CHILE limited 2009 - 2010 Business Controller for Chile leads implementation of corporate system of parent House of Finland, prepare financial reports, relationship with banks and charge tax, legal aspects and audit for Chile and Peru.
2003-2008 ASESORIA alone in this period, advises on matters financial and accounting Zenteno and Asociados S.A. and of the Rio & Zenteno Consultores, study topics in due diligence, project evaluation and tax consultancy.
THE HOME DEPOT CHILE S.A. 2000-2002 Enterprise business retail, a subsidiary of The Home Depot Inc. leading into the US market.
Responsible for the direction, supervision and control of the computer accounting, tax, legal and internal control for foreign parent and Chile partners accounting manager.
In charge of 9 people.
Designs the financial plan annually, company by shops and departments, aligned with the regional management for Latin America.
Leading the planning and development of inventories in shops Argentina and Chile, modernizing it and adapting to the requirements and the international standard policy.
Excellent reception of the results obtained.
Organizes and re-estructura planning monthly reports to the head office, gaining efficiencies in time and accuracy of relevant information.
Negotiation of terms and conditions supporting them heavily to the sales department in stock products little discount campaigns rotation controls improving approx.
7 points apart from these departments.
Achieved, in very short-term part and lead the legal team.
Strong commitment to the proposed objectives, resulting in increased efficiency and reduction of 60% of the legal costs for Chile.
It is heavily involved in stages of training in corporate finance for managers.
Part of the implementation system Argentina Chile in conjunction with other managers of the country, SAP and USA team.
Strongly participates in the negotiation of the due diligence of Home Depot Chile granting financial, legal and accounting information to company Falabella food buyer SCHENKER STINESS CHILE limited 1998 - 2000 multinational with head office in Germany, leading company in international cargo transportation and logistics.
Head of the Department of accounting, cost and staff, reporting to the Chief Financial Officer at Germany and Chile General Manager Administration and Finance Manager.
Planning and corporate strategy policy cost control.
Corporate, forming part of the team for Latin America accounting system implementation.
Negotiation of the opening of accounts abroad to implement Netting system.
Coordination of national and international external audits to which directly oversees information accounting, tax and legal, and get to the company an excellent opinion of those opinions.
Implementation of evaluation of human resources, describing and implementing concepts of teamwork and motivation of goals, achieving efficiencies in response times of inspection reports for management policies.
WÄRTSILÄ NSD CHILE limited 1993 - 1997 important item generation d engineering company
Importante empresa del rubro ingeniería de generación diesel, especialista en motores para plantas mineras y hélices de barcos, filial de Wärtsilä NSD Group-Vaasa, Finlandia.
Business Controller
Responsable de la implementación financiero contable, políticas de expatriados y la administración en Chile.
Reporta directamente al Contralor Regional en Finlandia y al Gerente Financiero para Latinoamérica y al Gerente General en Chile.
Cuatro contadores auditores eran parte de su team directo en Chile (distribuidos en Santiago, Iquique y Talcahuano) y 5 Business Controller ubicados en Brasil, Argentina, Colombia, Perú y Puerto Rico, reportan a ella como responsable para Latinoamérica.
Implementar y desarrollar sistema contable y de costos para Chile en multimoneda, lográndolo para Chile y Perú.
Reportes de resultados mensuales y seguimiento de forescast por área también eran funciones, traduciéndolos a normativa US GAAP.
Apoyar a las Gerencia de ventas y servicios para optimizar estructura de costos, optimización de los servicios facturados reduciendo en un 15% los costos involucrados.
Negociación con bancos latinoamericanos para el financiamiento de proyectos a nivel latinoamericano, obteniendo soporte directo de Citibank en Nueva York y Bancos en islas Bermudas.
Viaja a Colombia, Argentina y Perú reclutando personal de perfil financiero contable para luego recibir entrenamiento en Europa, excelente resultado con las selecciones volcaron a desarrollar y potenciar a la región en la implementación de políticas corporativas.
Coordinación con los auditores internos Finlandeses y externos para la elaboración de informes de auditoria operativa y financiera anual.
Coordina aspectos legales concernientes a materias de derecho de protección de marcas internacional y de aspectos propios a la administración en Chile.
Empresa dedicada a la auditoria y consultoría de empresas.
Senior de Auditoria
Ingresa como Trainee al departamento de auditoria de Langton Clarke y Cía. Ltda., desempeñando labores como encargada de auditoria, logrando al año ascender a Senior de
Algunas de las empresas donde realizó revisiones fueron: Compañía Minera Cerro Colorado Ltda.., Empresa Eléctrica de Coquimbo S.A., Banco de Chile, Banco Sudameris, Compañía de Seguros ISE Vida S.A., Compañía de Seguros La República S.A., Lever Chile, Dos Álamos S.A.C.I.
Analista Financiero y Control Presupuestario
Efectúa práctica profesional como analista financiero en el departamento de Finanzas de la Superintendencia General de Contraloría de Codelco Chile, división El Salvador, siendo su principal aporte apoyar en la elaboración del presupuesto y preparación de la memoria anual para el directorio de la corporación.
Posteriormente, forma parte del equipo como asistente contable del departamento de administración y finanzas de la Fundación Educacional Nido de Águilas.
Diplomado en Finanzas, Universidad Católica de Chile, 1997
Título de Contador Público y Auditor, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 1991
Doing Business, Berlitz Institute.
Training for Business Controller, Zoolle – Holanda y Vaasa Finlandia
Trabajo en equipo, The Home Depot Internacional, Atlanta.
Ayudante docente de Contabilidad IV, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Facultad de Administración y Economía.
Curso para ejecutivos sobre Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (IFRS), Ernst & Young.
Inglés hablado y escrito.
Alicia Olivares- 1 -
2791-1961; 9 7668 8105