PRIDE OF ERIN Written by C Wood of Leith, 1911

In Scotland to celebrate the Irish in Scotland

Partners in Open Ballroom hold facing line of dance (LOD) / 32 bars

4Starting on outside feet, take 2 slow steps forward, then 3 steps forward raising inside feet to about ankle height, toe pointed. (SSQQS)

4Starting with inside foot take 2 slow steps backward. Then 3 steps backward (SSQQS) turning to face partner and join hands.

2Man swivels right foot, lady swivels left then step other foot against LOD. Then men swivels left steps forward right, lady swivels right steps forward left then repeat.

2Repeat swivels and steps.

4Turn to face LOD and waltz solo along LOD 2 turns (12 steps), finish facing partner.

4Holding hands balance forward (on left) and back then waltz to opposite places, lady passing under man’s right arm.

4Repeat back to place.

8 Waltz

The RoundaboutAustCouples in a Big Circle

32 Bar jig or Reel

8 BarsHolding inside hand with Partner

Walk 4 steps in and California Twirl

Walk 4 steps out and California Twirl

8 BarsR arm turn partner, L arm turn Corner

Repeat finish with men on outside facing

anti-clockwise, Women inside clockwise

8 BarsClap and skip around 14 beats and face

new partner

8 BarsSwing cross hand hold

HOLE IN THE WALLEnglish16 Bars Triple Time


Duple minor proper

8 Bars 1st couple cast meet below 2ndcpl and lead back to place

2ndcpl cast up meet above 1stcpl and lead back to place

8 bars 1stMan and 2ndLady change place right (nose to nose)

1st lady & 2nd Man change places right (nose to nose)

Circle left half way 1stcpl cast & 2nd Cpl lead up


ALICE’S REQUESTScottish 8X32 Jig

Longwise 2Cpl in 4Cpl set

8 Bars1st & 2nd Cpl Circle L & R

8 Bars1st Cpl Figure of 8 around 2nd Cpl

8 Bars1st lady R hand turn 2nd man

1stman R hand turn 2nd lady

8 Bars1st Cpl lead down the middle

and back to 2nd place

WATERFALL WALTZWelsh 32 Bar ad lib Waltz

Sicilian Circle

4 BarsThe two men right hand turn

4 BarsAll Right Di Si Do with opposite

4 BarsThe two women right hand turn

4 BarsAll Do Si Do partner finish facing partner

2 BarsAll chasse 2 steps sideways

(men to left behind women/ women to right in front of men)

2 BarsAll Turn partner with both hands half way

2 BarsAll chasse two steps

(men to left behind women/ women to right in front of men)

2 BarsAll turn partner both hands half way

4 BarsCircle four left half way, slight acknowledgement to other couple

4 BarsTurn partner one and a half with crossed hands,

On the spot, finishing facing a new couple.

WHITE DOG RAGAust 32 Bar Ragtime

3 facing 3 around the hall

8 BarsAll advance and retire

Centre person ½ reel of 3 with 2 people on right

Passing diagopp person by left

8 Barsrepeat

8 BarsCentre people r & L hand turns

While face partner in line and full R & L’s

8 BarsAll advance & retire

Advance and step to right & honour

and pass thru by left shoulder and meet new line



Longways set of 4 couples,

cpls 1 & 3 improper

8 BarsUp a double and back, Right shoulder gypsy

8 barsDown a double and back, Left shoulder gypsy

8 BarsRight hand stars between 1 & 2, 3&4,

Cple 1&4 chase to other end man leading

While couples 2&3 left hand star

8 BarsRepeat last 8 bars

8 BarsSide a double and back men leading, gypsy right

On own side between 1&2 and 3&4

then side a double women leading, gypsy left

on own side between 1&2 and 3&4

8 BarsCples 1 & 4 Three quarter right hand turn

1st & 4th ladies take left hands to form wavy line

up & down the set. Side people under arches

clockwise back to place. Tops turn to place.

8 Bars2M & 3W and 2W & 3M right hand turn 3/4

form wavy line across the set women taking left hands

Top & bottom couples under arches back to place

Sides return to place

8 BarsTops face up, 4th cpl face down, side people face out

Out a double and back, gypsy person dancing with by right

8 BarsRepeat then gypsy left.

8 BarsOn side Reel of Four 5 changes, 2 hand turn partner

Half way to change sides

8 barsOn side Reel of Four 5 places back to partners place

Two hand turn half way to place

Modern version of an old Playford Dance using Handel’s Queen of Sheba Music

BARN DANCE (Progressive)

Formation: Circle of couples.

Start: Promenade hold, both facing anticlockwise.

Bars Description

2 Bars Forward,2,3, kick -- (Walk 3 steps forward, all start outside foot, 4th beat raise inside foot).

2 Bars Back,2,3,up (Start on the raised foot, take 3 steps backward, 4th beat feet together)

4 Bars Turn lady on -- (Lady turns under man's right arm, to the man in front of her, man walks 4 steps back to women behind him).

2 Bars to centre ladies backward men fwd-- (1,2,3 lift).

2 Bars and back- ladies fwd men backwards-- (1,2,3 together).

4 bars Circular waltz -- (Twice, in 4/4 time).

Boston Tea Party

6 Couple Longways (or 5 or 7)32 bar jig or reelEasy

A1 Top couple take 2 hands with partner, and Galop down the middle to the bottom,

then Arch up over the Lady’s line to get back to the top; (M inside/L outside)

(retaining both hands, if practicable, and Galop/side-step as before)

A2 Continuing the Galop, carry the 2 handed Arch down over the Men’s line (M outside/L inside),

and then Galop back up the middle to the top;

B1/2 Everyone face up and take inside hand with partner,

except top couple, who face down (stay on own sides):

Top couple (and only the top couple) Dip and Dive to the bottom,

Everyone else, as they pass the dip and dive and get to the top of the set, they cast off,

Top couple makes an Arch at the bottom, other couples come through the arch to progress.

Swing partner to use up any remaining music.

MUSIC : ‘bouncy’ jigs – to fit the Galloping nature of the A part!

NB - the Dip & Dive ‘phrases’ perfectly for5 couples.

For beginners &/or Bush dances – 4, 5 or 6 couples can be used.

Kings Waltz16 bar Waltz

Collected in South Australia

4 Bars In an open extended hold and facing along Line of Dance (LOD) take 4 slow steps – 1 step per bar. Man starting Left, Lady Right.
2 Bars On the 4th step the Lady comes around in front of the Man into a closed ballroom hold. Lady back to LOD, Man still facing LOD. Man rocks forward on Left foot, back on Right foot, while Lady rocks back on Right, and forward on Left.
2 Bars Repeat rocking step.
8 Bars Couple chasse two towards the centre then slide 2 chasse steps away from the centre and waltz around LOD for 2 waltz turns.
DIP AND DIVE QUADRILLESquare Set numbered anticlockwise
All spin
1stcpl walk to no 2 cpl circle half way
Dip & Dive with cpls 1,2 & 4 1stcpl under first
1stcpl walk to cpl 3 circle half way
1stcpl walk to cpl 4 circle half way
Dip & Dive across set with cpls 1,2& 4
All spin and promenade the set
Repeat with each cpl
QUEEN’S JIGEnglish 32 Bar ad lib
Longwise Duple proper
8 Bars1st Man 2nd lady siding
set fwd turn single back to place
8 Bars2nd corners repeat
8 Bars1st Corners change places
2nd Corners change places
Men hold hands, ladies hold hands
Fall back 2 steps
Cross over to change places
Turn clockwise into progressed places
8 BarsRight hand star, all left turn single

SWING WALTZMusic: 32 bar waltz

Formation: Couples, start inside hand hold & start outside foot, both facing
anticlockwise LOD
4B Advance 3 steps & raise inside foot. Retire 3 steps (start inside
feet finish with feet together)
2B Waltz solo turn – finish 2-hand hold with Partner
2BChassé 2 steps sideways along LOD (step close, step close).
2BChassé 2 steps back against line of dance – finish facing
LOD holding nearer hands
2B Step apart 1 waltz step (keeping hands joined) + Change
places (Lady turns under Gent's right arm) – finish facing against LOD
2B Repeat step away & change places – finish facing along LOD
2B Step away starting inside feet 3 steps to Finish facing Partner
& take 2-hand hold
2B Step & balance forward + Step & balance against line of dance
2B Starting men’s left ladies right Turn to be back to back 3 steps
& balance forward in LOD, keeping nearer hands joined.
2B Balance against line of dance then forwards turning take
3 steps to face Partner & taking 2-hand hold.
2B Step balance through + Step balance back
2B Lady turn under Gent's left arm progressing along line of dance,
while man dances 3 steps forward
2B Lady turn back (under Gent's left arm) dancing back against line
of dance while man dances 3 steps backwards
4B Waltz on (should be reverse waltz)
The Mad HatterScottish 8X32 Jig
Longwise 3 Cpl in 4 Cpl set
8 Bars1st Cpl dance down below 3’s, cast up to 2nd place
Dance up between 2’s and cast to 2nd place
8 Bars1s advance & retire to 1st corners then R Do-si-do
8 Bars1s Advance & retire to 2nd corners then R Dp-si-do
8 Bars2s,1s & 3s circle L & R
Repeat from 2nd place.

Dashing White Sergeant32bar Scottish Reels

1½ Sicilian progressive
Circle left. Take hands in circles of 6 and slip step left 8 steps. / 4 bars
Circle right. Reform lines on bars 7&8 / 4 bars
Centre person set with right hand partner (set right & left) then right arm turn once around. / 4 bars
Centre person set with left hand partner (set right & left) then right arm turn once around. / 4 bars
Lines Reel of Three lines dance “figure 8”, centre passing left shoulder with right hand partner to start. / 8 bars
Lines advance, retire & pass through. / 8 bars
Longways Duple Improper
32b Triple time 3/2
A1Right star, Left star (12steps each)
A2Little casts (1 cpl cast, followed by 2ndcpl back to places 12 steps)
2 hand turn partners
B11cpl with 2 hands galop down (12 steps)
and back to face corners
B2To corners set & swing to progress
performed @ wedding in Sydney 1803
Collected Playford 1703
Quadrille set, numbered anticlockwise 1,2,3 and 4 / 32 or 64 bar jig
Dance Composer: Phil Wilson 1992 – Named after King George Square, Brisbane
8 BarsAll: Set to Partner (2H / Step.R+Swing.L+Step.L+Swing.R) + Swing (waltz hold)
8 BarsAll: Set to Corner + Swing
4 BarsLadies: Chain 1/2 way to Opposite Gent and turn
4 BarsWith Opposite: Promenade 1/2 way (Ladies home)
4 BarsLadies: Chain 1/2 way to Partner and turn
4 BarsAll: Promenade 1/2 way (All home)
16 Bars1G+3G: Square Strip the willow – 1G/3G turn by R arm, then L arm to Lady on the right, then
Active Gents R arms, then L arm to Opposite Lady, Gents R arms, next Lady L arm,Gents R arms, Partner L arm
8 BarsAll: Circle left (all the way)
8 BarsAll: Promenade (upper promenade hold)
Finish – Courtesy turn Lady to face Partner
64 barsRepeat
3 more times with 2G/4G stripping, then 1L/3L, then 2L/4L (always R.arm in the middle and L.arm on the outside)
La DuchesseWelsh 32 Bar Reel
Longwise as many as will Duple
8 Bars1st Cpl cast shoulder to shoulder into 2nd place
(2’s moving up on 3&4)
1st Cpl cast shoulder to shoulder up into 1st place
(2s moving down to 2nd place)
8 Bars1st Cpl lead down 3 bars,
lead up 3 bars cast into 2nd place (2s moving up)
8 Bars1st man & 2nd lady balance fwd and back
And set to partners, all 2 hand turn partners
8 Bars1st Lady & 2nd man balance fwd and back
And set to partner, all 2 hand turn partner.
Circle waltz
Circle dance
32 bar waltz
16Take hands in a circle, all balance into the centre and then out to place.
Gents then guide their left hand lady across in front of him to his right
hand side. The lady may move across or turn under his arm as in waltz
country dance. This movement is done four times.
8 Facing your new partner, take an open hand hold. Sway into the circle and
out, and then drop hands and both do a single waltz turn towards centre.
Repeat swaying out and then in and a turn back to place.
Finish in ballroom hold.
4Couples take two chasse steps into the centre of the circle,
and then two chasse steps out to place.
4Waltz around the circle, finishing in an open circle.