Algebra – Mrs. Massey Room 104

Welcome to Algebra! I am excited to have you in my class and am looking forward to what you will contribute in our class.I have taught math for 16 years now and enjoy thinking and reasoning and pushing you to do the same. I have 5 children (two girls in college and three boys 18, 16, and 12). I love to quilt and garden and be with my family. During our class time, I expect discussions about ways to work problems, because sometimes there is more than one way to work a problem. This class will require time and effort to understand the concepts and practice them, remember how we learn . . . by doing and not just watching. You must try each assigned problem and bring your questions in the next day. I need your questions and comments about the material we are covering. . . . Please do not hesitate to ask. If you have a question, there will be someone else who has the same one, but just will not ask. So you be the bold one to bring that question for discussion. This class will cover the concepts required by the Alabama Course of Study.

Grades are not “given”, they are earned. Tests are worth 60%; quizzes, worksheets, warm-ups, and assignments will be worth 25%, and homework is 15%.

Tests will cover each of the concepts that were covered in class and a few questions from previous chapters (do not do a brain dump on the way out the door from a test! You will see it again). There will be vocabulary, a paragraph to write, and a bonus on each test that requires you to apply some concept that we learned in that chapter or will be extra problems. If you miss a test, the make-up test will have no multiple choice questions. If you are eligible for grade recovery, the ONLY time it will be held is Tuesday after school, the following week.

Homework will be assigned for each section. It is very important that you take the time required each day to work these problems, learning does not take place simply by watching me work problems, you must try them and put forth some effort. Your syllabus lists all the assigned problems for each section. Write the section number at the top of the page and then for each assigned problem show the original problem, work, and correct answer. Homework will be checked daily for completion.

Quizzes may be unannounced and will be given weekly on the material we have covered. There will be cumulative reviews after completing each chapterfor continued practice with the concepts we are learning.Warm ups will be over review material or previous concepts and will be graded daily or weekly.

Makeup work: you will be allowed 3 days from the date of an absence to complete any makeup work, after that it will be a 0. Tests will be scheduled and announced, if you miss a test, you will be required to make it up the day that you return unless PRIOR arrangements have been made.Makeup tests are a different test and will have no multiple choice.

Phones must be turned off and put in the caddy during class. If I SEE a phone at any other time (including checking the time, there is a clock on the wall), it will be taken up and turned in. IPADs will be used for class purposes and will be taken up if on any other site. (Please see handbook if any questions).

Teacher help: I can post blank notes prior to each section if you wish to use them during the lesson. (School webpage, school staff, Massey, forms). Each day after the lesson, I post the completed notes with the examples worked. If you are absent or missed something during class, use this resource. I also have some helpful links if you are having trouble with the concepts, under “links” on the school webpage. I am available before school and during break for any additional questions you might have. I also do after school tutoring Tuesday through Friday till 3:30.

There will be a comprehensivemidterm and final exam for this class. This will cover all the material that we learned from August through December and January through May. Cumulative reviews are wonderful tools to help prepare for this test and will be assigned after completing each chapter. You will take the midterm in December. If you are planning on exempting the final exam in May, you must watch your attendance and tardies. (See handbook for policy)

You will be allowed 3 “outs” my door each 9 weeks, after those 3, do not even ask (use them wisely). For those who do not use them, there will be 2 bonus points for each pass not used (on a test grade).

Rules in our classroom:

  1. Be in your seat with materials ready when the bell rings.
  2. Follow directions the first time.
  3. Sit quietly during class and TRY each problem.
  4. Be responsible.

5. Be respectful.

Algebra is like other maths (or classes, sports, hobbies, etc.), it can be learned only with practice; and we will do that a lot! If you or your parents have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me a r call the guidance office to set up a conference. My deepest concern is that you are able to understand these concepts, receive credit in this class for the high school and the college, and come out of this class with a deeper ability to think, reason, and apply the learned concepts.


1” binder (or 5 subject spiral)

3 packages college ruled notebook paper

Scientific calculator TI-30X IIS (no Casios)

Pencils and eraser


Graph paper

Dry erase marker


The mission of Geneva County School System, in partnership with families and the community, is to educate all students for success in a diverse world.

Expectations for Student Learning

Students will communicate effectively through various methods of expression, solve problems through reasoning and critical thinking, and access, analyze, and apply information effectively.

Course Description from Program of Studies

This is a foundational course in which students must master to be able to apply the learned skills in subsequent mathematics courses. The focus will be on Interpreting the structure of expressions, writing expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems, performing operations with polynomials and rational expressions, creating equations that describe numbers or relationships, and reasoning with equations and inequalities.

Text: Algebra; Glencoe; McGraw Hill


Study will focus on the following essential questions:

How can mathematical ideas be represented?

Why is it helpful to represent the same mathematical idea in different ways?

Why are graphs useful?

Why is math used to model real-world situations?

How are symbols useful in mathematics?

What mathematical symbols do you know?

How can you find the solution to a math problem?

How can you make good decisions?

What factors can affect good decision making?

When could a nonlinear function be used to model a real-world situation?

Why do we use different methods to solve math problems?

How can you choose a model to represent a real-world situation?

How can simplifying mathematical expressions be useful?

How are statistics and probability used in the real world?

*The teacher reserves the right to adjust the essential questions if needed. Students will be assessed on all topics covered in class.


1. I do NOT accept work completed in any medium other than pencil.

2. PAST DUE assignments lose a letter grade of worth per day – plain and simple.

3. If you are ABSENT, it is your responsibility to come and talk with me about making up any missed work.


This class provides the opportunity for a quality educational experience, and it is the student’s responsibility to do the work required to the best of their ability. Assignments are given in an effort to give students opportunities to master the course material and the Learning Results that are associated with it

L isten to instruction

E nter and exit prepared

A lways try your best

R respect yourself and others

N o excuses

Pacing Guide:

1stNine weeks

Chapter 1Expressions, Equations, and Functions16 days

Chapter 2Linear Equations14 days

Chapter 3Linear Functions12 days

2nd Nine weeks

Chapter 4Equations of Linear Functions16 days

Chapter 5Linear Inequalities16 days

Chapter 6Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities14 days

3rd Nine weeks

Chapter 7Exponents and Exponential Functions14 days

Chapter 8Quadratic Expressions and Equations14 days

Chapter 9Quadratic Functions and Equations16 days

4th Nine weeks

Chapter 10Radical Functions and Geometry12 days

Chapter 11Rational Functions and Equations12 days

Chapter 12Statistics and Probability12 days

Student Information Sheet

Name ______

Circle current grade:9th10th11th 12th

Plans after high school ______

Favorite things to do ______

Do YOU work? YES NOIf yes, where? ______

Extra Curricular activities: Band ______Football ______Baseball ______

Basketball ______Cheerleader ______Volleyball ______Softball ______

Check each math course that you have taken:

Algebra ______Algebra IA ______Algebra IB ______Pre Algebra ______

8th grade math ______

We have read and concur with Mrs. Massey’s Classroom Management Plan. If we have questions or concerns pertaining to our child anytime during the year, we will notify Mrs. Massey as soon as possible by email or telephone message.


Student Name (Print) Block


Student SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian #1 (Print)


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian email addressParent/Guardian daytime phone number


Parent/Guardian #2 (Print)


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian email addressParent/Guardian daytime phone number

Please list below any student impairments or health issues that I should know about.
