Pacifica High School Mathematics Dept. - Ms. Julie Jarnagin - Room C-7

Algebra II and Algebra II / Trigonometry Course Policy - 2016/2017

Contact: email at or phone message at 714 663-6515


Be respectful of the teacher and other students; Be responsible for yourself;

Do not bring gum, food, or drinks into class. Clear water in a closed container is allowed.

Follow the established rules of GGUSD and PHS with regard to behavior and cheating.

Bring these materials to class:

Textbook, 3-ring binder with paper, stamp sheet, previous night’s homework, pencil & colored marker.

Get Ready:

1)Just before the bell rings, take out your homework and supplies.

2)Have your stamp sheet and home out and ready to be stamped. While I stamp homework, check your answers with colored marker. Circle any problems you have questions about.

3)Discuss your questions about last night’s homework assignment with your partner. Try to solve your simple problems by comparing your work with your partner’s.

4) Be ready to participate in a class discussion about any problem.

5) Be ready for other forms of homework assessment in addition to stamping: homework quizzes, warm-up problems or explaining to the class how to work a problem at the board.


1)Class will start with a review of the previous night’s homework. Ask questions at this time!

2)Lessons may include note-taking, class discussion, partner or individual work, and review.

It is your job to ask questions in class if there is something you do not understand.

A NOTE ON NOTES: Taking notes during class time is a skill you must master before entering college. Good notes, along with detailed examples, increase your understanding of the material. Later, use your notes to help with your homework. I will teach you a strategy I use to create a note summary - a condensed form of your notes. Your note summaries, along with your homework, will be valuable study tools for tests and for the final.


1)Write down the homework assignment before leaving class each day.

2)Complete all homework problems on time so that we can discuss them as a class.

3)After we discuss homework in class, go back and rework the problems that you had difficulty with. Ask more questions, or get help from me individually if you need to. Repeat the process until you can work every assigned problem easily. It may seem like a lot of work, but you will learn using this method.

Homework Expectations: You are expected to take pride in your work. Your work is a reflection of your attitude toward this class and your desire to learn. If you do not have your stamp sheet in your binder you will not receive homework credit for that day.

Homework credit is given at two levels, full or half credit.

To get fullcredit for a homework assignment, you MUST have:

Finished your homework before class begins. Late homework will not be accepted.

Started each assignment on a clean piece of paper with the name, date, period, title of assignment.

Neat, organized, and legible work. If I cannot read it, you get no credit.

Shown all your work. Your homework problems must contain enough detail so that you can study from them at a later time. Enough of the problem statement, drawings and work should be present so that the solution can be understood completely, without reference to the text;

Tried to work every problem. Not all answers need to be correct, but you must try everything.

To get halfcredit for a homework assignment, you COULD have:

Not-so-organized work.

Some work shown, but not really as much as you needed.

Some problems not attempted at all.

UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS NOW: If your homework effort did not earn the credit you thought it should, you will not be allowed to revise it for more credit later that period. Do a good job the first time. Also, a list of answers without supporting work will never earn homework credit in this class.


Grades. Grades will be assigned based on points earned:

A: 90-100%, B: 80-89.9% , C: 70-79.9%, D: 60-69.9%, F: 0-59.9%

The point distribution is weighted:
80%tests / final
10%classwork, extension work, note summaries, short quizzes, & class participation / Points earned for each assignment are approx.:
Test: 100 points
Quizzes: Variable points
Homework: 4 points each Note Summary: 20 points each
Classwork/Extension: Variable points
Participation: Variable points
Final exam: 200 points

Extra Credit. Extra credit points are very limited in this class. Please understand that there will be no last minute “extra” ways to earn points beyond those offered to the entire class. The only way to earn credit for this course is to complete assigned work thoroughly and on time so that you can demonstrate your understanding of Algebra II / Trig through predetermined assessments.

Extra Help. Short periods of extra help are available Mon, Tue,ThuFri 7:15-7:30 a.m. without an appointment; and Tuesday & Thursday 2:50-3:45 p.m.with advance notice. No help sessions are scheduled during lunch, but make-up tests may be completed at that time. Help sessions may be canceled without notice for various reasons.

Absences. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and to make up any missed work. This is true for extension period assignments, too. For excused absences, you will have the same number of days as were missed to complete classwork and tests. If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz, you will be expected to make up the test or quiz on the day you return. Make-up tests may be scheduled during zero period, during lunch, or after school. If the test or quiz is not made up within these time limits, your grade will be a zero for that assessment. Make-up homework is due on the day of the next test. If you plan to be absent for a test due to a sports activity or other school event, it is expected that you will make arrangements with me to take the testbefore the activity.

PLEASE: Your success in this class depends completely on you. Most students find the atmosphere of this class to be one where they can easily ask questions and get the help they need. If you are having trouble learning, talk to me. Together we can figure out what the problem is and find ways to improve your study skills, test-taking skills, or get you whatever you need to be successful .

As your first homework assignment, please read through our class policies with your parent/guardian and ask them to sign below. Welcome and thank you for your support.

DO NOT DETACH! Keep this entire sheet in your binder for reference.


I have read and understand the policies of Ms. Jarnagin’s Algebra II / Trig class.

Student Signature date Parent/Guardian Signature date

Student Name - Printed period Parent/Guardian Name - Printed