Algebra 1level 32015-2016Teacher: Ms. Hardy

Prerequisites: Fluency in concepts from PreAlgebra including percents, decimals, fractions and signed numbers. Ability to persevere in problem solving situations.

Purpose: This course meets every day to provide a solid Algebra background necessary for all further college preparatory mathematics classes. It is a level three class which means more topics will be covered in greater depth and at a faster pace than level 2. Also a higher level of personal responsibility is expected in level 3.

Materials: COME PREPARED TO CLASS – every class students should bring a pencil, a notebook with plenty of paper. It is a good idea to have a folder or pocket dividers for handouts. We will have many worksheets. We create an interactive student notebook (ISN) with summary notes & examples in class. A composition notebook will be provided for this purpose. Students need to have a Texas Instruments graphing calculator (TI-83 or 84) for this course. I have a class set in school for students to use in class. Please see details about graphing calculators at NHHS on my website in documents etc.

Textbook – we do not currently have a textbook that aligns with the common core curriculum. Thus it is essential that students take very good notes in class. As noted above we will create an ISN which will have detailed notes & examples of concepts we learn. When possible I will provide links on my calendar to supplement new concept instruction & exploration.

Homework: EXPECT HOMEWORK EVERY NIGHT. Students should copy the HW assignment at the start of each class. HW is also posted on my calendar on my website. HW answers will also be posted for students to check their work.Homework is checked daily by me for completion, not correctness. You will not be given credit for homework examples you leave “blank” because you “didn’t get it”. You must show a reasonable attempt to solve the problem. Under no circumstances should any homework assignment ever be offered for copying. Also, no one should ever ask another student for their math homework and/or assignments for the purpose of copying. THIS IS CHEATING.

Absences: Students are responsible for the work covered in class and for the homework assigned. Missed work due to regular absences (including tests & quizzes) must be made up within 5 school days. Work missed because of a CLASS CUT cannot be made up and will be recorded as a zero. FIELD TRIPS – Students are responsible for work missed when on a field trip. They must bring me the homework due that day before they leave on the trip. Field trips are NOT regular absences with 5 day grace periods. Work must be taken care of before the trip or turned in within one day of return from the trip.

Grading: Graded work is weighted in a total points system – Tests count 4X, Quizzes count1X or 2X, homework, participation, exit slips & other small assignments count 1X. Performance tasks (one each unit) 2X or 3X. The mid-year and final examinations are each worth 10% of the final year grade.

EXTRA-HELP All students need to see me for extra help when they are having difficulty with the material. Extra help is available on a regular basis both before (7:00 a.m.) and after school. Remember the only stupid question is the one not asked – come for help!

Communication: Parents & students are encouraged to be in touch with me with any questions or concerns. I also have a “” account for this class that allows me to send texts about important topics and homework reminders. Please sign up by texting to 81010 the message @hardyapalg (both parents & students are encouraged to do this!)

Other Policies:

  • Homework and graded assignments are due the start of the class.Failure to do so will result in a 5% deduction for that school day until 2 PM. After 2 PM it will be a 10% deduction every school day it is late.
  • I OFTEN communicate with students via email, therefore it is essential that students email me with a working email address and notify me of any changes immediately.
  • In this classroom, strict standards of behavior based on academic integrity, a personal sense of responsibility and responsiveness to the needs and rights of others will be enforced. At any time the teacher is speaking, no one else is. At any time a student asks a question, everyone listens. Failure to uphold these basic standards of behavior will result in a detention for inhibiting learning and a deduction from the class participation grade.
  • Pencil must be used on all quizzes and tests. Using a writing instrument other than pencil will result in a zero grade for that assessment. I do not have pencils to lend to students.
  • Cell phones are not permitted in class except for educational purposes. If there is an emergency for which you must reach your child, please call the main office. Inappropriately used cell phones will be placed in my “cell phone box” until the end of class and the student’s principal will be notified for the appropriate consequences.

Both the student and parent are requested to sign below. If you have any questions, please call me at the high school (239-1641x2304) or email me through my websiteor at Thank you!

We are fully aware of Ms. Hardy’s procedures and expectations for the 2015 – 2016 school year.

Student signature:______date______

Student name:______

Parent signature:______date______

Teacher signature (acknowledging they have seen the above signatures)


You are required to keep this signed copy in your math notebook for the remainder of the school year(in the general info section).