Covenant is pleased to welcome the following donors as members of the Circle of Honor for their gifts over five or more consecutive years. Thank you for your support and generosity.
Circle of Honor
Mr. Bill Abee
Alfred I duPont Foundation, Inc.
American Fidelity Life Insurance
Mr. Dale Andrews
AppRiver, LLC
Armstrong World Industries
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
Baldwin EMC
Baptist Health Care
Barnes Insurance & Financial Services
Bay Point Women's Club
Beach Haven Baptist Church
Beggs & Lane
Mrs. Claire Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Benvenutti
Ms. Joanice Berry
Bingo Paradise, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Bizzell
Ms. Mary Kathryn Black
Board of County Commissioners - Bay County
Capt. John Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Breitfeller
Ms. Marilyn Broussard
Brown Helicopter Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Burleson, Jr.
Ms. Connie J. Byrd
Mrs. Ursula Carney
Central Credit Union of Florida
Chris Myers Automall
Coastal Bank and Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cole
Mrs. Thelma Cooey
Ms. Merlene Croft
Mr. Donald Culver
D. W. McMillan Foundation
Ms. Beverly De Monterice
Mr. Robert Dean
Ms. Marcia DeGraaf
Mr. James Denny, Jr.
Dermatology Associates of Bay County
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dickson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Doman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Dreis
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Drossos
Durden Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Brigitte Dzimitrowicz
Mrs. Bonnie Edwards
Emerald Coast Internal Medicine
Ms. Cathy J. England
Escambia County Sheriff's Department
Escambia Lodge No. 15, F & AM
Mrs. Sally Fischer
Mrs. Lucille Foley
Mr. Herman L. Franklin
Mrs. Peggy Fuller
RADM and Mrs. George Furlong
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Godwin
Granny Nannies
Mr. Joseph Grant
Ms. Louise Gregory
Greta Langley Financial, LLC
Gulf Isle Neighbors
Gulf Power Company
Ms. Lottie Hadley
Mrs. Christine Hale
Mr. David Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamel
Mrs. Evelyn S. Hamrick
Ms. Susan Harrell
Mr. William Haywood
Mr. Alfred Hebert
Mrs. Emily Hedgecock
Heritage Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herndon
Heyman Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Harold Hill
Ms. Mamie Hixon
Mrs. Lilia P. Hoag
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hunsucker
Ms. Marianne Hussey
Hutchison Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Inc. Mary Lawrence Charities
Infirmary Health
Innovations Federal Credit Union
International Paper
Mrs. Fran Isern
Ms. Deda Johansen
Mr. Gary Johnson
Mrs. Howard Johnson
Mr. Robert Jones
Mr. John Juul
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kahn
Mrs. Catherine Kaiser
Kent-Forest Lawn Funeral Home
Kia Autosport
Kiva Oberstein Charitable Trust
Ms. Catherine Kress
Kugelman Foundation
Ms. Jane Kugelman
L. McArthur Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laird
Mrs. Sherry A. Lambert
Mrs. Marilyn Lanneau
Mr. and Mrs. John Larker
Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge #557
Mack Funeral Home, Inc.
Ms. Linda MacLellan
Ms. Susan Marks
Mr. John Mashburn
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Matson
Ms. Theresa McKeithan
Mr. Rex McKinney
Medical Center Clinic, P.A.
Mrs. Gwen Miller
Mr. and Mrs. H. Spencer Mitchem
Mrs. Helen Nass
Neal Land & Timber Co., Inc.
Mrs. Sharon S. Oakes
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius O'Keefe
Mr. Robert Pallme
Panhandle Charitable Open, Inc.
Mr. Johnny Patronis
Paul W. Airey American Legion Post 392
Peaden Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing
Mr. Landis Penfold, Jr.
Pensacola Energy
Pensacola Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home
Ms. Barbara Petrone
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gene Pfalzer
Dr. and Mrs. Odell Phillips
Picard-Dannheisser Family Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Ann Pigman
Pilot Club of Pensacola
Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Mrs. Susan Porter
Ms. Valerie Prevatte
Dr. Henry Pruett and Dr. Donna Jacobi-Pruett
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Ms. Kathryn N. Ramsey
Mrs. Ruth Ratchford and Mr. Ran Humphreys
Mr. Christopher Reiter
Ms. Johnnie Remsnyder
Ms. Virginia Richmond
Robertsdale Health Care Center
Mr. Paul J Robinson
Ms. Judith Rosenmarkle
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russenberger
Sacred Heart Health System
Mrs. Katherine Sandifer
Sandollar Carpet Cleaning
Mr. John Scarboro
Col. Arnold Seligman
Mr. Bruce Shavey
Mr. Christopher Shawyer
Ms. Debra Lynn Shea
Mrs. Bernice Shires
Mrs. Claudia J. Shuttleworth
Mrs. Sharon Silverman
Ms. Lois Sims
Skipperville United Methodist Church UMW
Mr. Donovan Smith
Mrs. Patricia Smith
Mr. Robert Smith
Society of the Debutante Charity Cotillion
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church Caravan
St. John's Episcopal Church
Ms. Judy-Ann Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Mansur Stevens, Jr.
Mrs. Edith Strickland
Sunland Center - Maintenance Department
Switzer Brothers Charitable Foundation
T. K. Development, LLC
Dr. Cecil Taylor
Terry Thompson Chevrolet Oldsmobile
The Beacon at Gulf Breeze - DBA The Blake
The Krewe of Wrecks
The L. H. Bead Gallery LLC
The Waterford at Creekside
Mrs. Joy Thomley
Dr. Carla Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Torrey
United Way of Escambia County
United Way of Greater Atlanta
United Way of Lancaster County
United Way of Northwest Florida
United Way of Okaloosa-Walton Counties
United Way of Santa Rosa County
United Way of the National Capital Area
Mrs. Linh Urquhart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Slyke
Mrs. Gladys Vermeule
Wal-Mart #1362
Wal-Mart Tiger Point #2533
Mr. Gary Ward
Mr. Milton Waters, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wcislo
Mrs. Anna Weber
Dr. Robert D. Wertz
Mr. Robert West
Mrs. Margaret Willis
Wiregrass Federal Credit Union