University of Mannheim
School of Social Science
A5, 6 (Room 426)
D-68131 Mannheim
Phone: +49 (0)621 181 3640
Fax: +49 (0)621 181 2029
German citizen; born September 20, 1974 (Kirchheim u. Teck); married, two children
University of Mannheim, School of Social Sciences, Germany
Junior-Professor for the Sociology of Welfare States January 1, 2011 – current
Mannheim Center for European Social Research (MZES),
University of Mannheim, Germany
Post-Doctoral Fellow September 1, 2008 – December 31, 2010
Ph.D., Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008
Comparative Politics, International Relations, Methods
Dissertation: The Emergence of a New Labor Market Policy Paradigm? Analyzing Continuity
and Change in an Integrating Europe.
Committee: Jonathan Zeitlin (chair), Orfeo Fioretos, Graham Wilson, Nils Ringe, Markus
Gangl and Mark Pollack.
Award: Winner of American Political Science Association’s Ernst B. Haas Award for Best Dissertation in European Politics and Society, 2009
MA, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
Comparative Politics, International Relations, Methods
MA, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 2002
Political Science
University of Stuttgart, Germany, 1999
Political Science, English Literature and Language, History
Intermediate Exam (Zwischenprüfung)
From the Manpower Revolution to the Activation Paradigm: Explaining Institutional Continuity and
Change in an Integrating Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011.
(with Egidijus Barcevicius and Jonathan Zeitlin, equal co-editors), Assessing the Open Method of
Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
ARTICLES (*Peer reviewed, + SSCI indexed)
(as main editor; with Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Claus Wendt) „Editorial: Der Umbau des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Krisenzeiten: Institutioneller Wandel in Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich” [Editorial: Recasting Welfare States in Times of Crisis: Institutional Change in Germany and Beyond], Zeitschrift für Sozialreform/Journal of Social Policy Reserach, Special Issue on Changing Welfare States, 59 (3), 2013: 279-209.
* (with Werner Eichhorst) „Mit Neo-Korporatismus durch die Krise? Die Rolle des Sozialen Dialogs in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz [Crisis Response in Neo-corporatist Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Social Dialogue in Germany, Austria and Switzerland]”, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform/Journal of Social Policy Reserach, 59 (3), 2013: 313-335.
* „Die offene Methode der Koordinierung in der deutschen Sozialpolitik: Trojanisches Pferd,
sozialpolitischer Beschleuniger, oder vertane Chance?“ [The Open Method of Coordination: Trojan Horse, Booster for Social Policy or Missed Opportunity], Zeitschrift für Sozialreform/ Journal of Social Policy Reserach, 59 (1), 2013, 61-84.
(with Andreij Přívara) “The Austrian Flexicurity Model: A Source of Inspiration for other EU Member States?”, The New Economy, 6 (1) 2013: 99-109.
* (with Felix Hörisch) “It’s the Youth, Stupid. Explaining Labour Market Policy Reactions to the Crisis”, Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 6 (2), 2012, 233–253.
* (with Katja Lack) “The European Employment Strategy: Assessing the Status Quo”, German Policy Studies, special issue edited by Karin Schulze Buschoff and Florian Blank 7 (1) 2011: 9-41.
+* “A Silent Revolution? New Management Ideas and the Reinvention of European Public Employment Services, Socio-Economic Review, 8 (3), 2010: 461-486.
+* “Germany After a Decade of Social Democrats in Government: The End of the Continental Model?” German Politics, 19 (2), 2010: 105-122.
+* “Money, Votes or Good Ideas? How Partisan Politics Shape the Impact of the European Employment
Strategy” in Kröger, Sandra (ed.): What we have Learnt: Advances, Pitfalls and
Remaining Questions of OMC Research. European Integration online Papers,
Special Issue 1 (13), 2009.
+* (with Federico Ferrara): “Get Your Act Together: Party Performance in EP Elections”
European Union Politics, 5 (3), 2004: 283-306.
(with Bernhard Ebbinghaus) “Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigung” [Labour Market and Employment] in Ulrich Becker, Stephan Leibfried, Peter Masuch and Wolfgang Spellbring (eds.) Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik. Grundlagen und Herausforderungen des deutschen Staates. 60 Jahre Bundessozialgericht. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (forthcoming in 2014).
(with Henning Jørgensen; Alex Nunn) “Delivering Activation: The Perpetual Reform of Public Employment Services in Europe” in Douglas Besharov and Douglas Call (eds.), Labor Activation in a Time of High Unemployment: Encouraging Work while Preserving the Social Safety-Net. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press (forthcoming in 2014).
“Origin and Genesis of Activation Policies in ‘Old’ Europe: Toward a Balanced Approach?” in
Marx, Ive and Nelson, Kenneth (eds.), Minimum Income Protection in Europe, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 190-216.
“The Open Method of Coordination for Social Inclusion and Social Protection: Theoretical and Empirical
State of the Art” in Payá, Irene Monsonís and Ferrer, Jorge Garcés (eds.), Sustainability and
Transformation of European Social Policy. Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2013, 41-60.
(with Armingeon, Klaus; Ebbinghaus, Bernhard; Heidenreich, Martin; Martens, Kerstin) “Europäische
und internationale Sozialpolitik“ [European and International Social Policy] in Marius Busemeyer, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Stephan Leibfried, Nicole Mayer-Ahuja, Herbert Obinger, Birgit Pfau-Effinger (eds.) Wohlfahrtspolitik im 21. Jahrhundert. [Welfare Policy in the 21st Century]. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2013, 75-87.
“Reorganizing the Governance of Public Employment Services” in Rychly, Ludek und Heyes, Jason (eds.), Labour Administration in Uncertain Times: Policy, Practice and Institutions. Cheltenham,
UK: Edward Elgar, 2013, 194-221.
(with Egidijus Barcevicius and Jonathan Zeitlin) “Institutional Design and National Influence of EU
Social Policy Coordination: Disentangling a Paradoxical Debate” in Egidijus Barcevicius, J. Timo Weishaupt and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 1-15.
(with Egidijus Barcevicius und Jonathan Zeitlin) “Tracing the Social OMC from its Origins to Europe
2020” in EgidijusBarcevicius, J. Timo Weishaupt und Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 16-39.
“Comparing the Social OMC: Variations in National Use and Influence” in Egidijus Barcevicius, J.
Timo Weishaupt and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 138-160.
“The Social OMC in Germany: Slow but Steady?” in Egidijus Barcevicius, J. Timo Weishaupt and
Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Assessing the Open Method of Coordination: Institutional Design and National Influence of EU Social Policy Coordination. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 203-233.
* “Social Partners and the Governance of Public Employment Services: Trends and Experiences from
Western Europe.” International Labour Office; Labour Administration and Inspection Programme (LAB/ADMIN) Working Paper, 17 (May) 2011.
* (with Felix Hörisch) “Explaining Variations in the Fight against Unemployment in Times of the Global Financial Crisis: A Mixed-Methods Approach” MZES Working Paper, 135, 2010.
Book Review of David Rueda, Social Democracy Inside Out. Cambridge University Press 2007, in
Czech Sociological Review, 45 (3), 2009: 622-625.
Book Review of Jochen Clasen and Daniel Clegg (ed.), Regulating the Risk of Unemployment. Oxford
University Press 2011, in Czech Sociological Review, 49 (3), 2013: 482-485.
(with Menno Soentken) “The Politics of Labour Market Governance: Explaining the Involvement of the
Social Partners in Public Employment Services in Austria and the Netherlands” (“revise and resubmit”).
(with Tobias Schulze-Cleven) “Playing Moral Economies: Partisan Employment Policies in Crisis- Ridden Europe” (“revise and resubmit”).
“International Organizations, Policy Diffusion and Institutional Change: The Case of Active Labor Market Policy Reforms since 1945” (paper to be submitted in 2014 to Journal of Common Market Studies).
“Neo-corporatist Revival in Continental Europe? Germany’s Social Partners as Crisis Mediators” paper to be submitted in 2014 to Comparative European Politics).
M.A. Introductory Course [Übung] „Academic Writing and Presentation” University of Mannheim, Spring 2014.
M.A. Seminar, „Der Wohlfahrtsstaat im Wandel: Typologien, Entwicklungen und Perspektiven“ [Changing Welfare States: Typologies, Change and Perspectives], University of Mannheim, Fall 2013
B.A. Seminar, “Spielarten des Kapitalismus: Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert” [Varieties of Capitalism: Theory, Analyses, Conflicts] University of Mannheim, Fall 2013.
B.A. Seminar “Das Europäische Sozialmodell in der Krise“ [The European Social Model and the Crisis ] University of Mannheim, Spring 2013.
M.A. Introductory Course [Übung] „Academic Writing and Presentation” University of Mannheim, Spring 2013.
M.A. Seminar, “Wohlfahrtsstaaten im transatlantischen Vergleich: Ideen, Institutionen und Interessen” [Welfare States in Transatlantic Comparison: Ideas, Institutions and Interests] University of Mannheim, Fall 2012.
B.A. Seminar, “Spielarten des Kapitalismus: Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert” [Varieties of Capitalism: Challenges in the 21st Century] University of Mannheim, Fall 2012.
B.A. Seminar, “Soziale Eingliederung und Sozialschutz in der Europäischen Union: Entwicklungen und Perspektiven” [Social Inclusion and Social Protection in the European Union: Trends and Perspectives]University of Mannheim, Spring 2012. (overall performance score 2.05 out of 5, where 1 is best possible score).
B.A. Beginners’ Course (Übung) “Vom aktiven zum aktivierenden Sozialstaat: Neuerfindung oder Abbau des Sozialen?” [From the active to the activating welfare state: social policy innovation or retrenchment?] University of Mannheim, Spring 2012. (overall performance score 1.72 out of 5, where 1 is best possible score).
M.A. Introductory Course (Übung), “Academic Writing and Presentation” University of Mannheim, Fall 2011. (overall performance score 2.69 out of 5, where 1 is best possible score).
B.A. Seminar, “Spielarten des Kapitalismus: Herausforderungen im Zeitalter der Globalisierung” [Varieties of Capitalism: Challenges in a Globalizing World] University of Mannheim, Fall 2011. (overall performance score 1.92 out of 5, where 1 is best possible score).
M.A. Seminar, “Welfare State Ideas and Institutions”, University of Mannheim, Spring 2011. (overall performance score 1.75 out of 5, where 1 is best possible score).
B.A. Beginners’ Course (Übung), “Arbeitsmarktpolitik und soziale Ausgrenzung im internationalen Vergleich“ [Unemployment and Social Exclusion in International Comparison], Spring 2011. (overall performance score 2.15 out of 5, where 1 is best possible score).
B.A. Seminar, “Ideen und Institutionen in der Sozialpolitik: Deutschland, Schweden, Großbritannien und die USA im Vergleich” [Ideas and Institutions in Social Policy: Germany, Sweden, Great Britain and the United States in Comparative Perspective] University of Mannheim, Fall 2009 (overall performance score 1.2 out of 5, where 1 is best possible score).
B.A. Seminar, “Kontinuität und Wandel des Europäischen Sozialmodells“ [Continuity and Change of the European Social Model] University of Mannheim, Spring 2009 (overall performance score 1.7 out of 5, where 1 is best possible score).
B.A. Seminar, “Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Europa” [European Labour Market Policies], University of Mannheim,” University of Mannheim, Fall 2008 (overall performance score 1.6 out of 5, where 1 is best possible score).
Head Graduate Teaching Assistant for Political Science 106: Introduction to Comparative Politics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 2007 (overall performance score: 4.6 out of 5, where 5 is best possible score).
Lecturer for Political Science 103: Introduction to International Relations; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 2006 (overall performance score: 4.18 out of 5, where 5 is best possible score).
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Political Science 230: Politics in Multicultural Societies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 2005 (overall performance score: 4.59 out of 5, where 5 is best possible score).
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Political Science 103: Introduction to International Relations, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Spring 2005 (overall performance score: 4.43 out of 5, where 5 is best possible score).
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Political Science 306: Methods of Inquiry, University of Kansas, Spring 2003 (overall performance score: 4.4 out of 5, where 5 is best possible score).
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Political Science 170: Introduction to International Relations, University of Kansas, Fall 2002 (overall performance score: 4.53 out of 5, where 5 is best possible score).
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Mathematics 002: Intermediate Mathematics, University of Kansas, Fall 2000, Fall 2001, Spring 2002 (no scores given).
APSA Ernst B. Haas Award 2009 for Best Dissertation in European Politics and Society 2009
Advanced Dissertation Fellowship Award (WAGE) 2008
European Union Studies Association (EUSA) Ernst B. Haas Fund Fellowship 2007
Vilas International Research Travel Grant 2007
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) Visiting Researcher 2007
Vilas International Research Travel Grant 2006
European Union Center of Excellence Research Fellowship 2006
DAAD Center for German and European Studies Fellowship 2004
Pi Sigma Alpha Walter Thompson Travel Grant 2003
Out-of-State Travel Grant, University of Kansas Graduate School 2003
Pi Sigma Alpha Walter Thompson Graduate Scholarship 2002 – 2003
Eddie Jacobson Memorial Scholarship for International Studies 2001
University of Stuttgart Study Abroad Fellowship 2000 – 2001
Invitation to produce a report on the PROGRESS-funded Peer Review “Achieving Quality Long-term Care in Residential Facilities” for a research consortium (Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI) and European Social Observatory (OSE)), which was awarded with the European Commission’s Service Order N°: VT/2010/026 (Fall through Winter 2011).
Invitation to produce a German country study and act as co-project manager for Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI), a research consortium, awarded with the European Commission’s Service Order N°: VC/2009/0880 to assess the effectiveness and impact of the OMC (Fall through Winter 2010).
Invitation to produce a report on the role of the social partners in the management of public employment services. Report submitted to the International Labor Organization (ILO) General Conference, June 2011 (Fall 2010).
Invitation to advise WiPol (Wirtschaftsforschung und Politikberatung), a professional public policy consultancy, working under contract for the German Federal Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs, in their assessment of Public Employment Services’ management-by-objective systems (Summer 2010).
Invitation to produce a comprehensive literature review on the European Employment Strategy and to suggest new approaches to overcome methodological limitations identified in the literature for a research consortium, awarded the European Commission’s Service Order N°: VC/2009/0880 to assess the effectiveness and impact of the OMC (Spring 2010).
“Neo-corporatist Revival in Continental Europe? Germany’s Social Partners as Crisis Mediators”, paper prepared for the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Chicago, August 29- September 1, 2013.