Alexandria Local Human Rights Committee

Minutes (Draft)

November 16, 2016 – 7:00p

Prior to the meeting, Tim Simmons, Virginia State Human Rights Committee Advocate, updated the Committee Members and the Administrator on the status of the LHRC Merger. He noted that the new regulations were still in process so nothing would change until they are approved. Mr. Simmons is trying to arrange a special joint meeting of the Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax LHRCs in preparation for the merger

Members present: Becky Gleed, Farzana Kennedy, Amanda Mehlenbacher, Amy Purnell, Bob Shaffer, and Renee Valdez.

Member absent: Ali Osman

Rebecca Gleed, Chairperson of the ALHRC, opened the 11/16/2016 Meeting at 7:20 PM.

There were no public comments and Ms. Gleed reminded the affiliates that their quarterly reports were to be submitted to Ms. Elizabeth Hall two weeks before the scheduled meetings.

Minutes of the 8/17/2016 meeting were approved at 7:25 PM.

7:25 PM Phil Caldwell of the Community Services Board updated the Committeeon the use of a gait belt to prevent falling for an individualreceiving services. He noted that the guardian of the individual had agreed to the use of the gait belt.

7:30 PM Farzana Kennedy, Amy Purnell, and Renee Valdez, new members of the Committee, introduced themselves to the affiliates. Another new member, Ali Osman, was not able to attend this meeting.

7:35 PM Esther's Home made a presentation to the LHRC ontheir Human Rights Policies and Procedures and requested affiliation with the Committee. The Committee voted and approved affiliation. Ms.Hall will be sending Esther's Home a letter of affiliation.


8:00 PM Ms. Gleed asked the affiliates if they wanted to make a presentation of their quarterly reports that were reviewed by the Committee.

8:03 PM The ALHRC meeting closed.

The meeting location

720 N. Saint Asaph St., 4th Floor Conference Room

Alexandria, VA 22314

Next Meeting Date and Time

February 15, 2017 at 7 p.m.