CSC Notes October 10, 2016
- Budget Notes/ Preparing for Spring Budget
- Where the money comes from
- Money follows students
- Set amount per student
- Mill Levys from voters for technology, literacy, building improvements
- Extra amounts for:
- Free/reduced lunch students
- # of 2nd language learners
- The Spring Budget is based on attendance projections based on October Count Day
- This gives an estimate for fall enrollment for the subsequent school year
- The school has flexibility to support/spend money based on needs and strives to make the best decisions for the students and school community
- Fall Budget Results
- Additional Kindergarten Tearcher: Michelle Reynolds
- We got additional GT (gifted/talented) instruction: looking for a good fit; these teachers are hired locally
- Additional Social Worker time: bilingual, starts on 10/28
- Surplus money: we can’t just put extra money in a miscellaneous account. Everything must have a line in the budget
- $20k goes to textbook account
- $15k goes to the general fund
- $6500 Arts Budget Update (money raised from PTO last year)
- Frequent Fliers- Fabrics in gym
- Wonderbound-free- all school field trip
- Denver Ballet Guild
- Nutcracker? (maybe)
- Skate City STEM field trips- February?
- Technology Update
- School Technology Resource- Kyle: tech guy for the school
- New donated computer lab
- Green Screen to be added to the STEM lab
- We are at or above projections and may not need to RIB in Spring
- Spring Budget will be affected by housing prices, % of choice in/out, more kids from other districts
- SPF (School Performance Framework)
- Schools rated on a color scale
- Blue: Distinguished
- Green: Meets Expectations
- Yellow: Accredited on Watch
- Orange: Accredited on Priority Watch
- Red: Accredited on Probation
- Several Factors are rated to create rating including:
- Academic Growth
- Academic Proficiency
- Enrollment Rates
- Parent Satisfaction
- Here’s a video for understanding the School Performance Framework
- All Schools work to achieve green or blue ratings
- Green/Blue schools can choose to opt out of certain things like curriculum
- Yellow/Orange/Red: get more district funded support but it’s earmarked for specific things
- Yellow/Orange/Red also work with an Instructional Superintendent to improve
- SPF is embargoed until 10/20 with a chance to argue result (though there’s very little chance to change the final rating)
- Other SPF Notes
- Previous 3 SPF ratings: Green, Orange, No SPF
- Growth in PARCC
- Big gains in math/ literacy
- Our school will get a SQR (School Quality Review) on November 2nd/3rd
- This will give the boars something to look at other than just test scores