School News
Thank you to all the supporters of this year’s auction and dinner. The event raised over $40,000 which is more than any other of our previous auctions. The $40,000 includes $10,000 specifically designated for tuition scholarships raised in part by a donation from the Zion Lutheran School Foundation and auction attendees.
Please read your Sower for a list of those who donated their time, talents and treasurers to this project.
Scholar Bowl
Congratulations to our Scholar Bowl teams who competed with other Lutheran Schools in Hastings on Friday, March 27. Teams were questioned in many areas of study. Our 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teams all placed first.
Team Members:
5th grade:
Alexandra Splittgerber, Michelle Arisa, Ansley Noyes Makayla Kirchner, Jayden Young
6th grade:
Kalu Obasi, Madelyn Graham, Heinrich Haarberg, Logan Trampe, Aranim Louis
7th grade:
Chinyere Obasi, Kevin Osmanski, Liz Lange, Zachariah DeLoach, Mekaela Skrdla
8th grade:
Lea Carper, Caleb Nabity, Peter Kreutzer, Kiana Clark, Harrison Strong
Plant Orders
April 8 is the last day to order plants. April 24 & 25 plants will be available for pick up in our gym.
Gathering of the Talents
Our children will be participating in the Gathering of the Talents next Saturday, April 11 in Seward
Announcements – April 5, 2015
Please silence your cell phone upon entering the sanctuary.
Hearing Loop Zion’s sanctuary is equipped with a hearing loop. Please switch hearing aids to T-coil mode.
We have 2 headsets and receivers that persons without hearing aids can use. Ask an usher for assistance.
Easter Breakfast
The Youth are serving breakfast in the Fellowship Hall between our services today.
Easter Lilies
Thank you to the following families who provided Easter Lilies to beautify our Sanctuary this Easter morning. Those who provided a lily are welcome to take it home after the 9:00 service today.
Ron & Waunita DeLaet, In memory of Lana Schroder and Carl & Irene Jacobson, Jerry and Nancy Dulitz, Bob & Wanda Glanzer, Lewis & Carolyn Westman, Becky Thornton, Paul & Rachael Burger, Nathaniel & Liz Gaunt, Sharon Kreutzer, Lonna Gronewaller, Lillian Johnson & Dave and Kay Banner, Richard & Carol Kreutzer and family, Todd & Ellen Koopman, Carolyn Wilkens, Pastor & Carol DeLoach, Don & Marion Richmond, Joan Schmidt, Cheryl Scarborough, Chris & Sarah Hoehner, Wayne & Dorothy Sikes, Evelyn Heiden, Don & Shirley Helmbrecht, Jane Schmid, Randy & Linda Nielsen.
Call Extended
At a special voters meeting last Sunday, a call was extended to Kassidy Rixstine to serve as teacher in our school. Please keep Kassidy in your prayers as she considers this call.
Church Office Closed
The Church office will be closed tomorrow, April 6.
Our Concordia ladies will meet this Thursday, April 9 at 2:00pm. All are welcome to join us.
Kitchen Cleaning Day
Next Saturday, April 11 the Mary Martha Ladies will be cleaning our Fellowship Hall kitchen at 9:00. Anyone who wishes to help is welcome.
Bd. of Ed Meeting Change
The April Bd. of Ed meeting is changed to Tuesday, April 7 at 7:00pm.
Lutheran Witness
It is now time to renew your Lutheran Witness subscription for the coming year. The cost is $15.96 per year. If you wish to order, please call the office so we can get your name on the list. Your payment can be marked Lutheran Witness and placed in the offering plate, or dropped off at the office.
Meals Lent
He is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!