Minute of meeting held on Tuesday 6 November 2007.

Present: Carole McKenzie, Laura Donnelly, Theresa O’Donnell, Rae Richardson, Shirley MacLachlan, Anne Bruce, Jackie Kerr, Joyce Cruickshank, Annette Caw, Amanda Benson, Jonathan Cunningham, Sally Barnett (minutes)


Karen Craig

Appointment of a new Chairperson

Due to work commitments Sharon is no longer able to take up the position of Chair. Carole asked the group if anyone was willing to step in. Amanda Benson offered to Chair future meetings but said that sometimes work commitments would prevent her attending. Karen could Chair any meetings that Amanda couldn’t attend.

Shirley MacLachlan and Jonathan Cunningham are the staff members.

Commonwealth Games

Children have been involved in the push for the Commonwealth Games bid. They have been filmed for a tv campaign and have been invited to watch the bid on Friday down at the Fruit Market.

Pupil Council

Jonathan advised the Forum that the Pupil Council has now been established from P1-P7 and have all been given badges to wear. It gives the pupils the opportunity to be involved in school issues eg playground, school meals. They have already met and discussed the Shoe Box Appeal.

We will invite the Pupil Council Chairs (Jarred and Chloe) along to the next Parent Forum meeting.


Parenting Class

Shirley is trying to set up a parenting class with involvement from the School Nurse and the Health Development Officer. This would be for parents who would perhaps appreciate a bit of support eg routines, bed times etc – it will be an informal way for parents to get some support.


Eco-Committee trying to raise school awareness around eco issues. The Committee will tie in with the Pupil Council regarding this.

Christmas Fayre

This will be held on Saturday 24 November. There will be several stalls eg fancy goods, tombola, bric-a-brac. Jackie asked if anyone had any good ideas and also if anyone could help on the day.

We have asked local shops for donations. Pupils have been making goods in class for the Fayre.

Enterprise is P7’s focus this term so they will be marketing the

Fayre – posters, banners tickets.

Other Business

Travelling Book Fayre is due in a couple of weeks and we will be looking for helpers. Letter to be sent out to parents from the Forum asking for volunteers.

Jackie will bring along previous fundraising information to the next Forum meeting to see if we can take on any of the ideas or build on them.

Newsletter to parents to be done once we are up and running to let them know who we are and what we will be doing.

Date of next meeting

Tuesday 15 January 2008 at 3.00pm.