Department of Political Science and Sociology

Murray State University

Murray, KY 42071



2014Ph.D. in Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

(Feminist Studies Doctoral emphasis, Certificate in College and University Teaching)

Dissertation:Inequalities on the Menu: How Private and Personal Chefs Negotiate Tensions About Status and Self

2009M.A. in Sociology,University of California, Santa Barbara

2006B.A. in Sociology and Anthropology,Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas

(summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Honors in Sociology, Alpha Kappa Delta)


2014-Assistant Professor of Sociology, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky


Gender, Inequalities, Work/Occupations, Culture, Qualitative Research Methods, Education


Instructor of Record, University of California, Santa Barbara

Ethnographic Research Methods (Department of Sociology)

Gender & Food in Society (Department of Feminist Studies)

Teaching Assistant, University of California, Santa Barbara

(Department of Sociology and Department of Feminist Studies*)

Introduction to SociologySociology of Culture

Studying People Firsthand – EthnographySociology of Family

Special Topics in Methods – InterviewingSociology of Education

Women in American SocietySocial Psychology

Girls' CultureConsumption, Waste, and the Environment

Gender in Film & Television Special Topics in Theory – Representation

Women, Society, and Culture*


Peer Reviewed Publications:

2014Charles, Maria, Bridget Harr, Erin Cech, and Alexandra Hendley. "Who Likes Math Where? Gender Differences in Eighth-Graders' Attitudes around the World." International Studies in Sociology of Education 24(1): 85-112.

2012Hendley, Alexandra and Denise D. Bielby. “Freedom between the Lines: Clothing Behavior and Identity Work among Young Female Soccer Players.” Sport, Education and Society 17(4): 515-533.

2009Hendley, Alexandra. “Barreras del Lenguaje: Children’s Negotiation of Adult-Created Exclusionary Structures.”Sociological Inquiry79(1): 115- 134.

2007Kain, Edward L., Alexandra O. Hendley, Lauren R. Contreras, and Krystal K.Wyatt-Baxter. “Sociology in Two-Year Institutions.” Teaching Sociology 35(4): 350-359.

Book Reviews:

2012Hendley, Alexandra. Review of Beriss, David and David Sutton, eds. The Restaurants Book:Ethnographies of Where We Eat in Food and Foodways 20(2): 172-174.

2011Hendley, Alexandra. Review of Sharpless, Rebecca. Cooking in Other Women’s Kitchens: Domestic Workers in the South, 1865-1960. H- Southern-Industry, H-Net Reviews.

Other Publications:

ForthcomingHendley, Alexandra and Maria Charles. "Gender Inequality in Education." The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, edited by Nancy Naples.

2012Hendley, Alexandra. “Chefs, Female” in The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World, edited by Mary Zeiss Stange and Carol K. Oyster. Sage Publications.

2005Hilliard, Dan C. and Alexandra O. Hendley. “Celebrity Athletes and SportsImagery in Advertising during NFL Telecasts.” Brown Working Papers Series.Southwestern University.


Hendley, Alexandra and Maria Charles. "Gender Segregation in Higher Education." Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by Robert A. Scott and Stephen M. Kosslyn. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Submitted.


Hendley, Alexandra. "The Pleasures and Pitfalls of the Pursuit of Passions: Personal Cheffing, Career Change, and the Culture of Self-Improvement."


2013University of California, Santa Barbara Academic Senate Doctoral Student Travel Grant ($685)

2007-2012University of California, Santa Barbara Regents Special Fellowship (2 years of $20,000 fellowship plus 3 years of Teaching Assistantships)

2011University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Sociology Research Grant ($740)

University of California, Santa Barbara Graduate Research Award for Social Science Surveys ($600)

2010University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Sociology Research Grant ($700)

2006Alpha Kappa Delta Undergraduate Student Paper Award

Odum Student Paper Award, Southern Sociological Society


2013Hendley, Alexandra. "The Culinary 'Food Chain': Private and Personal Chefs' Boundary Work." American Sociological Association, August 13.

2012Hendley, Alexandra. "Chefs, Homemakers, and Servants: The Boundary Work of Private and Personal Chefs." American Sociological Association, August 19.

Hendley, Alexandra. "Doing Dominance, Doing Deference: Chefs in the Public and Private Spheres." Pacific Sociological Association, March 25.

Hendley, Alexandra. "More Than Just Cooking: Emotional Labor and the Gendering of Private Cheffing." Food Networks: Gender and Foodways, January 27.

2011Hendley, Alexandra. “Private, Public, or Something In-Between: Private Chefs’ Negotiation of Professionalism and Intimate Service.”Thinking Gender Conference, February 11.

2010Hendley, Alexandra, and Denise D. Bielby. “Freedom between the Lines: Clothing Behavior and Identity Work among Young Female Soccer Players.” American Sociological Association, August 17.

Hendley, Alexandra. “When Does Context Matter?: The Identity Work of Female Youth Soccer Players.” Pacific Sociological Association, April 10.

Hendley, Alexandra. “Why Age Matters: Aged Gender in the Identity Work of Female Youth Athletes.” Thinking GenderConference, February 5.

2009Attendee of the Section on Teaching & Learning's Pre-conference Workshop for New Teachers of Sociology. American Sociological Association, August 7.

Hendley, Alexandra. “Making Meanings, Making Identities: The Role of Sports Clothing for Female Youth Athletes.” Pacific Sociological Association, April 15-18.

2006Hendley, Alexandra. “Barreras del Lenguaje: Children’s Negotiation of Adult-Created Exclusionary Structures.” Southern Sociological Society, March 22-25.

2005Hendley, Ali. “Predictors of Rape Myth Acceptance: An Examination of Sexual Permissiveness, Religiosity, and Gender.” American Sociological Association, August 13 and14.

2004Hilliard, Dan C., and Alexandra O. Hendley.“Celebrity Athletes and SportsImagery in Advertising during NFL Telecasts.” North American Society for Sociology of Sport, November 4.


2010Research Assistant for Professors Sarah Fenstermaker and John Mohr

Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

-Summarized existing research on institutional transformation.

2004Research Assistant for Professor Dan Hilliard

Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Southwestern University

-Conducted content analysis of advertisements aired during NFL telecasts.


2012-2014ASA Section on Sex & Gender, Member of Committee for Student Concerns

2008-2014UCSB Phi Beta Kappa Chapter, Grad Student Representative to the Executive Board

2012-2013UCSB Department of Sociology, Grad Student Representative to the Undergrad Program Committee

2012UCSB Education Abroad Program, Undergraduate Special Study Project, Advisor

2008-2012UCSB Department of Sociology, Grad Student Representative to department meetings

2008-2012UCSB Department of Sociology, Grad Student Mentor for Undergrad Honors Students

2011UCSB Summer Teaching Institute for Associates, Co-Facilitator

2010-2011UCSB Department of Feminist Studies, Lead Teaching Assistant

2009-2011UCSB Department of Sociology, Lead Teaching Assistant (Member of TA Training Committee)

2009-2011UCSB IHC Food Studies Research Focus Group, Convener

2009-2010Sociologists for Women in Society, Winter Meetings, Programming Committee

2008-2009UCSB IHC “Food Matters” Graduate Student Conference, Conference Organizer


2005-presentAmerican Sociological Association

2009-presentSociologists for Women in Society

2010-2014UC Multicampus Research Program, Studies of Food and the Body

2013-2014UCSB Broom Center for Demography

2009-2012Pacific Sociological Association

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