Alcoholic Events
- The event sponsor of a Special Occasion Permit event being held in the Mount. Pleasant Hall is required to carry a minimum of two million dollars (2,000,000.) in liability insurance. The policy must state that “the Optimists of Mt. Pleasant & the County of Brant is added as a “named insured”in respect of the event to be held at Mount Pleasant Community Centre
- Lessee must hire minimum one of the Optimist Smart Serve Bartenders. One bartender per 100 people. Two bartenders over a 100 people and always 2 bartenders for a Buck & Doe and where Lessor feels necessary.
- The bartenders will arrive ½ hour before the bar opens to ensure the bar is properly set up and to find their equipment they use behind the bar.
- The bartenders will clean up the bar and will stay till the bar is cleared out. (1/2 hour after bar closes) If they are after the agreed upon time the Lessee will be charged off their bond for their time. All Alcohol must be taken out of the hall while bartenders are still there.
- Lessee must provide adequate policing and/or supervision at all times to ensure that no unauthorized person attends the event and to ensure that no alcoholic beverage is sold or served to any person under the age of 19 or to any person who is or appears to be intoxicated so that by increasing the person’s intoxication, the person would be in danger of causing injury or damage his person or to the person or property of others.
- Lessee must read, sign and follow the Municipal Alcohol Policy. Handed out at time of rental.
- The Lessee shall ensure that alcoholic beverages are only consumed in the posted area of the Hall.
- The Lessee shall institute a Designated Driver Program and/or offer a ride program
- The Lessee shall enforce the decisions by the bartenders(s) to not serve any person because of their age and/or their intoxication level.
- Advertising of alcohol specials is NOT PERMITTED. Example: Jello shooter, double shoots, draws for booze, 2 for the price of one.
- The bar shall be closed by the posted time (_1_a.m.) and the hall cleared by _2_ a.m.. No Exceptions.
- Liquor License with copies of alcohol receipts must be posted in bar before bartenders will open. No Exceptions.
- The Lessee shall remove beer out of the cases and put in the cooler before the bartenders arrive.
- If it’s a cash bar the Lessee must provide someone to sell tickets. Bartenders do not handle cash.
- Beer bottles do not leave the bar. Please provide beer cups, liquor cups and wine cups.
- Wine on tables is not the bartender’s responsibility. Wine bottles must be cleared off tables after dinner. The wine can be served behind the bar.
- Bartenders do not mix fancy drinks.
- When you only have one bartender check on them regularly. They may need supplies from the kitchen or have to go to the bathroom.
- Cleaning up spills is the Lessee’s responsibility not the bartender's. Mop and pail are located in the men’s bathroom in the custodian room. Recommend filling the mop bucket and bringing it into the kitchen area with the mop so anyone can get at it. If the custodian room is locked ask the bartender for the key.
- When bar is open nobody should be behind the bar except the bartenders.
I have read all the Terms and Conditions above and on reverse and fully understand that they form the Rental agreement and Shall be adhered to by the Lessee..
Date: Lessee Signature: X