
Albany Area Chamber of Commerce

General Membership Meeting

January 15, 2014

Hillcrest Family Resturant

Members present: Susan Iverson, Melissa Gerads, Ben Dalsing, Jennifer Komis, Tim Jopp, Dale Overman, Karla Fleischhacker, Kelly Braegelmann, Mary Sauerer, Laurie Dingmann, Paul Tomczik, Aaron Smith, Ozzie Carbajal, Tom Schneider, Alicia T., Eric Warmlea, Lynn Jenc, Kathleen Magel, and Lynn Pennie.

Meeting called to order by Chamber President, Laurie Dingmann @ 12:05 p.m.

Introductions by all chamber members present were made.

The general membership reviewed the minutes from the December meeting. No changes or corrections. Motion to approve the minutes made by Mary Sauererand seconded by Melissa Gerads.

Aaron Smith, Treasurer, presented the treasurer’s report containing the full year of 2013. $1000 check from Grand Casino went towards our short-fall. We ended up with $-500 for the year. It is the best year compared to the past couple. We hope dues will pick up which would improve the bottom line. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report made by Paul Tomczik and seconded by Tom Schneider.

Melissa Gerads presented the Albany Buck Report. A recap of the promo: this year we were down from last year. The current balance is $2298.85. Tom Schneider brought up the issue of some businesses not knowing how to accept Albany Bucks. A memo will be drafted and distributed to the businesses with current instructions.


Annual Banquet—Mary Sauerer informed the members present that nomination forms are available at the meeting. They are also available by contacting Susan at the chamber office. The committee is looking for donations. If you or your organization has nominated someone, please get your pictures to Melissa Gerads at the Credit Union. Susan has both tickets and flyers handy for anyone interested in either one.


Chamber Dues—Laurie Dingmann mentioned that the 2014 Chamber Dues are in the mail box. If you haven’t seen it yet, your renewal should be hitting your desk soon.


Sweetheart Dinner—Tom Schneider representing the Albany Lions mentioned that their annual Sweetheart Dinner and Comedy Show will February 8, 2014. If you are interested in tickets, find a Lions member.

Renee Thelen from the Albany Hospital spoke about the new cardiac equipment. This new equipment is an exciting addition to all that the hospital has to offer.

Ben Dalsing, Wells Concrete, updated the members with their current status. Wells Concrete is working at 80%. They bid on the Vikings Stadium, however; they did not get it.

Street Lights—Tom Schneider talked about how 4 street lights are needed yet and they will go in front of the new buildings on 8th Street. Outlets on a few light poles had some issues but they are / will be fixed.

Announcement of January meeting: Noon, Wednesday, January 15, 2014at Hillcrest Family Restaurant, order off the menu.

Winner of the drawing was Melissa Gerads.

Meeting adjourned at 12:35pm