Call for Proposals
Alabama Association for Gifted Children
23rdAnnual Conference
October 18-20, 2017
McWane Science Center
Birmingham, AL
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2017
Proposal should be submitted as a word document attachment and emailed to:
AAGC invitesYOU to contribute to our 2017 Annual Conference at McWane Science Center! We would like to have a varied program for conference attendees. We especially want high quality teacher-friendly sessions. Think about curriculum you have taught as well as your favoriteinstructional strategies, resources, or best practices for gifted learners. If submitting a concept-based unit for consideration, pleaseattach your unit for the program committee to review along with your proposal. In anticipation ofattendance by parents of gifted students, we are seeking parent-friendly sessions. Sessions range between 45-60 minutes depending on the time slot. Most rooms accommodate approximately 30 attendees. If your session is accepted, you will need to upload your handouts prior to the conference so that they can be made available to attendees on our conference app.For the past two years, we have used a conference app in place of a printed program. The interactive app has given attendees a great conference experience and allows us to provide more information about sessions and timely updates as needed.
Proposal Instructions: Proposals must include the following information to be considered for review. Please complete the numbered headings on the following page. Save this document with your name in the file name.
1. Contact Information: Please include presenter(s) name(s), school or organization, position, mailing address, e-mail address(es), and phone number(s) (home/school/mobile). If there will be more than one presenter, indicate the lead presenter for confirmation e-mail of acceptance of proposal.
2. Title of Presentation
3. Abstract: 50 word limit (to be used for your session description on the app).
4. Description of the Presentation (150 words): Please provide a detailed description of the presentation explaining what the attendees will learn by coming to your session.
5. Identify a grade focus and audience for the presentation:
Grades: Elementary, Middle School, High School, All Grades
Audience: Gifted specialists; Classroom teachers; Administrators; Parents; All attendees
6. Technology: The McWane Science Center has technology available in most of the meeting rooms (projectors, screens, wireless Internet access); some rooms have smartboards. You will need to bring your own laptop/tablet with connector cords, especially for Mac/ios devices. We also recommend you bring your presentation on a jump drive or have it available from the cloud. If you will not need technology, please indicate that as well. It is always a good idea to have a backup plan in the event there is a technology malfunction.
Technology Needs: projector screen Internet NO equipment
Notification of Acceptance: Lead presenters will be notified via e-mail of the status of their proposal by August 30, 2017. All conference presenters must preregister for the conference. Your registration fee must be paid before accepted proposals will be included in the final conference program. The registration form can be accessed on the AAGC website:
Thank you for your participation!
Patti WoodandLaurie Sherrell, Conference Program Co-chairs
AAGC 2017 Conference Proposal
Please complete the following items and email by June 30, 2017. Lead presenter should submit proposal and will be the point of contact. Email your proposal to . If you have questions, please contact Patti Wood () or Laurie Sherrell (), Conference Program Co-chairs.
- Contact Information for Presenter(s):
Lead Presenter:
Additional Presenter:
Additional Presenter:
Additional Presenter:
2. Title of Presentation:
3. Abstract: 50 words or less (to be used in the program)
4. Description of the Presentation (150 words):
5. Identify a grade focus and audience for the presentation: (underline or highlight)
Grade focus: Elementary Middle School High School All Grades
Audience: Gifted specialists Classroom teachers Administrators Parents All attendees
6. Technology: (underline or highlight) NOTE: You must provide your own laptop/tablet.
projector screen Internet NO equipment needed
7. Schedule preference: You may request the day/time you prefer. We will do our best to accommodate your preference. If you are available to present either day, please disregard this section.
Thursday Oct 19_____ morning_____ afternoon
Friday Oct 20_____ morning