- Al tru istic (adj) unselfish,concerned with the welfareof others
- Assent (v.) to express agreement (n.) agreement
- Benefactor (n) one who does good for others
- Chiv al rous (adj)marked by honor, courtesy, and courage,
- Cle men cy (n) mercy, humaneness, mildness
- Dearth (n) a lack, scarcity, inadequate supply, a famine
- Dif fi dent (adj) shy, lacking self-confidence, modest, reserved
- Discre pan cy (n) a difference; a lack of agreement
- Em bark (v) to go aboard, to make a start; to invest
- Facile (adj) easily done or attained; superficial; ready; fluent
- In domitable (adj) unconquerable, refusing to yield
- In fallible (adj) free from error; absolutely dependable
13. plod (v) to walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly
14. pun gent (adj.) causing a sharp sensation; stinging; biting
15. re miss(adj)neglectful in performance of one’s duty; careless
16. re pose(n) relaxation; peace of mind (v) to rest; lie; place
17. te me rity (n) rashness; boldness
18. truc u lent(adj) fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly destructive
19. un feigned(adj) sincere, real, without pretense
20. vi ru lent (adj) extremely poisonous; full of malice; hateful
- ______genuine, heartfelt
- ______Recklessness, foolhardiness, effrontery
- ______Negligent; lax; slack
- ______Lumber, trudge
- ______Unbeatable, invincible, unyielding
- ______Commence, launch, begin, board
- ______Timid, bashful, assertive, withdrawn
- ______Leniency, forbearance, gentleness
- ______Patron, humanitarian
- ______Selfless, generous
- ______Concur, consent, accede
- ______Gallant, civil, valiant
- ______Insufficiency, want, paucity
- ______Disagreement; divergence; inconsistency
- ______effortless, assured, poised
- ______unerring, certain
- ______Sharp, spicy, piquant, caustic, racy
- ______sleep; tranquility; respite
- ______Brutal, savage, belligerent, vitriolic
- ______Venomous, noxious, baneful, hateful
Completing the sentence
- Doctors attributed the epidemic to the rampant spread of a particularly______form of influenza.
- My parents will not ______to his going to Europe.
- As a teacher, he would be ______in failing to correct the students’ grammar
- They were amazed at the ______manner in which he spoke German.
- The aromas of fall from the smell of burning fireplaces to the baking apples are especially ______.
- The students were so out of shape that they ______around the track.
- She rarely joins in class discussions because she is rather ______, not because she is without ideas.
- Warren Buffett the billionaire has become an important ______, giving away millions showing himself to be incredibly ______.
- The auditor claimed there were major ______in the banks accounting records.
- The twins were especially cute when they were asleep and their faces in complete ______
- There is a hardly a ______of politicians wishing to run for President.
- It is considered in some cultures very ______for a man to open the door for a lady.
- The Steelers hardly looked ______in yesterday’s game
- The general is not merely unpleasant but actually dangerous, not likely to grant______when he is in one of these ______moods. However, a brash young soldier had the ______to ask for a leave.
- ______Harmless, benign, innocuous
- ______Insincere, phony, simulated
- ______Gentle, mild, meek
- ______Exertion, bustle, wakefulness
- ______Scrupulous, dutiful
- ______Bland, unappetizing, colorless, insipid
- ______Imperfect
- ______Scamper, skip, prance
- ______Surplus, oversupply, glut, abundance
- ______Selfish, self-centered